2// *
4// *
5// Interface package for FLEXML.DLL - extension system for Extensible Markup Language. *
6// *
7// Written by Michael Gouker, 7/31/99 *
8// 12/19/2000 JJT - Major revision changes for VDF7/SP2. *
9// *
11Use LanguageText.pkg
12Use Windows.pkg
13Use GlobalFunctionsProcedures.pkg
15// Used to designate that a handle is a handle to an Xml Dom object. This
16// is used/required by server web-services but could be used elsewhere .
17#Replace xmlHandle Handle
20// Types of Nodes
22#Replace NODE_ELEMENT 1
24#Replace NODE_TEXT 3
27#Replace NODE_ENTITY 6
29#Replace NODE_COMMENT 8
30#Replace NODE_DOCUMENT 9
33#Replace NODE_NOTATION 12
35// classes and methods defined in fmac
38Register_Function transformNode Integer infcXSLNode Returns String
64#Replace FLEXML_STRING 1
66#Replace FLEXML_UCHAR 3
67#Replace FLEXML_CHAR 4
68#Replace FLEXML_USHORT 5
69#Replace FLEXML_SHORT 6
73#Replace FLEXML_BIGINT 10
74#Replace FLEXML_FLOAT 11
75#Replace FLEXML_DOUBLE 12
76#Replace FLEXML_DATE 13
77#Replace FLEXML_TIME 14
78#Replace FLEXML_NUMBER 15
79#Replace FLEXML_BINARY 16
89// XML function & procedure registration
91Register_Procedure Set XmlInterface Integer iHandle
92Register_Function XmlInterface Returns Integer
94// NODE Properties
95Register_Function phAttributes Returns Integer
96Register_Function psBaseName Returns String
97Register_Function phChildNodes Returns Integer
98Register_Function phDefinition Returns Integer
99Register_Function phFirstChild Returns Integer
100Register_Function phLastChild Returns Integer
101Register_Function phNextSibling Returns Integer
102Register_Function psNameSpaceURI Returns String
103Register_Function psNodeName Returns String
104Register_Function piNodeType Returns Integer
105Register_Function psNodeTypeString Returns String
106Register_Function phOwnerDocument Returns Integer
107Register_Function phParentNode Returns Integer
108Register_Function pbParsed Returns Integer
109Register_Function psPrefix Returns String
110Register_Function phPreviousSibling Returns Integer
111Register_Function pbSpecified Returns Integer
112Register_Function psText Returns String
113Register_Procedure Set psText String sText
114Register_Function psXML Returns String
116// Node Read write properties
118Register_Procedure Set psDataType String sTypeName
119Register_Function psDataType Returns String
120Register_Procedure Set pvNodeTypedValue Integer iType Integer iAddress
121Register_Function pvNodeTypedValue Integer iType Returns Integer // address of data
122Register_Procedure Set psNodeValue String sValue
123Register_Function psNodeValue Returns String
125// Node Methods
127Register_Function AppendChild Integer iChildInfc Returns Integer
128Register_Function CloneInfcNode Integer bRecurse Returns Integer
129Register_Function HasChildNodes Returns Integer
130Register_Function InsertBefore Integer infcNodeToInsert Integer iWhere Returns Integer
131Register_Function RemoveChild Integer iChildToRemove Returns Integer
132Register_Function ReplaceChild Integer iNewChild Integer iChildToReplace Returns Integer
133Register_Function SelectNodes String selectstring Returns Integer
134Register_Function SelectSingleNode String selectstring Returns Integer
136// Node Collections
139Register_Function phItem Integer iItem Returns Integer
140Register_Function phElementItem Integer iItem Returns Integer
142Register_Function piLength Returns Integer
144//* GET_ENUMNODELIST */ typ_p1_int | qt_int | out_two,
145//* GET_RESET */ qt_int | out_one,
147// Named Node Map
149//* GET_NAMEDITEM */ typ_p1_str | qt_int | out_two,
151Register_Function NamedItem String sName Returns Integer
152Register_Function QualifiedItem String sBaseName String sNameSpace Returns Integer
153Register_Function RemoveNamedItem String sName Returns Integer
154Register_Function RemoveQualifiedItem String sBaseName String sNameSpace Returns Integer
155Register_Function SetNamedItem Integer iInterface Returns Integer
157// XML DOM Document
158// Read only properties
160Register_Function phDocType Returns Integer
161Register_Function phImplementation Returns Integer
162Register_Function phParseError Returns Integer
163Register_Function piReadyState Returns Integer
164Register_Function psURL Returns String
166// Read Write Properties
168Register_Procedure Set pbAsync Integer bValue
169Register_Function pbAsync Returns Integer
170Register_Procedure Set phDocumentElement Integer iElement
171Register_Function phDocumentElement Returns Integer
172Register_Procedure Set pbPreserveWhiteSpace Integer bValue
173Register_Function pbPreserveWhiteSpace Returns Integer
174Register_Procedure Set pbResolveExternals Integer bValue
175Register_Function pbResolveExternals Returns Integer
176Register_Procedure Set pbValidateOnParse Integer bValue
177Register_Function pbValidateOnParse Returns Integer
179// Events
181// Methods
183Register_Function Abort Returns Integer
184Register_Function ElementsByTagName String sTagName Returns Integer
185Register_Function LoadDocument String sURLName Returns Integer
186Register_Function LoadXML String sXMLText Returns Integer
187Register_Function NodeFromID String sNodeName Returns Integer
188Register_Function SaveDocument String sURLName Returns Integer
190// Parse Error
191// Read Only Properties
193Register_Function piErrorCode Returns Integer
194Register_Function piFilePos Returns Integer
195Register_Function piLine Returns Integer
196Register_Function piLinePos Returns Integer
197Register_Function psReason Returns String
198Register_Function psSrcText Returns String
199Register_Function psURL Returns String
201// DOM Implementation
202// Method
204Register_Function HasFeature String sSystem String sFeature Returns Integer
206// Methods
208Register_Function substringData Integer iOffset Integer iCount Returns String
209Register_Function appendData String sData Returns Integer
210Register_Function insertData Integer iOffset String sData Returns Integer
211Register_Function deleteData Integer iOffset Integer iCount Returns Integer
212Register_Function replaceData Integer iOffset Integer iCount String sData Returns Integer
214// Attributes
216Register_Function psName Returns String
218// Elements
219// Read Only properties
221Register_Function psTagName Returns String
223// Methods
225Register_Procedure Set attributeValue String sName String sValue
226Register_Function attributeValue String sName Returns String
227Register_Function removeAttribute String sName Returns Integer
228Register_Function attributeNode String sName Returns Integer
229Register_Procedure Set attributeNode Integer iNode Returns Integer
230Register_Function removeAttributeNode Integer iNode Returns Integer
232// DOM Text
233// Methods
235Register_Function splitText Integer iOffset Returns Integer
237// DOM Processing Instruction
238// Read Only Properties
239Register_Function psTarget Returns String
241// DOM Document Type
243Register_Function phEntities Returns Integer
244Register_Function phNotations Returns Integer
246// DOM Notations
248Register_Function psPublicID Returns String
249Register_Function psSystemID Returns String
250Register_Function psNotationName Returns String
252// create nodes
254Register_Function createAttribute String sName Returns Integer
255Register_Function createCDataSection String sValue Returns Integer
256Register_Function createComment String sValue Returns Integer
257Register_Function createDocumentFragment Returns Integer
258Register_Function createElement String sTagName Returns Integer
259Register_Function createEntityReference String sEntityName Returns Integer
260Register_Function createNode Integer iNodeType String sName String sNameSpace Returns Integer
261Register_Function createProcessingInstruction String sTarget String sData Returns Integer
262Register_Function createTextNode String sData Returns Integer
264Register_Function ChangeNodeType Integer iTypeOfNode Integer bSetInterface Returns Integer
267// ******************************************************************************
269// Part 1: Base Document Logic Specialized For Templates
271// ******************************************************************************
274// XML Collections
276// Collection mixin has common functions to both node lists and named node maps
279// This provides functions required of all XMLDOM objects.
281{ ClassLibrary=Common }
282Class cXMLDOMMixin is a Mixin
284 // Create an XML object of passed class Id and bind passed interface. returns
285 // the object handle. All dynamic XML object can be created using this syntax
287 { Visibility=Private }
288 Function CreateXMLObject Integer iClassId Integer hinfXMLInterface Returns Handle
289 Handle hoId hoDocument
290 // We will always create objects at the DOMDocument level.
291 Get DocumentObject to hoDocument
292 If (hoDocument=0) Begin // this should never happen.
293 Error DFERR_XML_INTERNAL_ERROR C_$XmlFailedNoDocObject
294 Function_Return 0
295 End
296 If hinfXMLInterface Begin
297 Get Create of hoDocument iClassId to hoID
298 Set XMLInterface of hoID to hinfXMLInterface
299 End
300 Function_Return hoID
301 End_Function
303 // create an XML Node object based on the interface type.
304 // this will convert the interface to the proper type and will create
305 // an appropriate DF object.
306 // This requires that a DocumentObject exists
308 { Visibility=Private }
309 Function CreateXMLNode Handle hinfc Returns Handle
310 Integer hoNode iType iClassId
311 Handle hoDocument
312 // Get the node type of the infc handle w/o creating a DF object
313 Move (invokexml(DF_IXMLDOMNODE, GET_piNodeType, hinfc, 0, 0, 0, 0)) to iType
314 Move (invokexml(DF_IXMLDOMNODE, GET_ChangeNodeType, hinfc, iType, 1, 0, 0)) to hInfc
315 If (hinfc=0) Begin
316 // this should not happen and we would need to know about this.
317 Error DFERR_XML_INTERNAL_ERROR (C_$XmlFailedNoDocObject + String(iType))
318 Function_Return 0
319 End
320 Get DocumentObject to hoDocument
321 // you can augment your class IDs in a single place.
322 Get NodeClassId of hoDocument iType to iClassId
323 // MG: 12/6/00 Changed to create nodes inside of the document object.
324 Get CreateXMLObject of hoDocument iClassId hinfc to hoNode
326 Function_Return hoNode
327 End_Function
330 // Change object's class. This let's you change the class id of an object
331 // on an object by object basis. This would let you create nodes (e.g. elements)
332 // that have a custom interface for each node type. Normally, this would be sent
333 // after a node has been created using one of the default classes
334 Function ChangeNodeClass Integer hoNode Integer iClassID Returns Handle
335 Integer iType
336 Handle hinfcNew
337 Get piNodeType of hoNode to iType
338 Get ChangeNodeType of hoNode iType False to hInfcNew
339 Send Destroy to hoNode // destroy object and old infc handle.
340 Get CreateXMLObject iClassId hinfcNew to hoNode
341 Function_Return hoNode
342 End_Function
347{ ClassLibrary=Common }
348Class cXMLDOMCollectionMixin is a Mixin
350 Import_Class_Protocol cXMLDOMMixin
352 // Returns number of items in the collection
353 //
354 Function NodeListLength Returns Integer
355 Integer iLength
356 Get piLength to iLength
357 Function_Return iLength
358 End_Function
360 // Returns an XML node object for pass item
361 //
362 Function CollectionNode Integer I Returns Handle
363 Integer hoNewNode
364 Integer infcItem
365 Get phItem i to infcItem
366 If (infcItem) ;
367 Get CreateXMLNode infcItem to hoNewNode
368 Function_Return hoNewNode
369 End_Function
374// Simple declarations of collections.
376{ ClassLibrary=Common }
377{ HelpTopic=cXMLDOMNodeList }
378Class cXMLDOMNodeList is a BaseXmlDomNodeList
379 Import_Class_Protocol cXMLDOMCollectionMixin
382{ ClassLibrary=Common }
383{ HelpTopic=cXMLDOMNamedNodeMap }
384Class cXMLDOMNamedNodeMap is a BaseXmlDomNamedNodeMap
386 Import_Class_Protocol cXMLDOMCollectionMixin
388 // returns a node attribute that matches passed name, zero if none
389 Function NamedNode String sName Returns Handle
390 Integer hoNewNode
391 Integer infcItem
392 Get NamedItem sName to infcItem
393 If infcItem ;
394 Get CreateXMLNode infcItem to hoNewNode
395 Function_Return hoNewNode
396 End_Function
398 // Adds or changes a node attribute
399 // This should return the passed object Id which is now bound to the attribute. If an error, returns 0
400 Function SetNamedNode Handle hoNode Returns Handle
401 Integer hinfcNode hinfcItem
402 Get XMLInterface of hoNode to hinfcNode // node of passed attribute
403 Get SetNamedItem hinfcNode to hinfcItem
404 If hinfcItem ;
405 Set XMLInterface of hoNode to hinfcItem
406 Else ;
407 Move 0 to hoNode // zero indicates error
408 Function_Return hoNode
409 End_Function
411 // removes named attribute, Returns handle of removed node or zero if not found.
412 // Note that returned object must be disposed of or moved somewhere else.
413 Function RemoveNamedNode String sName Returns Handle
414 Integer hoNewNode
415 Integer infcItem
416 Get RemoveNamedItem sName to infcItem
417 If infcItem ;
418 Get CreateXMLNode infcItem to hoNewNode
419 Function_Return hoNewNode
420 End_Function
422 Function QualifiedNode String sNameSpace String sBaseName Returns Handle
423 Integer hoNewNode
424 Integer infcItem
425 Get QualifiedItem sBaseName sNameSpace to infcItem
426 If infcItem ;
427 Get CreateXMLNode infcItem to hoNewNode
428 Function_Return hoNewNode
429 End_Function
431 Function RemoveQualifiedNode String sNameSpace String sBaseName Returns Handle
432 Integer hoNewNode
433 Integer infcItem
434 Get RemoveQualifiedItem sBaseName sNameSpace to infcItem
435 If infcItem ;
436 Get CreateXMLNode infcItem to hoNewNode
437 Function_Return hoNewNode
438 End_Function
444// Mixin for nodes.
446// First the declaration of functions that have no object references.
450{ ClassLibrary=Common }
451Class cXMLDOMNodeMixin is a Mixin
453 Import_Class_Protocol cXMLDOMMixin
455 // Append Node to the end of list. Returns passed Object handle if Ok, 0 if error
457 Function AppendNode Handle hoNode Returns Handle
458 Integer hoNewTextNode
459 Integer hinfcNode
460 Integer infcReturned
461 // Get COM Interface to call Append child.
462 Get XMLInterface of hoNode to hinfcNode
463 If (hinfcNode=0) Function_Return 0
464 Get AppendChild hinfcNode to infcReturned
465 // Interface returned is stored in DataFlex object.
466 If (infcReturned=0) Function_Return 0
467 Set XMLInterface of hoNode to infcReturned
468 Function_Return hoNode
469 End_Function
471 // Insert NewNode before Node. Returns passed newnode Object handle if Ok, 0 if error
473 Function InsertBeforeNode Integer hoNewNode Integer hoNode Returns Handle
474 Integer hinfcNewNode hinfcNode iType hoRefNode
475 Integer infcReturned
476 // DOM says if no refnode argument passed or it is 0, append to end
477 If (Num_Arguments=1) ;
478 Move 0 to hoRefNode
479 Else ;
480 Move hoNode to hoRefNode
481 Get XMLInterface of hoNewNode to hinfcNewNode
482 If (hinfcNewNode=0) Function_Return 0
483 If hoRefNode Begin
484 Get XMLInterface of hoRefNode to hinfcNode
485 If (hinfcNode=0) Function_Return 0
486 End
487 Get InsertBefore hinfcNewNode hinfcNode to infcReturned
488 If (infcReturned=0) Function_Return 0
489 // Interface returned is stored in DataFlex object.
490 Set XMLInterface of hoNewNode to infcReturned
491 Function_Return hoNewNode
492 End_Function
494 // Remove Node. Returns object Id of removed node, zero if error
495 // Important: The node is not destroyed! This lets you move it elsewhere if you want
497 Function RemoveNode Integer hoNode Returns Handle
498 Integer hInfcNode
499 Get XMLInterface of hoNode to hInfcNode
500 If (hinfcNode=0) Function_Return 0
501 Get RemoveChild hInfcNode to hinfcNode
502 If (hinfcNode=0) Function_Return 0
503 Set XMLInterface of hoNode to hinfcNode
504 Function_Return hoNode
505 End_Function
507 // Replace Node. Returns object Id of replaced node, zero if error
508 // Important: The replaced node is not destroyed! This lets you move it elsewhere if you want
510 Function ReplaceNode Integer hoNewNode Integer hoNodeToReplace Returns Handle
511 Integer hInfcNewNode hinfcNodetoReplace hinfcNode
512 Get XMLInterface of hoNewNode to hInfcNewNode
513 Get XMLInterface of hoNodetoReplace to hInfcNodetoreplace
514 If (hinfcNewNode=0 or hInfcNodeToReplace=0) Function_Return 0
515 Get ReplaceChild hInfcNewNode hinfcNodeToReplace to hinfcNode
516 If (hinfcNode=0) Function_Return 0
517 Set XMLInterface of hoNodetoReplace to hinfcNode
518 Function_Return hoNodetoReplace
519 End_Function
521 // Remove the named node. Returns handle to removed node. You must destroy
522 // or move this removed object as needed
524 Function RemoveNamedNode String sQueryString Returns Handle
525 Integer hoNode
526 Integer hInfcTemplate hinfcNode
527 Get SelectSingleNode sQueryString to hinfcTemplate
528 If (hinfcTemplate) Begin
529 // Remove child returns an interface to the disassociated node.
530 // It should be disposed by setting it to an object and then calling destroy
531 Get RemoveChild hInfcTemplate to hInfcNode
532 If hInfcNode Get CreateXMLNode hinfcNode to hoNode
533 End
534 Function_Return hoNode
535 End_Function
537 // This function creates a clone of the passed Node. if bRecurse all child nodes are also
538 // cloned. The object Id of the new clone object is returned.
539 // The interface of the object returned can be used in AppendChild to add
540 // the node to the XML Document.
542 Function CloneNode Integer bRecurse Returns Handle
543 Handle hoNewNode
544 Handle hinfcNewNode
545 Get CloneInfcNode (If(bRecurse,-1,0)) to hinfcNewNode
546 If hinfcNewNode ;
547 Get CreateXMLNode hinfcNewNode to hoNewNode
548 Function_Return hoNewNode
549 End_Function
551 // Create a collection of all nodes. returns handle of a cXMLDomNodeList
553 Function ChildNodes Returns Handle
554 Integer infcNodeList
555 Integer hoNodeList
556 Get phChildNodes to infcNodeList
557 If (infcNodeList) ;
558 Get CreateXMLObject U_cXMLDOMNodeList infcNodeList to hoNodeList
559 Function_Return hoNodeList
560 End_Function
562 // Create a collection of all attributes. returns handle of a cXMLDomNodeMapList
564 Function AttributeNodes Returns Handle
565 Integer hoCollectionId // Object to hold collection
566 Integer hinfcAttributes // XML Interface for collection
567 Get phAttributes to hinfcAttributes
568 If (hinfcAttributes) ;
569 Get CreateXMLObject U_cXMLDOMNamedNodeMap hinfcAttributes to hoCollectionId
570 Function_Return hoCollectionId
571 End_Function
573 // Create a collection of all attributes for the temporary attribute node object.
574 // Using this saves a small amount of time creating and destroying this object but
575 // it must be used with care. This binding is temporary!
576 { Visibility=Private }
577 Function TempAttributeNodes Returns Handle
578 Handle hoCollectionId hoDocument
579 Handle hinfcAttributes // XML Interface for collection
580 Get phAttributes to hinfcAttributes
581 If (hinfcAttributes) Begin
582 Get DocumentObject to hoDocument
583 Get phoTempDomNodeMap of hoDocument to hoCollectionId
584 Set XMLInterface of hoCollectionId to hinfcAttributes
585 End
586 Function_Return hoCollectionId
587 End_Function
590 // Returns a collection of just elements
592 Function ElementNodes String sQueryString Returns Handle
593 Integer hoNodeList
594 Integer hinfcNodeList
595 Get ElementsByTagName sQueryString to hinfcNodeList
596 If (hinfcNodeList <> 0) ;
597 Get CreateXMLObject U_cXMLDOMNodeList hinfcNodeList to hoNodeList
598 Function_Return hoNodeList
599 End_Function
603 // Return object handle for query.
605 Function FindNode String sQueryString Returns Handle
606 Integer hoNode
607 Integer hinfcNode
608 Get SelectSingleNode sQueryString to hinfcNode
609 //inkey windowindex
610 If (hinfcNode <> 0) ;
611 Get CreateXMLNode hInfcNode to hoNode
612 Function_Return hoNode
613 End_Function
615 // Return object handle for a collection node.
618 Function FindNodeList String sQueryString Returns Handle
619 Integer hoNodeList
620 Integer hinfcNodeList
621 Get SelectNodes sQueryString to hinfcNodeList
622 If (hinfcNodeList <> 0) ;
623 Get CreateXMLObject U_cXMLDOMNodeList hinfcNodeList to hoNodeList
624 Function_Return hoNodeList
625 End_Function
627 // The CreatexxxxxNode messages creates an node object for the type specified. Both
628 // the interface and the object or of the correct type (i.e. element, comment)
629 // These all return an object handle which can be used to place the object via
630 // appendNode or InsertBeforeNode
632 // This function creates a child element, returning a dataflex object.
633 // The interface of the object returned can be used in AppendChild to add
634 // the element to the XML Document.
636 Function CreateElementNode String sTagName String sValue Returns Handle
637 Integer hoNewElement
638 Integer hoDocumentObject
639 Integer infcNewElement
640 Integer iClassId
641 // The DataFlex objects are created inside the nodes (elements).
642 // Create an element in the document and assign its interface to the new DF object.
643 Get DocumentObject to hoDocumentObject
644 Get createElement of hoDocumentObject sTagName to infcNewElement
645 If infcNewElement Begin // if there was an error, no infc handle would be returned
646 Get NodeClassId of hoDocumentObject NODE_ELEMENT to iClassId
647 Get CreateXMLObject iClassId infcNewElement to hoNewElement
648 If hoNewElement ; // very unlikely this will be zero
649 Set psText of hoNewElement to sValue
650 End
651 Function_Return hoNewElement
652 End_Function
654 // This function creates an attribute in a document. Attributes are _NOT_ children of an element.
655 // A DataFlex object is returned. An attribute can be added to an xml document using
656 // get AddAttributeNode.
658 Function CreateAttributeNode String sName String sValue Returns Handle
659 Integer hoNewAttribute
660 Integer hoDocumentObject
661 Integer infcNewAttribute
662 Integer iClassId
663 Get DocumentObject to hoDocumentObject
664 // Create an Attribute in the document and assign its interface to the new DF object.
665 Get createAttribute of hoDocumentObject sName to infcNewAttribute
666 If infcNewAttribute Begin // if there was an error, no infc handle would be returned
667 Get NodeClassId of hoDocumentObject NODE_ATTRIBUTE to iClassId
668 Get CreateXMLObject iClassId infcNewAttribute to hoNewAttribute
669 // Set the value of the attribute.
670 If hoNewAttribute ; // very unlikely this will be 0
671 Set psText of hoNewAttribute to sValue
672 End
673 Function_Return hoNewAttribute
674 End_Function
676 // This function creates a child comment, returning a dataflex object.
677 // The interface of the object returned can be used in AppendChild to add
678 // the comment to the XML Document.
680 Function CreateChildComment String sValue Returns Handle
681 Integer hoNewComment
682 Integer hoDocumentObject
683 Integer infcNewComment
684 Integer iClassID
685 Get DocumentObject to hoDocumentObject
686 // Create an Comment in the document and assign its interface to the new DF object.
687 Get createComment of hoDocumentObject sValue to infcNewComment
688 If infcNewComment Begin // if there was an error, no infc handle would be returned
689 Get NodeClassId of hoDocumentObject NODE_COMMENT to iClassId
690 Get CreateXMLObject iClassId infcNewComment to hoNewComment
691 If hoNewComment ; // very unlikely this will be 0
692 Set psText of hoNewComment to sValue
693 End
694 Function_Return hoNewComment
695 End_Function
697 // This function creates a child processing instruction, returning a dataflex object.
698 // The interface of the object returned can be used in AppendChild to add
699 // the processing instruction to the XML Document.
701 Function CreateChildProcessingInstruction String sTarget String sValue Returns Handle
702 Integer hoNewProcessingInstruction
703 Integer hoDocumentObject
704 Integer infcNewProcessingInstruction
705 Integer iClassID
706 Get DocumentObject to hoDocumentObject
707 // Create an ProcessingInstruction in the document and assign its interface to the new DF object.
708 Get createProcessingInstruction of hoDocumentObject sTarget sValue to infcNewProcessingInstruction
709 If infcNewProcessingInstruction Begin // if there was an error, no infc handle would be returned
710 Get NodeClassId of hoDocumentObject NODE_PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION to iClassId
711 Get CreateXMLObject iClassID infcNewProcessingInstruction to hoNewProcessingInstruction
712 End
713 Function_Return hoNewProcessingInstruction
714 End_Function
716 // This function creates a child text node, returning a dataflex object.
717 // The interface of the object returned can be used in AppendChild to add
718 // the text node to the XML Document.
720 Function CreateChildTextNode String sValue Returns Handle
721 Integer hoNewTextNode
722 Integer hoDocumentObject
723 Integer infcNewTextNode
724 Integer iClassID
725 Get DocumentObject to hoDocumentObject
726 // Create an TextNode in the document and assign its interface to the new DF object.
727 Get createTextNode of hoDocumentObject sValue to infcNewTextNode
728 If infcNewTextNode Begin // if there was an error, no infc handle would be returned
729 Get NodeClassId of hoDocumentObject NODE_TEXT to iClassId
730 Get CreateXMLObject iClassId infcNewTextNode to hoNewTextNode
731 End
732 Function_Return hoNewTextNode
733 End_Function
735 // This function creates a cdata text node, returning a dataflex object.
736 // The interface of the object returned can be used in AppendChild to add
737 // the cdata node to the XML Document.
739 Function CreateCDATASectionNode String sValue Returns Handle
740 Integer hoNewNode
741 Integer hoDocumentObject
742 Integer infcNewNode
743 Integer iClassId
744 // The DataFlex objects are created inside the nodes (elements).
745 // Create an element in the document and assign its interface to the new DF object.
746 Get DocumentObject to hoDocumentObject
747 Get createCDATASection of hoDocumentObject sValue to infcNewNode
748 If infcNewNode Begin
749 Get NodeClassId of hoDocumentObject NODE_CDATA_SECTION to iClassId
750 Get CreateXMLObject iClassId infcNewNode to hoNewNode
751 End
752 Function_Return hoNewNode
753 End_Function
755 // Create a document fragment. Document fragments can be used to house nodes temporarily. When
756 // You append or insert a document fragment (appendNode InsertBeforeNode) child nodes are appended
757 // to the destination object and not the fragment node itself. This is useful!
759 Function CreateDocumentFragmentNode Returns Handle
760 Integer hoNew
761 Integer hoDocumentObject
762 Integer infcNew
763 Integer iClassID
764 Get DocumentObject to hoDocumentObject
765 // Create an Comment in the document and assign its interface to the new DF object.
766 Get createDocumentFragment of hoDocumentObject to infcNew
767 If infcNew Begin // if there was an error, no infc handle would be returned
768 Get NodeClassId of hoDocumentObject NODE_DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT to iClassId
769 Get CreateXMLObject iClassId infcNew to hoNew
770 End
771 Function_Return hoNew
772 End_Function
774 // Create a Node of any passed Type (e.g. Node_element). Normally you don't need this as there are
775 // specific messages to do this for each node type. Node that this lets you pass namespaces as a separate
776 // parameter. With all of the other messages (e.g. createElementNode) you pass namespaces as prefixed to
777 // the tagname (e.g. Get CreateElementNode "MyNameSpace:MyTag" "MyValue" to hoEle)
779 Function CreateChildNode Integer iNodeType String sTagName String sNameSpace Returns Handle
780 Integer hoNewNode hoDocumentObject
781 Integer infcNewNode
782 Integer iClassid iType
783 Get DocumentObject to hoDocumentObject
784 Get NodeClassId iNodeType to iClassId
785 If (iClassId<>0) Begin
786 // Create a node in the document and assign its interface to the new DF object.
787 Get createNode of hoDocumentObject iNodeType sTagName sNameSpace to infcNewNode
788 // this is required to force the interface type to be correct.
789 Move (invokexml(DF_IXMLDOMNODE, GET_piNodeType, infcNewNode, 0, 0, 0, 0)) to iType
790 Move (invokexml(DF_IXMLDOMNODE, GET_ChangeNodeType, infcNewNode, iType, 1, 0, 0)) to infcNewNode
792 If infcNewNode ;
793 Get CreateXMLObject iClassId infcNewNode to hoNewNode
794 End
795 Function_Return hoNewNode
796 End_Function
800 // The Addxxxxx messages create a new node and appends it to the list. When used as a function,
801 // the object handle is returned and must be disposed of later by the programmer.
802 // When used as a procedure, the object is destroyed--it just does it and is done.
804 Function AddElement String sTagName String sValue Returns Handle
805 Integer hoNewElement
806 Get CreateElementNode sTagName sValue to hoNewElement
807 If hoNewElement Get AppendNode hoNewElement to hoNewElement
808 Function_Return hoNewElement
809 End_Function
811 Procedure AddElement String sTagName String sValue
812 Integer hoNewElement
813 Get AddElement sTagName sValue to hoNewElement
814 If hoNewElement ;
815 Send Destroy to hoNewElement
816 Else ;
817 Error DFERR_XML_INTERNAL_ERROR (SFormat(C_$XmlMethodFailure, "msg_AddElement"))
818 End_Procedure
820 // this returns the object, This is often needed
821 Function CreateElementNodeNS String sNameSpace String sTagName String sValue Returns Handle
822 Integer hoNewElement
823 Get CreateChildNode NODE_ELEMENT sTagName sNameSpace to hoNewElement
824 If (hoNewElement and sValue<>"") ;
825 Set psText of hoNewElement to sValue
826 Function_Return hoNewElement
827 End_Procedure
830 // this returns the object, This is often needed
831 Function AddElementNS String sNameSpace String sTagName String sValue Returns Handle
832 Integer hoNewElement
833 Get CreateElementNodeNS sNameSpace sTagName sValue to hoNewElement
834 If hoNewElement Begin
835 Get AppendNode hoNewElement to hoNewElement
836 End
837 Function_Return hoNewElement
838 End_Function
840 Procedure AddElementNS String sNameSpace String sTagName String sValue
841 Integer hoNewElement
842 Get AddElementNS sNameSpace sTagName sValue to hoNewElement
843 If hoNewElement ;
844 Send Destroy to hoNewElement
845 Else ;
846 Error DFERR_XML_INTERNAL_ERROR (SFormat(C_$XmlMethodFailure, "msg_AddElementNS"))
847 End_Procedure
849 Function AddAttributeNode Handle hoNode Returns Handle
850 Handle hInfc
851 Get Set_AttributeNode (XmlInterface(hoNode)) to hInfc
852 If hInfc ; // if ret value we have a replacement
853 Set XmlInterface of hoNode to hInfc
854 Function_Return hoNode
855 End_Function
857// // is this needed
858// Function AddAttributeNodeNS handle hoNode returns Handle
859// Get AddAttributeNode hoNode to hoNode
860// function_return hoNode
861// End_Function
863 Function AttributeValueNode String sName Returns Handle
864 Handle hInfc
865 Handle hoNode
866 Get AttributeNode sName to hInfc
867 If hInfc ; // if ret value we have a replacement
868 Get CreateXMLNode hInfc to hoNode
869 Function_Return hoNode
870 End_Function
872 Function AttributeValueNodeNS String sNameSpace String sBaseName Returns Handle
873 Handle hoAttrs hoAttr
874 String sValue
875 Get TempAttributeNodes to hoAttrs
876 If hoAttrs Begin
877 Get QualifiedNode of hoAttrs sNamespace sBaseName to hoAttr
878 Set XMLInterface of hoAttrs to 0
879 End
880 Function_Return hoAttr
881 End_Function
884 Function CreateAttributeNodeNS String sNameSpace String sName String sValue Returns Handle
885 Integer hoNewAttribute
886 Get CreateChildNode NODE_ATTRIBUTE sName sNameSpace to hoNewAttribute
887 If hoNewAttribute ;
888 Set psText of hoNewAttribute to sValue
889 Function_Return hoNewAttribute
890 End_Function
892 Procedure AddAttributeNS String sNameSpace String sName String sValue
893 Handle hoNode
894 Get CreateAttributeNodeNS sNameSpace sName sValue to hoNode
895 If hoNode Begin
896 Get AddAttributeNode hoNode to hoNode
897 If hoNode Send Destroy of hoNode
898 End
899 Else ;
900 Error DFERR_XML_INTERNAL_ERROR (SFormat(C_$XmlMethodFailure, "msg_AddAttributeNS"))
901 End_Procedure
904 // This function encapsulates creation and addition of attributes to a node.
905 // should only work with element class
906 Procedure AddAttribute String sName String sValue
907 Set AttributeValue sName to sValue
908 End_Procedure
910 // This function encapsulates creation and addition of comments to a node.
911 // The return value is a Boolean that is currently unused.
913 Procedure AddChildComment String sValue
914 Integer hoNewNode
915 Get createChildComment sValue to hoNewNode
916 If not hoNewNode ;
917 Error DFERR_XML_INTERNAL_ERROR (SFormat(C_$XmlMethodFailure, "msg_AddChildComment"))
918 Else Begin
919 Get AppendNode hoNewNode to hoNewNode
920 Send Destroy to hoNewNode
921 End
922 End_Procedure
924 // This function encapsulates creation and addition of processing instructions to a node.
925 // The return value is a Boolean that is currently unused.
927 Procedure AddChildProcessingInstruction String sTarget String sValue
928 Integer hoNewNode
929 Get createChildProcessingInstruction sTarget sValue to hoNewNode
930 If not hoNewNode ;
931 Error DFERR_XML_INTERNAL_ERROR (SFormat(C_$XmlMethodFailure, "msg_AddChildProcessingInstruction"))
932 Else Begin
933 Get AppendNode hoNewNode to hoNewNode
934 Send Destroy to hoNewNode
935 End
936 End_Procedure
939 // This function encapsulates creation and addition of text nodes to a node.
940 // The return value is a Boolean that is currently unused.
942 Procedure AddChildTextNode String sValue
943 Integer hoNewNode
944 Get createChildTextNode sValue to hoNewNode
945 If not hoNewNode ;
946 Error DFERR_XML_INTERNAL_ERROR (SFormat(C_$XmlMethodFailure, "msg_AddChildTextNode"))
947 Else Begin
948 Get AppendNode hoNewNode to hoNewNode
949 Send Destroy to hoNewNode
950 End
951 End_Procedure
953 // This procedure encapsulates creation and addition of cdata text nodes to a node.
954 Procedure AddCDataSection String sValue
955 Handle hoNewNode
956 Get CreateCDATASectionNode sValue to hoNewNode
957 If not hoNewNode ;
958 Error DFERR_XML_INTERNAL_ERROR (SFormat(C_$XmlMethodFailure, "msg_AddCDataSection"))
959 Else Begin
960 Get AppendNode hoNewNode to hoNewNode
961 Send Destroy to hoNewNode
962 End
963 End_Procedure
966 Function AddChildNode Integer iNodeType String sTagName String sNameSpace Returns Handle
967 Integer hoNewNode
968 Integer hoDocumentObject
969 Get DocumentObject to hoDocumentObject
970 Get createChildNode of hoDocumentObject iNodeType sTagName sNamespace to hoNewNode
971 If hoNewNode ;
972 Get AppendNode hoNewNode to hoNewNode
973 Function_Return hoNewNode
974 End_Function
976 // don't use the runtime/msxml version of this. Instead just return the
977 // first text from the first child node. This is much faster
978 { NoDoc=True }
979 Function psText Returns String
980 Handle hText
981 String sValue
982 Get phFirstChild to hText
983 Get InfcNodeValue hText to sValue
984 Function_Return sValue
985 End_Function
987 // Use this to call the internal Text property. This returns all text for all child
988 // node. You rarely would want to do this. The is uses the msxml psText which can
989 // get slow with very large files. If for some reason you need all of the child node's
990 // text and the file is large, you might want to consider doing this process manually.
991 Function AllChildNodesText Returns String
992 String sValue
993 Forward Get psText to sValue
994 Function_Return sValue
995 End_Function
997 // return the interface NodeValue without having to create a
998 // new object
999 { Visibility=Private }
1000 Function InfcNodeValue Handle hInfc Returns String
1001 Integer hoDocument hoTempNode
1002 String sValue
1003 If (hinfc) Begin
1004 Get DocumentObject to hoDocument
1005 Get phoTempDomNode of hoDocument to hoTempNode
1006 Set XMLInterface of hoTempNode to hInfc
1007 Get psNodeValue of hoTempNode to sValue
1008 Set XMLInterface of hoTempNode to 0
1009 End
1010 Function_Return sValue
1011 End_Function
1013 // ChildNodeValue is used to get the "value" of an element. This is useful when the element
1014 // only has a single value (similar to an attribute).
1016 Function ChildNodeValue String sTagName Returns String
1017 Integer hoTempNode hoDocument
1018 Integer hinfcTempNode
1019 String sRetVal
1020 Get SelectSingleNode sTagName to hinfcTempNode
1021 If (hinfcTempNode <> 0) Begin
1022 Get DocumentObject to hoDocument
1023 Get phoTempDomNode of hoDocument to hoTempNode
1024 Set XMLInterface of hoTempNode to hinfcTempNode
1025 Get phFirstChild of hoTempNode to hinfcTempNode
1026 Set XMLInterface of hoTempNode to 0
1027 If hinfcTempNode Begin
1028 Get InfcNodeValue hinfcTempNode to sRetVal
1029 End
1030 End
1031 Function_Return sRetVal
1032 End_Function
1034 // This simple function allows a parent to change the text of one of its elements.
1035 // This actually occurs quite a bit, because (as stated above) lowest level
1036 // elements are frequently used as properties.
1037 //
1038 Procedure SetChildNodeValue String sTagName String sValue
1039 Integer hoTempNode
1040 Integer hinfcTempNode
1041 // Search for the node that matches.
1042 Get SelectSingleNode sTagName to hinfcTempNode
1043 // If no match is found, add a new element with the tag.
1044 If (hinfcTempNode = 0) ;
1045 Send AddElement sTagName sValue
1046 Else Begin
1047 Get CreateXMLObject U_BaseXMLDOMNode hinfcTempNode to hoTempNode
1048 If hoTempNode Begin
1049 // Set the text of the element.
1050 Set psText of hoTempNode to sValue
1051 Send Destroy to hoTempNode
1052 End
1053 Else ;
1054 Error DFERR_XML_INTERNAL_ERROR (SFormat(C_$XmlMethodFailure, "msg_SetChildNodeValue"))
1055 End
1056 End_Procedure
1058 // These messages are used to allow you to travese through a nodes.
1060 Function FirstChild Returns Handle
1061 Handle hoChild
1062 Integer hinfcChild
1063 Get phFirstChild to hinfcChild
1064 If (hinfcChild) ;
1065 Get CreateXMLNode hinfcChild to hoChild
1066 Function_Return hoChild
1067 End_Function
1069 Function NextSibling Returns Handle
1070 Handle hoChild
1071 Integer hinfcChild
1072 Get phNextSibling to hinfcChild
1073 If (hinfcChild) ;
1074 Get CreateXMLNode hinfcChild to hoChild
1075 Function_Return hoChild
1076 End_Function
1078 Function PreviousSibling Returns Handle
1079 Handle hoChild
1080 Integer hinfcChild
1081 Get phPreviousSibling to hinfcChild
1082 If (hinfcChild) ;
1083 Get CreateXMLNode hinfcChild to hoChild
1084 Function_Return hoChild
1085 End_Function
1087 Function LastChild Returns Handle
1088 Handle hoChild
1089 Integer hinfcChild
1090 Get phLastChild to hinfcChild
1091 If (hinfcChild) ;
1092 Get CreateXMLNode hinfcChild to hoChild
1093 Function_Return hoChild
1094 End_Function
1096 // return an object that is the parent of the current node
1097 Function ParentNode Returns Handle
1098 Handle hoId
1099 Handle hinfcXMLInterface
1100 Get phParentNode to hinfcXMLInterface
1101 If (hinfcXMLInterface) ;
1102 Get CreateXmlNode hinfcXMLInterface to hoID
1103 Function_Return hoID
1104 End_Function
1106 // Same as NextSibling except it uses or destroys the current node
1107 //
1108 // optimized version does not destroy/create object unless it needs to.
1109 // if the next node is the same node type we will resuse this object
1110 // else this object is destroyed
1111 Function NextNode Returns Handle
1112 Handle hoNode hoDocument
1113 Handle hInfc
1114 Get phNextSibling to hInfc
1115 If hInfc Begin
1116 Get DocumentObject to hoDocument
1117 Move Self to hoNode
1118 Send BindXMLInfc of hoDocument hInfc (&hoNode)
1119 End
1120 Else Begin
1121 Send Destroy
1122 Move 0 to hoNode
1123 End
1124 Function_Return hoNode
1125 End_Function
1128 // Enumerate through all nodes.
1130 Procedure EnumerateNodes Integer iMsg Integer hoReceiver String sVal1 String sVal2
1131 Integer i iLen
1132 Integer hoNode
1133 Integer hoNodeCollection
1134 Get ChildNodes to hoNodeCollection
1135 If (hoNodeCollection <> 0) Begin
1136 Get NodeListLength of hoNodeCollection to iLen
1137 Decrement iLen
1138 For i from 0 to iLen
1139 // For each record, process its fields.
1140 Get CollectionNode of hoNodeCollection i to hoNode
1141 Send iMsg of hoReceiver hoNode sVal1 sVal2
1142 Send Destroy of hoNode
1143 Loop
1144 Send Destroy of hoNodeCollection
1145 End
1146 End_Procedure
1148 // Enumerate through all elements.
1150 Procedure EnumerateElements Integer iMsg Integer hoReceiver String sVal1 String sVal2
1151 Integer i iLen
1152 Integer hoNode
1153 Integer hoNodeCollection
1154 Get ChildNodes to hoNodeCollection
1155 If (hoNodeCollection <> 0) Begin
1156 Get NodeListLength of hoNodeCollection to iLen
1157 Decrement iLen
1158 For i from 0 to iLen
1159 // For each record, process its fields.
1160 Get CollectionNode of hoNodeCollection i to hoNode
1161 If (piNodeType(hoNode)=NODE_ELEMENT) ;
1162 Send iMsg of hoReceiver hoNode sVal1 sVal2
1163 Send Destroy of hoNode
1164 Loop
1165 Send Destroy of hoNodeCollection
1166 End
1167 End_Procedure
1170 // enumerate through all attributes. There is no recurse here because attributes will not
1171 // contain attributes.
1173 Procedure EnumerateAttributes Integer iMsg Integer hoReceiver String sSomeValue
1174 Integer i iLen
1175 Integer hoNode
1176 Integer hoNodeMapCollection
1177 // we don't use tempattributenodes because we don't know what the enum message will do.
1178 Get AttributeNodes to hoNodeMapCollection
1179 If (hoNodeMapCollection <> 0) Begin
1180 Get NodeListLength of hoNodeMapCollection to iLen
1181 Decrement iLen
1182 For i from 0 to iLen
1183 // For each record, process its fields.
1184 Get CollectionNode of hoNodeMapCollection i to hoNode
1185 Send iMsg of hoReceiver hoNode sSomeValue
1186 Send Destroy of hoNode
1187 Loop
1188 Send Destroy of hoNodeMapCollection
1189 End
1190 End_Procedure
1193 Function XSLTransformation Integer hoXSLDocument Returns String
1194 Integer infcXSLStartAt
1195 String sBuffer
1196 // Transformation is of current object using passed XSLDocument.
1197 Get XMLInterface of hoXSLDocument to infcXSLStartAt
1198 Get TransformNode infcXSLStartAt to sBuffer
1199 Function_Return sBuffer
1200 End_Function
1202 // This allows for transformations not limited to the size of the string buffer
1203 //
1204 // Note that it is up to the programmer to dispose of the memory allocated at pBuffer
1205 // by using the free(pBuffer) function
1206 //
1207 Function XSLTransformationToAddress Integer hoXSLDocument Returns Address
1208 Integer infcXSLStartAt
1209 Address pBuffer
1210 // Transformation is of current object using passed XSLDocument.
1211 Get XMLInterface of hoXSLDocument to infcXSLStartAt
1212 Get TransformNodeToAddress infcXSLStartAt to pBuffer
1213 Function_Return pBuffer
1214 End_Function
1217 // extract base name from string. e.g.: ns:name --> name
1218 //
1219 Function BaseNameFromQName String sName Returns String
1220 Integer iPos
1221 Move (Pos(":",sName)) to iPos
1222 If iPos Begin
1223 Move (remove(sName,1,iPos)) to sName
1224 End
1225 Function_Return sName
1226 End_Function
1228 // extract prefix name from string. e.g.: ns:name --> ns
1229 //
1230 Function PrefixNameFromQName String sName Returns String
1231 String sPreFix
1232 Integer iPos
1233 Move (Pos(":",sName)) to iPos
1234 If iPos Begin
1235 Move (Left(sName,iPos-1)) to sPreFix
1236 End
1237 Function_Return sPreFix
1238 End_Function
1241 // Returns true if node is element and namespace and base name match
1242 //
1243 Function IsElementNS String sNamespaceURI String sBaseName Returns Boolean
1244 Function_Return (piNodeType(Self)=NODE_ELEMENT and ;
1245 psNameSpaceURI(Self)=sNamespaceURI and ;
1246 psBaseName(Self)=sBaseName )
1247 End_Function
1249 // Returns node of first occurence of child node matching namespace and base name
1250 //
1251 Function ChildElementNS String sNameSpaceURI String sBaseName Returns Handle
1252 Handle hoNode
1253 Get FirstChild to hoNode
1254 While (hoNode and not(IsElementNS(hoNode, sNameSpaceURI, sBaseName)))
1255 Get NextNode of hoNode to hoNode
1256 End
1257 Function_Return hoNode
1258 End_Function
1260 // Returns node of next occurence of sibling node matching namespace and base name
1261 // and destroys the current node.
1262// Function NextElementNS String sNameSpaceURI String sBaseName Returns Handle
1263// handle hoNode
1264// Get NextSibling to hoNode
1265// While (hoNode and not(IsElementNS(hoNode, sNameSpaceURI, sBaseName)))
1266// Get NextNode of hoNode to hoNode
1267// end
1268// Send Destroy
1269// function_return hoNode
1270// end_function
1272 Function NextElementNS String sNameSpaceURI String sBaseName Returns Handle
1273 Handle hoNode
1274 // NextNode may return the same object or it may destroy the object and
1275 // return nothing or a different object
1276 Get NextNode to hoNode
1277 While (hoNode and not(IsElementNS(hoNode, sNameSpaceURI, sBaseName)))
1278 // use of hoNode is required. This can be different than self
1279 Get NextNode of hoNode to hoNode
1280 End
1282 Function_Return hoNode
1283 End_Function
1286 // Returns value (string) first occurence of child node matching namespace and base name
1287 //
1288 Function ChildElementValueNS String sNameSpaceURI String sBaseName Returns String
1289 Handle hoNext
1290 String sText
1291 Get ChildElementNS sNameSpaceURI sBaseName to hoNext
1292 If hoNext Begin
1293 Get psText of hoNext to sText
1294 Send destroy of hoNext
1295 End
1296 Function_Return sText
1297 End_Function
1299 Procedure SetChildElementValueNS String sNameSpaceURI String sBaseName String sValue
1300 Integer hoNode
1301 Integer hinfcTempNode
1302 Get ChildElementNS sNameSpaceURI sBaseName to hoNode
1303 If (hoNode=0) Begin
1304 Send AddElementNS sNameSpaceURI sBaseName sValue
1305 End
1306 Else Begin
1307 Set psText of hoNode to sValue
1308 Send destroy of hoNode
1309 End
1310 End_Procedure
1313// // Returns node of first occurence of child node matching namespace and base name
1314// // that has an attrib value that contains a specified value
1315// //
1316// //Doc/ Visibility=Public
1317// Function FindElementNodeWithAttribNS string sNamespace string sBaseName string sAttribName string sAttribValue returns handle
1318// handle hoNext hoNode
1319// string sName
1320// Get FirstChild to hoNode
1321// While (hoNode)
1322// If (IsElementNS(hoNode, sNameSpace, sBaseName)) begin
1323// Get AttributeValue of hoNode sAttribName to sName
1324// If (sName=sAttribValue) Begin
1325// Function_return hoNode
1326// end
1327// end
1328// Get NextSibling of hoNode to hoNext
1329// Send Destroy of hoNode
1330// Move hoNext to hoNode
1331// end
1332// function_return 0
1333// end_function
1335 // pass a prefix and try to finds its NameSpaceURI. Start at current node and work up to parent.
1336 // This can be useful when a qualified name is found in an attribute value
1337 //
1338 Function PrefixToNamespaceURI String sPrefix Returns String
1339 Handle hoNode
1340 Integer i iNodes
1341 Integer hoNodes hoParentNode hoAttNode
1342 Boolean bDone bParent
1343 String sAttPrefix sName sNameSpace
1345 Move Self to hoNode
1346 While not bDone
1347 Get TempAttributeNodes of hoNode to hoNodes
1348 If (hoNodes <> 0) Begin
1349 Get NodeListLength of hoNodes to iNodes
1350 For i from 0 to (iNodes-1)
1351 // For each record, process its fields.
1352 Get CollectionNode of hoNodes i to hoAttNode
1353 Get psPrefix of hoAttNode to sAttPrefix
1354 Get psBaseName of hoAttNode to sName
1355 // with legacy msxml, xmlns="foo" returns psPrefix="xmlns" and pbBaseName=""
1356 // with newer msxml, xmlns="foo" returns psPrefix="" and pbBaseName="xmlns"
1357 // We handle both cases here.
1359 If ( (sAttPrefix="xmlns" and sName=sPrefix) or ; // if a normal xmlns:xx="foo" match (sPrefix="xx") or a legacy xmlns="foo" match (sPrefix="")
1360 (sPrefix="" and sAttPrefix="" and sName="xmlns") ) Begin // special test for newer msxml xmlns="foo" match (sPrefix="")
1362 Get Value of hoAttNode to sNameSpace
1363 Move True to bDone
1364 Move (iNodes-1) to i
1366 End
1368 Send Destroy of hoAttNode
1369 Loop
1370 Set XMLInterface of hoNodes to 0
1371 End
1373 Get ParentNode of hoNode to hoParentNode
1374 If bParent Send destroy of hoNode
1375 If not bDone Begin
1376 If not hoParentNode Move True to bDone
1377 Else Begin
1378 Move True to bParent
1379 Move hoParentNode to hoNode
1380 End
1381 End
1382 End
1383 Function_Return sNameSpace
1384 End_Function
1390// Set up basic inheritance for specialized forms of XML classes.
1391// This needs to be done so we can make objects of these types.
1393{ ClassLibrary=Common }
1394{ HelpTopic=cXMLDOMElement }
1395Class cXMLDOMElement is a BaseXmlDomElement
1396 Import_Class_Protocol cXMLDOMNodeMixin
1398// Send AddAttribute
1399// Get AddAttributeNode
1400// Send RemoveAttribute
1401// Get AttributeValue
1402// Get AttributeValueNode
1404// Send AddAttributeNS
1405// Get AddAttributeNodeNS
1406// Send RemoveAttributeNs
1407// Get AttributeValueNS
1408// Get AttributeValueNodeNS
1410 // Should use AddAttributeValue...does same thing
1411 Procedure SetAttributeValue String sName String sValue
1412 Send AddAttribute sName sValue
1413 End_Procedure
1415 // Note: Get_AttributeValue already there
1417 Procedure RemoveAttribute String sName
1418 Integer iVal
1419 Get RemoveAttribute sName to iVal
1420 End_Procedure
1422 Function AttributeValueNS String sNameSpace String sBaseName Returns String
1423 String sValue
1424 Handle hinfcItem
1425 Handle hoDoc hoTempAttributeNodes hoNode
1426 Integer hinfcAttributes
1428// // test if the basename attribute exists at all. This is an opimization as this
1429// // message is much faster allowing for quicker false matches (good for client web-services).
1430// Get AttributeValue sBaseName to sValue // doesn't work as expected
1431// If (sValue<>"") Begin
1432 Get TempAttributeNodes to hoTempAttributeNodes
1433 Get QualifiedItem of hoTempAttributeNodes sBaseName sNameSpace to hinfcItem
1434 Set XMLInterface of hoTempAttributeNodes to 0
1435 If hinfcItem Begin
1436 Get DocumentObject to hoDoc
1437 Get phoTempDomNode of hoDoc to hoNode
1438 Set XMLInterface of hoNode to hinfcItem
1439 Get psNodeValue of hoNode to sValue
1440 Set XMLInterface of hoNode to 0
1441 End
1442// End
1443 Function_Return sValue
1444 End_Function
1446// replaced with optimized version above
1447// Function AttributeValueNS String sNameSpace String sBaseName Returns String
1448// Handle hoAttr
1449// String sValue
1451// Get AttributeValueNodeNS sNameSpace sBaseName to hoAttr
1452// If hoAttr Begin
1453// Get Value of hoAttr to sValue
1454// Send destroy of hoAttr
1455// End
1456// function_return sValue
1457// end_function
1459 Procedure RemoveAttributeNS String sNameSpace String sBaseName
1460 Handle hoAttrs hoAttr
1461 String sValue
1462 Get TempAttributeNodes to hoAttrs
1463 If hoAttrs Begin
1464 Get RemoveQualifiedNode of hoAttrs sNamespace sBaseName to hoAttr
1465 Set XMLInterface of hoAttrs to 0
1466 If hoAttr ;
1467 Send destroy of hoAttr
1468 End
1469 End_Procedure
1473{ ClassLibrary=Common }
1474{ HelpTopic=cXMLDOMNode }
1475Class cXMLDOMNode is a BaseXmlDomNode
1476 Import_Class_Protocol cXMLDOMNodeMixin
1479{ ClassLibrary=Common }
1480{ HelpTopic=cXMLDOMAttribute }
1481Class cXMLDOMAttribute is a BaseXmlDomAttribute
1482 Import_Class_Protocol cXMLDOMNodeMixin
1485{ ClassLibrary=Common }
1486{ HelpTopic=cXMLDOMComment }
1487Class cXMLDOMComment is a BaseXmlDomComment
1488 Import_Class_Protocol cXMLDOMNodeMixin
1491{ ClassLibrary=Common }
1492{ HelpTopic=cXMLDOMProcessingInstruction }
1493Class cXMLDOMProcessingInstruction is a BaseXmlDomProcessingInstruction
1494 Import_Class_Protocol cXMLDOMNodeMixin
1497{ ClassLibrary=Common }
1498{ HelpTopic=cXMLDOMTextNode }
1499Class cXMLDOMTextNode is a BaseXmlDomTextNode
1500 Import_Class_Protocol cXMLDOMNodeMixin
1503{ ClassLibrary=Common }
1504{ HelpTopic=cXMLDOMCDATASection }
1505Class cXMLDOMCDATASection is a BaseXmlDomCDATASection
1506 Import_Class_Protocol cXMLDOMNodeMixin
1509{ ClassLibrary=Common }
1510{ HelpTopic=cXMLDOMDocumentType }
1511Class cXMLDOMDocumentType is a BaseXmlDomDocumentType
1512 Import_Class_Protocol cXMLDOMNodeMixin
1515// Function EnumerateEntities Integer iMsg Integer hoReceiver Integer bEnumerate Integer iSomeValue Returns Handle
1516// Integer i
1517// Integer hoNode
1518// Integer hoNamedNodeMap
1519// Integer hinfcNamedNodeMap
1520// Integer iLength
1522// Get phEntities To hinfcNamedNodeMap
1524// showln "The interface of the named node map is " hinfcNamedNodeMap
1526// If (hinfcNamedNodeMap <> 0) Begin
1527// Get CreateXMLObject U_cXMLDOMNamedNodeMap hinfcNamedNodeMap to hoNamedNodeMap
1528// Get piLength Of hoNamedNodeMap To iLength
1529// Showln "There are " iLength " items in map"
1531// /// For i From 0 To (NodeListLength(hoNamedNodeMap)-1)
1532// /// // For each record, process its fields.
1533// // Get CollectionNode Of hoNamedNodeMap i To hoNode
1534// // Send iMsg Of hoReceiver hoNode bEnumerate iSomeValue
1535// // Send Destroy_Object Of hoNode
1536// // Loop
1537// End
1538// Send Destroy To hoNamedNodeMap
1539// Function_Return 0
1540// End_Function
1542// Function EnumerateNotations Integer iMsg Integer hoReceiver Integer bEnumerate Integer iSomeValue Returns Handle
1543// Integer i
1544// Integer hoNode
1545// Integer hoNamedNodeMap
1546// Integer hinfcNamedNodeMap
1547// Integer iLength
1549// Object oNamedNodeMap Is A cXMLDOMNamedNodeMap
1550// Move Self To hoNamedNodeMap
1551// End_Object
1553// Get phNotations To hinfcNamedNodeMap
1555// showln "The interface of the named node map is " hinfcNamedNodeMap
1557// If (hinfcNamedNodeMap <> 0) Begin
1558// Set XMLInterface Of hoNamedNodeMap To hinfcNamedNodeMap
1559// Get piLength Of hoNamedNodeMap To iLength
1560// Showln "There are " iLength " items in map"
1562///// For i From 0 To (NodeListLength(hoNamedNodeMap)-1)
1563///// // For each record, process its fields.
1564//// Get CollectionNode Of hoNamedNodeMap i To hoNode
1565//// Send iMsg Of hoReceiver hoNode bEnumerate iSomeValue
1566//// Send Destroy_Object Of hoNode
1567//// Loop
1568// End
1569// Send Destroy_Object To hoNamedNodeMap
1570// Function_Return 0
1571// End_Function
1575{ ClassLibrary=Common }
1576{ HelpTopic=cXMLDOMNotation }
1577Class cXMLDOMNotation is a BaseXmlDomNotation
1578 Import_Class_Protocol cXMLDOMNodeMixin
1581{ ClassLibrary=Common }
1582{ HelpTopic=cXMLDOMEntity }
1583Class cXMLDOMEntity is a BaseXmlDomEntity
1584 Import_Class_Protocol cXMLDOMNodeMixin
1587{ ClassLibrary=Common }
1588{ HelpTopic=cXMLDOMEntityReference }
1589Class cXMLDOMEntityReference is a BaseXmlDomEntityReference
1590 Import_Class_Protocol cXMLDOMNodeMixin
1593{ ClassLibrary=Common }
1594{ HelpTopic=cXMLDOMDocumentFragment }
1595Class cXMLDOMDocumentFragment is a BaseXmlDomDocumentFragment
1596 Import_Class_Protocol cXMLDOMNodeMixin
1600{ ClassLibrary=Common }
1601{ HelpTopic=cXMLDOMParseError }
1602Class cXMLDOMParseError is a BaseXMLDomParseError
1603 // returns an error sub-object as a sibling of this error object
1604 Function ErrorItemNode Integer iItem Returns Handle
1605 Handle hoParseErrorNode hoParent
1606 Handle hParseErrorIntf
1607 Get ErrorItem iItem to hParseErrorIntf
1608 If (hParseErrorIntf) Begin
1609 // add to parent in case developer destroys the current object
1610 Get Parent to hoParent
1611 Get Create of hoParent U_cXMLDOMParseError to hoParseErrorNode
1612 Set XmlInterface of hoParseErrorNode to hParseErrorIntf
1613 End
1614 Function_Return hoParseErrorNode
1615 End_Function
1618// Base document class with Base functions.
1620{ ClassLibrary=Common }
1621{ HelpTopic=cXMLDOMDocument }
1622Class cXMLDOMDocument is an BaseXmlDomDocument
1624 Import_Class_Protocol cXMLDOMNodeMixin
1626 Procedure Construct_Object
1627 Handle hInfc
1628 Forward Send Construct_Object
1629 Property String psDocumentName ""
1630 { Visibility=Private }
1631 Property Integer phPrivateDocumentElement 0
1632 { Visibility=Private }
1633 Property Handle phoTempDomNode (Create(Self,U_cXMLDomNode))
1634 { Visibility=Private }
1635 Property Handle phoTempDomNodeMap (Create(Self,U_cXMLDOMNamedNodeMap))
1637 // added in 15.1. If no COM pointer, msxml6 is most likely not installed. This will
1638 // raise an unhandled error, which could be augmented to do something else.
1639 Get XmlInterface to hInfc
1640 If (hInfc=0) Begin
1641 Send ErrorCreatingXMLObject
1642 End
1643 End_Procedure
1645 // returns the classId for the passed NodeType. This is a good augmentation point. All nodes
1646 // within an xml document come here to get a class. So, if you want to augment and return a
1647 // different class, just check the node type and return whatever -- else forward
1649 Function NodeClassId Integer iType Returns Integer
1650 Integer iClassId
1651 Case Begin
1652 Case (iType=NODE_ELEMENT) Move U_cXMLDOMElement to iClassId
1653 Case (iType=NODE_ATTRIBUTE) Move U_cXMLDOMAttribute to iClassId
1654 Case (iType=NODE_TEXT) Move U_cXMLDOMTextNode to iClassId
1655 Case (iType=NODE_CDATA_SECTION) Move U_cXMLDOMCDATASection to iClassId
1656 Case (iType=NODE_ENTITY_REFERENCE) Move U_cXMLDOMEntityReference to iClassId
1657 Case (iType=NODE_ENTITY) Move U_cXMLDOMEntity to iClassId
1658 Case (iType=NODE_PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION) Move U_cXMLDOMProcessingInstruction to iClassId
1659 Case (iType=NODE_COMMENT) Move U_cXMLDOMComment to iClassId
1660 Case (iType=NODE_DOCUMENT) Move U_cXMLDOMDocument to iClassId
1661 Case (iType=NODE_DOCUMENT_TYPE) Move U_cXMLDOMDocumentType to iClassId
1662 Case (iType=NODE_DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT) Move U_cXMLDOMDocumentFragment to iClassId
1663 Case (iType=NODE_NOTATION) Move U_cXMLDOMNotation to iClassId
1664 Case (iType=0) Move 0 to iClassId // this is an error!!
1665 Case Else Move U_cXMLDOMNode to iClassId
1666 Case End
1667 Function_Return iClassId
1668 End_Function
1670 // Load an XML Document. The name of the document is stored in a property
1671 // that must be set for this function to work correctly.
1673 Function LoadXMLDocument Returns Integer
1674 String sDocumentName
1675 Integer bRetVal
1676 Get psDocumentName to sDocumentName
1677 Get LoadDocument sDocumentName to bRetVal
1678 If (bRetVal = 0);
1679 Function_Return True
1680 Else;
1681 Function_Return False
1682 End_Function
1684 Function SaveXMLDocument Returns Integer
1685 String sDocumentName
1686 Integer bRetVal
1687 Get psDocumentName to sDocumentName
1688 Get SaveDocument sDocumentName to bRetVal
1689 Function_Return bRetVal
1690 End_Function
1692 // Load an XML from a string. This aguments the C message to ret 1 if Ok and 0 if error.
1693 //
1694 { Visibility=public }
1695 Function LoadXML String sXML Returns Integer
1696 Integer bRetVal
1697 // for some reason the parser will not work properly with embedded double quotes.
1698 // Change all " to ' in document.
1699 //Move (replaces('"',sXML,"'")) to sXML // removed this. Bad Idea.
1700 Forward Get LoadXml sXML to bRetVal
1701 If (bRetVal = 0) ;
1702 Function_Return True
1703 Else;
1704 Function_Return False
1705 End_Function
1707 // Load an XML string from an address. This aguments the C message to ret 1 if Ok and 0 if error.
1708 //
1709 { Visibility=public }
1710 Function LoadXMLFromAddress Address pXML Returns Integer
1711 Integer bRetVal
1712 Forward Get LoadXmlFromAddress pXML to bRetVal
1713 If (bRetVal = 0) ;
1714 Function_Return True
1715 Else;
1716 Function_Return False
1717 End_Function
1720 // Allow Nodes and Node node lists to get the parent document.
1722 Function DocumentObject Returns Handle
1723 Function_Return Self
1724 End_Function
1726 // Access to the root node allows for searches and iterations.
1727 // The root node is a cNode.
1729 Function DocumentElement Returns Handle
1730 Integer hNewNode // Object ID of Root Node
1731 Integer infcNode // XML Element Interface
1732// we used to buffer this so we'd always return the same object. This is dangerous. If the devloper
1733// deletes the root and then creates some other object with this name, we will have problems. Now we
1734// always create a new root now - which means you can create multiple roots (which is probably ok).
1736// Get phPrivateDocumentElement to hNewNode
1737// // if for some reason the developer sends destroy to the root element then
1738// // we must check that acutally exists. If not, create the root all over again
1739// Get Object_Id of hNewNode to hNewNode // if Object no longer exists, 0 is returned
1740// If not (hNewNode) Begin
1741// // Call XML to get the document root element.
1742// Get phDocumentElement To infcNode
1743// If infcNode Begin
1744// Get CreateXMLObject U_cXMLDOMElement infcNode to hNewNode
1745// Set phPrivateDocumentElement to hNewNode
1746// end
1747// End
1749 Get phDocumentElement to infcNode
1750 If infcNode Begin
1751 Get CreateXMLObject U_cXMLDOMElement infcNode to hNewNode
1752 Set phPrivateDocumentElement to hNewNode // we no longer use this at all
1753 End
1754 Function_Return hNewNode
1755 End_Function
1757 // CreateRootNode is used to set up the first element in a document.
1758 // It should only be used when creating new files.
1760 Function CreateDocumentElement String sTagName Returns Handle
1761 Integer hNewNode // Object ID of Root Node
1762 Integer infcNode // XML Element Interface
1763 // Call XML to create an element in the document.
1764 Get CreateElement sTagName to infcNode
1765 // Tie the element interface to the DataFlex object.
1766 If infcNode ;
1767 Get CreateXMLObject U_cXMLDOMElement infcNode to hNewNode
1768 // Call XML to set the root element of the document.
1769 Set phDocumentElement to infcNode
1770 Set phPrivateDocumentElement to hNewNode
1771 Function_Return hNewNode
1772 End_Function
1774 Function CreateDocumentElementNS String sNamespace String sTagName Returns Handle
1775 Integer hNewNode // Object ID of Root Node
1776 Integer infcNode iType // XML Element Interface
1777 Get CreateElementNodeNS sNameSpace sTagName "" to hNewNode
1778 Get XmlInterface of hNewNode to infcNode
1779 Set phDocumentElement to infcNode
1780 Set phPrivateDocumentElement to hNewNode
1781 Function_Return hNewNode
1782 End_Function
1786 // return the DocType as a document-type object. Returns 0 if no dtd
1787 // Access to information from the doc type object is limited. Use get psXML
1788 Function DocTypeNode Returns Handle
1789 Handle hinfcDocType hoDocType
1790 Get phDocType to hinfcDocType
1791 If hinfcDocType ;
1792 Get CreateXMLObject U_cXMLDOMDocumentType hinfcDocType to hoDocType
1793 Function_Return hoDocType
1794 End_Function
1796 Function phXMLErrorObject Returns Handle
1797 Integer hoParseErrorObject
1798 Integer hInfcParseError
1799 Get phParseError to hInfcParseError
1800 If hInfcParseError ;
1801 Get CreateXMLObject U_cXMLDOMParseError hinfcParseError to hoParseErrorObject
1802 Function_Return hoParseErrorObject
1803 End_Function
1805 // The following procedure is meant to be overridden by one provided by the developer.
1807 Procedure BasicParseErrorReport
1808 String sProblem
1809 String sLinePosition
1810 String sDescr
1811 String sReason
1812 String sSource
1813 Integer hoParseErrorObject
1814 Get phXMLErrorObject to hoParseErrorObject
1815 If hoParseErrorObject Begin
1816 Move (SFormat(C_$CannotLoad, psDocumentName(Self)) + "."+character(13)+character(10)) to sProblem
1817 Move (SFormat(C_$ParsingError, piLine(hoParseErrorObject), piLinePos(hoParseErrorObject))) to sLinePosition
1818 Move (sLinePosition +character(13)+character(10)) to sLinePosition
1820 Move (C_$Reason + ":" * (psReason(hoParseErrorObject)) +character(13)+character(10)) to sReason
1821 Move (C_$Source + ":" * (psSrcText(hoParseErrorObject))) to sSource
1822 Move (sProblem + sLinePosition + sReason + sSource) to sDescr
1824 Send Destroy of hoParseErrorObject
1825 End
1826 Else ;
1827 Error DFERR_XML_INTERNAL_ERROR C_$NotCreatedParseObject
1828 End_Procedure
1830 // bind an xml interface node to the passed XML object. If the
1831 // object type is of the wrong type, we will destroy it and recreate it
1832 // which is why hoNode is passed byRef.
1833 // to use this you'd have to use the lower level private messages to get the
1834 // xml interface handles and then bind them to an object. Just like in COM you could
1835 // bind these to the same object, which might save some parsing time. This is made private
1836 // because the time savings would probably be small and would not justify the extra
1837 // complexity.
1838 // It is a programming error to pass this a zero handle.
1839 { Visibility=Private }
1840 Procedure BindXMLInfc Handle hInfc Handle ByRef hoNode
1841 Integer iType iClassId iType2
1842 Get piNodeType of hoNode to iType2 // type of the DF XML object
1844 // Get the node type of the infc handle w/o creating a DF object
1845 Move (invokexml(DF_IXMLDOMNODE, GET_piNodeType, hinfc, 0, 0, 0, 0)) to iType
1846 Move (invokexml(DF_IXMLDOMNODE, GET_ChangeNodeType, hinfc, iType, 1, 0, 0)) to hInfc
1847 If (hinfc=0) Begin
1848 // this should not happen and we would need to know about this.
1849 Error DFERR_XML_INTERNAL_ERROR (C_$XmlFailedNoDocObject + String(iType))
1850 Function_Return 0
1851 End
1852 // if the type is the same we can reuse the current object and binding it to the interface pointer
1853 If (iType=iType2) Begin
1854 // resuse Self and return
1855 Set XMLInterface of hoNode to hInfc
1856 End
1857 // if diffrent type, destroy the existing object and recreate it
1858 Else Begin
1859 Send Destroy of hoNode
1860 Get NodeClassId iType to iClassId
1861 Get CreateXMLObject iClassId hInfc to hoNode
1862 End
1863 End_Procedure
1865 { Visibility=Public }
1866 Function ValidateDocument Returns Handle
1867 Handle hParseErrorIntf hoParseError
1868 Forward Get ValidateDocument to hParseErrorIntf
1869 If hParseErrorIntf Begin
1870 Get CreateXMLObject U_cXMLDOMParseError hParseErrorIntf to hoParseError
1871 End
1872 Function_Return hoParseError
1873 End_Function
1875 { Visibility=Public }
1876 Function AddExternalSchemaDocument String sSchema Handle hoSchema Returns Boolean
1877 Handle hInfc
1878 Boolean bOk
1879 Get XmlInterface of hoSchema to hInfc
1880 Forward Get AddExternalSchemaDocument sSchema hInfc to bOk
1881 Function_Return (not(bOk))
1882 End_Function
1884 { Visibility=Public }
1885 Function AddExternalSchemaFile String sSchema String sFile Returns Boolean
1886 Boolean bOk
1887 Forward Get AddExternalSchemaFile sSchema sFile to bOk
1888 Function_Return (not(bOk))
1889 End_Function
1891 { MethodType=Property }
1892 { InitialValue="" }
1893 Procedure Set psSelectionNamespaces String sNamespaces
1894 Set psDomSecondLevelProperty "SelectionNamespaces" to sNamespaces
1895 End_Procedure
1897 { MethodType=Property }
1898 Function psSelectionNamespaces Returns String
1899 String sNamespaces
1900 Get psDomSecondLevelProperty "SelectionNamespaces" to sNamespaces
1901 Function_Return sNamespaces
1902 End_Function
1904 { MethodType=Property }
1905 { InitialValue=False }
1906 Procedure Set pbMultipleErrorMessages Boolean bMultipleErrors
1907 Set pbDomSecondLevelProperty "MultipleErrorMessages" to bMultipleErrors
1908 End_Procedure
1910 { MethodType=Property }
1911 Function pbMultipleErrorMessages Returns Boolean
1912 Boolean bMultipleErrors
1913 Get pbDomSecondLevelProperty "MultipleErrorMessages" to bMultipleErrors
1914 Function_Return bMultipleErrors
1915 End_Function
1917 Procedure ErrorCreatingXMLObject
1918 Error DFERR_XML_INTERNAL_ERROR "Could not create XML COM object. MSXML6 may not be properly installed and registered."
1919 End_Procedure