Function: DrawEllipInch

Module location: Df_print.pkg line 543 (view source)
IntegerDrawEllipInch(Integer iPNr Integer iLTX Integer iLTY Integer iRBX Integer iRBY Dword dBC Dword dFC Integer iFi Integer iW Integer iUCp Integer iWr)
*** Writes an ellipse to a pagenumber at a given position in Inch *** from left margin. The pos param. you have to send upper left *** and down right. dwBColor is boarder color, dwFillColor is fill color *** If iFill is true the ellipsen will be filled of it´s false it will *** be transparent.iW is weight and iWr is wrap. *** Returns PRN_FALSE=Error or PRN_TRUE ***

References (2):

ModuleContaining SymbolLine