Function: WP_AddDiagramEntry

Module location: WinPrint2_API.pkg line 166 (view source)
BooleanWP_AddDiagramEntry(Handle hDiagram String sValueDescription String sValue Integer iBorderColor Integer iFillColor Boolean bFilled UInteger iNumDecimals UInteger eValueOrPercent Boolean bExploded)
Adds an item into a diagram diagram handle returned by CreateDiagram() description of the item value of the item color of the item's border color of the item's interior should the item be drawn filled (with iFillColor), or transparent? Number of decimals in the sValue argument How the value should be displayed (as value or percentage, etc) should the value be "pulled out" (pie charts only) True, if success; False, if error

References (1):

ModuleContaining SymbolLine