Macro: CLASS

Module location: FMAC line 10679 (view source)

Change: Check that U_!1 is not yet defined Error if within class Error if within a method _UGBO#L _UGBO#L _GBO#L .

  #IF (!b & 6)            // if within class or procedure...error
    #IF (!b & 2)          // if within class
      #ERROR DFERR_COMP_ILLEGAL_CODE_PLACEMENT Classes cannot be nested within classes
    #ELSE                 // if within method
      #ERROR DFERR_COMP_ILLEGAL_CODE_PLACEMENT Classes cannot be nested within methods
    #CHECK U_!1 _T                      // does new class exist? If yes error
    #CHECK U_!4 _U                      // does superclass exist? if no error
    #REPLACE !1$SC !4                   //define superclass of new class
    #IFSAME !5 STARTMAC                 //if start macro specified,
      #REPLACE !1$SM !6                 //remember its name
      #IFSAME !7 ENDMAC                 //if end macro specified,
        #REPLACE !1$EM !8               //remember it
        BASE_CREATE_CLASS !1 !2 !3 !4 !9
        BASE_CREATE_CLASS !1 !2 !3 !4 !7 !8 !9
      #IFSAME !5 ENDMAC                 //no STARTMAC - if ENDMAC specified,
        #REPLACE !1$EM !6               //remember it
        BASE_CREATE_CLASS !1 !2 !3 !4 !7 !8 !9
        BASE_CREATE_CLASS !1 !2 !3 !4 !5 !6 !7 !8 !9