#IFSAME !1 ~
INDICATE !2~ !3 !4 !5 !6 !7 !8 !9
// #CHECK !2 "AS""STATUS""$0""$1""GROUP"
#CHECK !1 _X
// INDCT$!2 !1 !2 !3 !4 !5 !6 !7 !8 !9 // old logic
// Logic changed to handle true/false defined as constants instead of $0 $1
// False is |CZ0, dfFalse is |CI0. If either, use $0.
// True is |CZ1, dfTrue is |CI1 If either, use $1.
#IFSAME !2 false dfFalse
INDCT$$0 !1 $0 !3 !4 !5 !6 !7 !8 !9 // special command for Indicate !1 False
#IFSAME !2 true dftrue
INDCT$$1 !1 $1 !3 !4 !5 !6 !7 !8 !9 // special command for Indicate !1 True
INDCT$!2 !1 !2 !3 !4 !5 !6 !7 !8 !9 // old fashion command uses !2 to assemble the command