=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Command: INITIALIZE_INTERFACE Parameters: None. Description: INITIALIZE_INTERFACE initializes the object resource information. It should be executed before any other object related operations are performed. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
// B$ obj_flag bit 0 = in_object, bit 1 = in_class, bit 2 = in proc/func // X.AGG agg_count(class) defined count of objects in class // ZA$ procedure/function label for procedures and functions // ZB$ current_dep the current dependant number to assign // ZC$ current_message the current flex message number // ZD$ group_size size of the current item group // ZE$ group_id unique id of current item group // ZF$ super_class_count count of objects in superclass // ZG$ temp temp counter (items, functions etc) // ZH$ access_method the current access method identifyer // ZI$ sub_obj_count the sub object counter // ZJ$ current_object the current_object number // #SET ZC$ $400 // begin up high, past predefinded #SET ZC$ $1000 // now reserving 4K for predefined msgs // #SET ZH$ $4001 // begin access methods here #SET ZH$ $40000001 // now using 32-bit msg ids; allows for 256M objs #SET ZJ$ 2 // desktop and clipboard are first #REPLACE IS$NEW$FMAC |CI1 // indicates that this is the new fmac // #REPLACE IS$WINDOWS |CI1 // comment this to create character mode version #REPLACE MANGLE_NAMES |CI1 // Adds name mangling. #REPLACE EXTENDED_DATA_TYPES |CI1 // Adds extended data types. #IFNDEF SUPPORT$ADDRESS #IFDEF EXTENDED_DATA_TYPES #REPLACE SUPPORT$ADDRESS |CI1 #ENDIF #ENDIF //#REPLACE WINBASE_CONSOLIDATION |CI1 // Moves messages into dfmsg.pkg // Informational output to screen/printer/file. // This information is essential to know whether things are right at compile time. #IFDEF IS$WINDOWS #REM FMAC FOR VISUAL DATAFLEX AND WEB APP STUDIO. #ELSE #REM FMAC FOR DATAFLEX CHARACTER MODE. #ENDIF #IFDEF MANGLE_NAMES #REM NAME MANGLING ENABLED! #ENDIF #IFDEF EXTENDED_DATA_TYPES #REM EXTENDED DATA TYPES ENABLED! #ENDIF // Current FMAC Version, Revision and Build #REPLACE FMAC_VERSION |CI16 #REPLACE FMAC_REVISION |CI1 #REPLACE FMAC_BUILD |CI81 #IFDEF IS$WINDOWS // Define object class types. #REPLACE U_cObject |CI1 // Basic object support. #REPLACE U_cUIObject |CI2 // UI Object // removed in 8.3 --- might have #replaces defined in dfbase.pkg //#REPLACE U_DESKTOP |CI1 // a desktop class object - obsolete //#REPLACE U_BaseClass |CI1 // a desktop class object - obsolete //#REPLACE U_MESSAGE |CI2 // a message class object -obsolete #REPLACE U_cm_MENU |CI3 // a menu class object #REPLACE U_cm_EDIT |CI4 // a edit class object #REPLACE U_SCROLLB |CI5 // a scroll bar class object #REPLACE U_cm_LIST |CI6 // a list class object #REPLACE U_cm_BUTTON |CI7 // a button class object #REPLACE U_cm_CHECKBOX |CI8 // a check box class object #REPLACE U_cm_CHECKLIST |CI9 // a check box class object #REPLACE U_cm_FORM |CI10 // a form class object #REPLACE U_cm_FORMLIST |CI11 // a form class object #REPLACE U_CLIENT |CI12 // a client area class object #REPLACE U_cm_TITLE |CI13 // a title bar class object #REPLACE U_cm_ACTION_BAR |CI14 // a action bar class object #REPLACE U_cm_WARNING_MSG |CI15 // a warning message class object #REPLACE U_cm_CRIT_MSG |CI16 // a critical error class object #REPLACE U_cm_ERROR |CI17 // a standard error class object #REPLACE U_cm_HELP |CI18 // a help class object #REPLACE U_ARRAY |CI19 // a array class of mixed scalars #REPLACE U_TRACE |CI20 // a trace class object #REPLACE U_cm_ENTRY |CI21 // a data entry class object #REPLACE U_cm_ENTRYLIST |CI22 // a data entry class object #REPLACE U_cm_DIALOG |CI23 // a DIALOG area class object #REPLACE U_cm_RADIO |CI24 // a radio button area #REPLACE U_cm_RADIOLIST |CI25 // a radio list area #REPLACE U_cm_VCONSOLE |CI26 // a virtual console area #REPLACE U_CLIPBOARD |CI27 // the clipboard handler #REPLACE U_DFBaseObject |CI28 #REPLACE U_DFBaseWindow |CI29 #REPLACE U_DFBaseUIWindow |CI30 #REPLACE U_DFBaseContainer |CI31 #REPLACE U_DFBaseDialog |CI32 #REPLACE U_DFBasePanel |CI33 #REPLACE U_cDesktop |CI34 // prior to 8.3 this was dfBaseDesktop #REPLACE U_DFBaseControl |CI35 #REPLACE U_DFBaseMenu |CI36 #REPLACE U_DFBaseButton |CI37 #REPLACE U_DFBasePushButton |CI38 //#REPLACE U_DFComboButton |CI39 // no longer exists #REPLACE U_DFBaseCheckBox |CI40 #REPLACE U_DFBaseRadioButton |CI41 #REPLACE U_DFBaseTriState |CI42 // not supported at highlevel #REPLACE U_DFBaseForm |CI43 #REPLACE U_DFBaseEntry |CI44 //#REPLACE U_DFComboForm |CI45 // no longer exists #REPLACE U_DFBaseList |CI46 #REPLACE U_DFBaseFormList |CI47 #REPLACE U_DFBaseCheckList |CI48 // not used #REPLACE U_DFBaseRadioList |CI49 // not used #REPLACE U_DFBaseEntryList |CI50 // not used #REPLACE U_DFBaseComboBox |CI51 #REPLACE U_DFBaseTriStateList |CI52 #REPLACE U_DFBasePushButtonList |CI53 #REPLACE U_DFBaseActionBar |CI54 #REPLACE U_DFBasePullDown |CI55 #REPLACE U_DFBaseSysMenu |CI56 #REPLACE U_DFBaseGroup |CI57 #REPLACE U_DFBaseScrollBar |CI58 #REPLACE U_DFBaseHorzScrollBar |CI59 #REPLACE U_DFRubberBand |CI60 // no longer exists #REPLACE U_DFBaseTextBox |CI61 #REPLACE U_DFBaseEdit |CI62 #REPLACE U_DFBaseSession |CI63 #REPLACE U_DFBaseDllSession |CI64 #REPLACE U_DFBaseSerial |CI65 #REPLACE U_DFBaseLineForm |CI66 //#REPLACE U_DFVconsole |CI67 // no longer exists #REPLACE U_DFBaseToolPanel |CI68 #REPLACE U_DFBaseMapiSession |CI69 #REPLACE U_DFBaseImageList |CI70 #REPLACE U_DFBaseTabDialog |CI71 #REPLACE U_DFBaseToolBar |CI72 // was dfbuttonbar #REPLACE U_DFBaseComboBoxEntry |CI73 #REPLACE U_DFBaseMdiClient |CI74 #REPLACE U_DFBaseListBox |CI75 #REPLACE U_DFBaseEditPulldown |CI76 #REPLACE U_DFBaseLineControl |CI77 // inet classes #REPLACE U_INETTRANSFER |CI78 #REPLACE U_CFTPTRANSFER |CI79 #REPLACE U_CBASEHTTPTRANSFER |CI80 // XML Classes #REPLACE U_BaseXMLDOMNODE |CI81 #REPLACE U_BaseXMLDOMNODELIST |CI82 #REPLACE U_BaseXMLDOMNAMEDNODEMAP |CI83 #REPLACE U_BaseXMLDOMPARSEERROR |CI84 #REPLACE U_BaseXMLDOMIMPLEMENTATION |CI85 #REPLACE U_BaseXMLDOMDOCUMENTFRAGMENT |CI86 #REPLACE U_BaseXMLDOMDOCUMENT |CI87 #REPLACE U_BaseXMLDOMCHARACTERDATA |CI88 #REPLACE U_BaseXMLDOMTEXTNODE |CI89 #REPLACE U_BaseXMLDOMCDATASECTION |CI90 #REPLACE U_BaseXMLDOMCOMMENT |CI91 #REPLACE U_BaseXMLDOMATTRIBUTE |CI92 #REPLACE U_BaseXMLDOMELEMENT |CI93 #REPLACE U_BaseXMLDOMPROCESSINGINSTRUCTION |CI94 #REPLACE U_BaseXMLDOMDOCUMENTTYPE |CI95 #REPLACE U_BaseXMLDOMNOTATION |CI96 #REPLACE U_BaseXMLDOMENTITY |CI97 #REPLACE U_BaseXMLDOMENTITYREFERENCE |CI98 #REPLACE U_CBASEWEBSERVICE |CI00105 // flexcom2 runtime classes #REPLACE U_DFCOMAUTOMATIONOBJECT |CI107 #REPLACE U_DFCOMDOCUMENTOBJECT |CI108 #REPLACE U_DFCOMACTIVEXCONTROL |CI109 #REPLACE U_DFCOMDESIGNCONTROL |CI110 #REPLACE U_DFCOMIDISPATCHDRIVER |CI111 #REPLACE U_DFBaseRichEdit |CI112 // added 11.0 #REPLACE U_DFBaseTextEdit |CI113 // added 11.0 #Replace U_cIdleHandler |CI128 // added 12.1 #ELSE // character mode class defintions // Define object class types. #REPLACE U_DESKTOP |CI1 // a desktop class object #REPLACE U_MESSAGE |CI2 // a message class object #REPLACE U_MENU |CI3 // a menu class object #REPLACE U_EDIT |CI4 // a edit class object #REPLACE U_SCROLLB |CI5 // a scroll bar class object #REPLACE U_LIST |CI6 // a list class object #REPLACE U_BUTTON |CI7 // a button class object #REPLACE U_CHECKBOX |CI8 // a check box class object #REPLACE U_CHECKLIST |CI9 // a check box class object #REPLACE U_FORM |CI10 // a form class object #REPLACE U_FORMLIST |CI11 // a form class object #REPLACE U_CLIENT |CI12 // a client area class object #REPLACE U_TITLE |CI13 // a title bar class object #REPLACE U_ACTION_BAR |CI14 // a action bar class object #REPLACE U_WARNING_MSG |CI15 // a warning message class object #REPLACE U_CRIT_MSG |CI16 // a critical error class object #REPLACE U_ERROR |CI17 // a standard error class object #REPLACE U_HELP |CI18 // a help class object #REPLACE U_ARRAY |CI19 // a array class of mixed scalars #REPLACE U_TRACE |CI20 // a trace class object #REPLACE U_ENTRY |CI21 // a data entry class object #REPLACE U_ENTRYLIST |CI22 // a data entry class object #REPLACE U_DIALOG |CI23 // a DIALOG area class object #REPLACE U_RADIO |CI24 // a radio button area #REPLACE U_RADIOLIST |CI25 // a radio list area #REPLACE U_VCONSOLE |CI26 // a virtual console area #REPLACE U_CLIPBOARD |CI27 // the clipboard handler #ENDIF // Base data structures #REPLACE MESSAGE_CLASS |CI0 #REPLACE MENU_CLASS |CI1 #REPLACE LIST_CLASS |CI2 #REPLACE EDIT_CLASS |CI3 #REPLACE SCROLL_CLASS |CI4 #REPLACE ARRAY_CLASS |CI5 // Define physical key names #REPLACE KEY_ALT |VI$8200 #REPLACE KEY_SHIFT |VI$8400 #REPLACE KEY_CTRL |VI$8800 #REPLACE KEY_ENTER |VI$9001 #REPLACE KEY_TAB |VI$9002 #REPLACE KEY_BACK_SPACE |VI$9003 #REPLACE KEY_ESCAPE |VI$9004 #REPLACE KEY_UP_ARROW |VI$9005 #REPLACE KEY_DOWN_ARROW |VI$9006 #REPLACE KEY_LEFT_ARROW |VI$9007 #REPLACE KEY_RIGHT_ARROW |VI$9008 #REPLACE KEY_HOME |VI$9009 #REPLACE KEY_END |VI$900A #REPLACE KEY_PGUP |VI$900B #REPLACE KEY_PGDN |VI$900C #REPLACE KEY_INSERT |VI$900D #REPLACE KEY_DELETE |VI$900E #REPLACE KEY_F1 |VI$9010 #REPLACE KEY_F2 |VI$9011 #REPLACE KEY_F3 |VI$9012 #REPLACE KEY_F4 |VI$9013 #REPLACE KEY_F5 |VI$9014 #REPLACE KEY_F6 |VI$9015 #REPLACE KEY_F7 |VI$9016 #REPLACE KEY_F8 |VI$9017 #REPLACE KEY_F9 |VI$9018 #REPLACE KEY_F10 |VI$9019 #REPLACE KEY_F11 |VI$901A #REPLACE KEY_F12 |VI$901B #REPLACE KEY_A |VI$8041 #REPLACE KEY_B |VI$8042 #REPLACE KEY_C |VI$8043 #REPLACE KEY_D |VI$8044 #REPLACE KEY_E |VI$8045 #REPLACE KEY_F |VI$8046 #REPLACE KEY_G |VI$8047 #REPLACE KEY_H |VI$8048 #REPLACE KEY_I |VI$8049 #REPLACE KEY_J |VI$804A #REPLACE KEY_K |VI$804B #REPLACE KEY_L |VI$804C #REPLACE KEY_M |VI$804D #REPLACE KEY_N |VI$804E #REPLACE KEY_O |VI$804F #REPLACE KEY_P |VI$8050 #REPLACE KEY_Q |VI$8051 #REPLACE KEY_R |VI$8052 #REPLACE KEY_S |VI$8053 #REPLACE KEY_T |VI$8054 #REPLACE KEY_U |VI$8055 #REPLACE KEY_V |VI$8056 #REPLACE KEY_W |VI$8057 #REPLACE KEY_X |VI$8058 #REPLACE KEY_Y |VI$8059 #REPLACE KEY_Z |VI$805A #REPLACE KEY_SPACE |VI$8020 #REPLACE KSPACE |VI$8020 #REPLACE KEY_0 |VI$8030 #REPLACE KEY_1 |VI$8031 #REPLACE KEY_2 |VI$8032 #REPLACE KEY_3 |VI$8033 #REPLACE KEY_4 |VI$8034 #REPLACE KEY_5 |VI$8035 #REPLACE KEY_6 |VI$8036 #REPLACE KEY_7 |VI$8037 #REPLACE KEY_8 |VI$8038 #REPLACE KEY_9 |VI$8039 #REPLACE KEY_PLUS |VI$802B #REPLACE KEY_MINUS |VI$802D #REPLACE KEY_EQUAL |VI$803D #REPLACE KEY_BACK_SLASH |VI$805C #REPLACE KEY_SLASH |VI$802F // Define Accelerator key names. #REPLACE KHELP |CI274 #REPLACE KSAVE_RECORD |CI265 #REPLACE KDELETE_RECORD |CI266 #REPLACE KEXIT_FUNCTION |CI281 #REPLACE KEXIT_APPLICATION |CI282 #REPLACE KPROMPT |CI283 #REPLACE KPRINT_SCREEN |CI258 #REPLACE KCLEAR |CI269 #REPLACE KREFRESH_SCREEN |CI284 #REPLACE KSWITCH |CI285 #REPLACE KSWITCH_BACK |CI286 #REPLACE KFIND |CI263 #REPLACE KFIND_PREVIOUS |CI270 #REPLACE KFIND_NEXT |CI271 #REPLACE KSUPER_FIND |CI264 #REPLACE KSUPER_FIND_PREVIOUS |CI287 #REPLACE KSUPER_FIND_NEXT |CI288 #REPLACE KACTION_BAR |CI289 #REPLACE KENTER |CI257 #REPLACE KUPARROW |CI272 #REPLACE KDOWNARROW |CI273 #REPLACE KLEFTARROW |CI260 #REPLACE KRIGHTARROW |CI261 #REPLACE KSCROLL_BACK |CI290 #REPLACE KSCROLL_FORWARD |CI291 #REPLACE KSCROLL_LEFT |CI292 #REPLACE KSCROLL_RIGHT |CI293 #REPLACE KBEGIN_OF_LINE |CI294 #REPLACE KEND_OF_LINE |CI295 #REPLACE KNEXT_ITEM |CI296 #REPLACE KPREVIOUS_ITEM |CI262 #REPLACE KDELETE_CHARACTER |CI277 #REPLACE KERASE_END_OF_LINE |CI297 #REPLACE KBACK_SPACE |CI278 #REPLACE KCANCEL |CI259 #REPLACE KBEGIN_OF_PANEL |CI298 #REPLACE KEND_OF_PANEL |CI299 #REPLACE KBEGIN_OF_DATA |CI300 #REPLACE KEND_OF_DATA |CI301 #REPLACE KWORD_LEFT |CI302 #REPLACE KWORD_RIGHT |CI303 #REPLACE KINSERT |CI276 #REPLACE KCLEAR_AND_RETURN |CI279 #REPLACE KADD_MODE |CI304 #REPLACE KPASTE |CI305 #REPLACE KCOPY |CI306 #REPLACE KCUT |CI307 #REPLACE KCLEAR_ALL |CI308 #REPLACE KMOUSE |CI309 #REPLACE KMARK |CI310 #REPLACE KZOOM |CI311 #REPLACE KCLOSE_PANEL |CI312 //OLD KEY DEFINITIONS #REPLACE KCALCULATE |CI267 #REPLACE KUSER |CI268 #REPLACE KUSER2 |CI275 #REPLACE KCLEOW |CI280 //#FREG |CI$01CE STRING PERCENTAGE RETURNS INTEGER #REPLACE DFLT$VALUE __X__ #REPLACE DFLT$MESSAGE __X__ #REPLACE DFLT$AUX_VALUE __X__ #REPLACE DFLT$SHADOW_STATE __X__ #REPLACE DFLT$SELECT_STATE __X__ #REPLACE DFLT$CHECKBOX_ITEM_STATE __X__ #REPLACE DFLT$AUTOCLEAR_STATE __X__ #REPLACE DFLT$CENTER_STATE __X__ #REPLACE DFLT$ENTRY_STATE __X__ #REPLACE DFLT$ITEM_CHANGED_STATE __X__ #REPLACE DFLT$ITEM_ENTRY_MSG __X__ #REPLACE DFLT$ITEM_EXIT_MSG __X__ #REPLACE DFLT$ITEM_VALIDATE_MSG __X__ #REPLACE DFLT$DATA_FILE __X__ #REPLACE DFLT$DATA_FIELD __X__ #REPLACE DFLT$DATA_WINDOW __X__ #REPLACE DFLT$ITEM_OPTIONS __X__ #REPLACE DFLT$ITEM_OPTION __X__ #REPLACE DFLT$PROMPT_OBJECT __X__ #REPLACE DFLT$ZOOM_OBJECT __X__ #IFDEF IS$WINDOWS // Define all Form properties that require an index (item). If the item parameter // is omitted item 0 is used as a default. This allows single item objects (e.g. Form) // to omit the item number. (e.g. Set Password_State to True). #REPLACE DFLT$FORM_WIDTH __F__ #REPLACE DFLT$FORM_COLOR __F__ #REPLACE DFLT$FORM_DATATYPE __F__ #REPLACE DFLT$FORM_OPTIONS __F__ #REPLACE DFLT$FORM_FONT __F__ #REPLACE DFLT$FORM_ROW __F__ #REPLACE DFLT$FORM_COLUMN __F__ #REPLACE DFLT$FORM_TYPEFACE __F__ #REPLACE DFLT$FORM_FONTHEIGHT __F__ #REPLACE DFLT$FORM_FONTWEIGHT __F__ #REPLACE DFLT$FORM_FONTITALICS __F__ #REPLACE DFLT$FORM_FONTUNDERLINE __F__ #REPLACE DFLT$BUTTON_ASPECT __F__ #REPLACE DFLT$FORM_HEIGHT __F__ #REPLACE DFLT$FORM_GUIWIDTH __F__ #REPLACE DFLT$FORM_GUIHEIGHT __F__ #REPLACE DFLT$FORM_GUIROW __F__ #REPLACE DFLT$FORM_GUICOLUMN __F__ #REPLACE DFLT$FORM_MARGIN __F__ #REPLACE DFLT$FORM_OPTION __F__ #REPLACE DFLT$FORM_STYLE __F__ #REPLACE DFLT$FORM_EXTENDED_STYLE __F__ #REPLACE DFLT$FORM_BORDER __F__ #REPLACE DFLT$PASSWORD_STATE __F__ #REPLACE DFLT$FORM_MASK __F__ #REPLACE DFLT$FORM_BUTTON __F__ #REPLACE DFLT$FORM_BUTTON_VALUE __F__ #REPLACE DFLT$FORM_WINDOW_HANDLE __F__ #REPLACE DFLT$FORM_BUTTON_WINDOW_HANDLE __F__ #REPLACE DFLT$MASKED_VALUE __F__ // these are really form properties #REPLACE DFLT$UNMASKED_VALUE __F__ // so if no param use 0 #REPLACE DFLT$FORM_JUSTIFICATION_MODE __F__ // These are index (item or form) tem based properties that require two // parameters in the set statement following the "to". Please do not // create any more of these kinds of messages #REPLACE DFLT$2$ITEM_OPTION __2__ #REPLACE DFLT$2$FORM_COLOR __2__ #REPLACE DFLT$2$FORM_STYLE __2__ #REPLACE DFLT$2$FORM_EXTENDED_STYLE __2__ #ENDIF //Reserve$Internal$Functions // this disallows these names to be used in // in functions, properties or cts. #REPLACE FN$Abs __F__ #REPLACE FN$Acos __F__ #REPLACE FN$Append __F__ #REPLACE FN$Ascii __F__ #REPLACE FN$Asin __F__ #REPLACE FN$Atan __F__ #REPLACE FN$Center __F__ #REPLACE FN$Character __F__ #REPLACE FN$Cos __F__ #REPLACE FN$Date __F__ #REPLACE FN$Eval __F__ #REPLACE FN$Exp __F__ #REPLACE FN$Hi __F__ #REPLACE FN$If __F__ #REPLACE FN$Insert __F__ #REPLACE FN$Integer __F__ #REPLACE FN$Left __F__ #REPLACE FN$Length __F__ #REPLACE FN$Log __F__ #REPLACE FN$Low __F__ #REPLACE FN$Lowercase __F__ #REPLACE FN$Ltrim __F__ #REPLACE FN$Mid __F__ #REPLACE FN$Mod __F__ #REPLACE FN$Not __F__ #REPLACE FN$Number __F__ #REPLACE FN$Overstrike __F__ #REPLACE FN$Pad __F__ #REPLACE FN$Pos __F__ #REPLACE FN$Random __F__ #REPLACE FN$Real __F__ #REPLACE FN$Remove __F__ #REPLACE FN$Repeat __F__ #REPLACE FN$Replace __F__ #REPLACE FN$Replaces __F__ #REPLACE FN$Right __F__ #REPLACE FN$Round __F__ #REPLACE FN$Rtrim __F__ #REPLACE FN$Sin __F__ #REPLACE FN$Sqrt __F__ #REPLACE FN$String __F__ #REPLACE FN$Tan __F__ #REPLACE FN$Trim __F__ #REPLACE FN$Uppercase __F__ #IFDEF EXTENDED_DATA_TYPES #REPLACE FN$CurrentDateTime __F__ #REPLACE FN$DateGetDay __F__ #REPLACE FN$DateGetDayofWeek __F__ #REPLACE FN$DateGetDayofYear __F__ #REPLACE FN$DateGetHour __F__ #REPLACE FN$DateGetMinute __F__ #REPLACE FN$DateGetMonth __F__ #REPLACE FN$DateGetSecond __F__ #REPLACE FN$DateGetYear __F__ #REPLACE FN$DateSetDay __F__ #REPLACE FN$DateSetHour __F__ #REPLACE FN$DateSetMinute __F__ #REPLACE FN$DateSetMonth __F__ #REPLACE FN$DateSetSecond __F__ #REPLACE FN$DateSetYear __F__ #REPLACE FN$IsDateValid __F__ #REPLACE FN$SpanDays __F__ #REPLACE FN$SpanHours __F__ #REPLACE FN$SpanMinutes __F__ #REPLACE FN$SpanSeconds __F__ #REPLACE FN$SpanTotalDays __F__ #REPLACE FN$SpanTotalHours __F__ #REPLACE FN$SpanTotalMinutes __F__ #REPLACE FN$SpanTotalSeconds __F__ #REPLACE FN$Addressof __F__ #REPLACE FN$Cast __F__ #REPLACE FN$Convert __F__ #REPLACE FN$InvokeXML __F__ // #REPLACE FN$Storec __F__ #REPLACE FN$Storew __F__ #REPLACE FN$Storedw __F__ #REPLACE FN$Derefc __F__ #REPLACE FN$Derefw __F__ #REPLACE FN$Derefdw __F__ #REPLACE FN$MemCopy __F__ #REPLACE FN$MemSet __F__ #REPLACE FN$IsSameCOMObject __F__ #REPLACE FN$IsNullCOMObject __F__ #REPLACE FN$NullCOMObject __F__ // 11.0 changes #REPLACE FN$FindByRowId __F__ #REPLACE FN$GetRowId __F__ #REPLACE FN$NullRowId __F__ #REPLACE FN$IsNullRowId __F__ #REPLACE FN$IsSameRowId __F__ #REPLACE FN$SerializeRowId __F__ #REPLACE FN$DeSerializeRowId __F__ #REPLACE FN$SizeOfArray __F__ #REPLACE FN$ResizeArray __F__ #REPLACE FN$CStringLength __F__ #REPLACE FN$SizeOfType __F__ // size of any data type including structs // 11.1 changes #REPLACE FN$BinarySearchArray __F__ #REPLACE FN$CopyArray __F__ #REPLACE FN$CountArray __F__ #REPLACE FN$FillArray __F__ #REPLACE FN$MinArray __F__ #REPLACE FN$MaxArray __F__ #REPLACE FN$ReverseArray __F__ #REPLACE FN$SearchArray __F__ #REPLACE FN$ShuffleArray __F__ #REPLACE FN$SortArray __F__ // 15.0 changes added post 15.0 #REPLACE FN$RemoveFromArray __F__ #REPLACE FN$InsertInArray __F__ #REPLACE FN$RightPos __F__ #ENDIF // is windows // Object commands #REPLACE OBJ$INIT $0440 #REPLACE OBJ$CREATE $0441 #REPLACE OBJ$ILIST $0442 #REPLACE OBJ$ITEM $0443 #REPLACE OBJ$ENDILIST $0444 #REPLACE OBJ$ACCLIST $0445 // not used #REPLACE OBJ$ONKEY $0446 #REPLACE OBJ$ENDALIST $0447 // not used #REPLACE OBJ$ENDDEFINE $0448 // not used #REPLACE OBJ$IODISPATCH $0449 #REPLACE OBJ$SET $044A #REPLACE OBJ$GET $044B #REPLACE OBJ$SEND $044C #REPLACE OBJ$FIX $044D // not used #REPLACE OBJ$END $044E #REPLACE OBJ$FWDFIX $044F // not used #REPLACE OBJ$HRET $0450 #REPLACE OBJ$ITEM_EXEC $0451 #REPLACE OBJ$ACCEPT $0452 #REPLACE CREATE$CLASS $0453 #REPLACE HANDLE$FOR $0454 #REPLACE OBJ$END$HANDLER $0455 #REPLACE LOCAL$ARGUMENT $0456 #REPLACE FIND$OBJECT $0457 #REPLACE END$CLASS $0458 #REPLACE CREATE$SUB$PAGE $0459 #REPLACE CLONE$CLASS $045A #REPLACE OBJ$ENTRY$ITEM $045B #REPLACE MOVE$SUB$PAGE $045C #REPLACE OBJ$TIMER $045D #REPLACE SCREEN$OPT $045E #REPLACE CREATE$PROPERTY $045F #REPLACE REDEFINE$SUB$PAGE $0464 //Focus modes: #REPLACE FOCUSABLE |CI0 #REPLACE NONFOCUSABLE |CI1 #REPLACE POINTER_ONLY |CI2 #REPLACE NO_ACTIVATE |CI3 //Search modes: #REPLACE FIRST_CHARACTER |CI0 #REPLACE INCREMENTAL |CI1 #REPLACE CAPITAL |CI2 #REPLACE NO_SEARCH |CI3 //Delegation modes: #REPLACE DELEGATE_TO_PARENT |CI0 #REPLACE NO_DELEGATE_OR_ERROR |CI1 #REPLACE NO_DELEGATION |CI2 #REPLACE RETURN_INVALID_MESSAGE |CI3 #REPLACE DELEGATE_PRIOR_LEVEL |CI4 //Location modes: #REPLACE ABSOLUTE |CI0 #REPLACE RELATIVE |CI1 #REPLACE ITEM_RELATIVE |CI2 //Sort modes: #REPLACE ASCENDING |CI0 #REPLACE DESCENDING |CI1 //Select Modes: #REPLACE NO_SELECT |CI0 #REPLACE SINGLE_SELECT |CI1 #REPLACE MULTI_SELECT |CI2 #REPLACE AUTO_SELECT |CI3 //Entry item options: #REPLACE IWINDOW $C0A1 #REPLACE IENTRY $C0A2 #REPLACE IEXIT $C0A3 #REPLACE IVALIDATE $C0A4 #REPLACE IZOOM $C0A5 #REPLACE IPROMPT $C0A6 //Import modes #REPLACE INHERIT 1 #REPLACE NO_OVERWRITE 2 //System integers #REPLACE CURRENT_OBJECT |VI85 #REPLACE SELF |VI85 // as of 12.0 this is now part of fmac #REPLACE FORWARD$MESSAGE |VI87 #REPLACE CURRENT_MESSAGE |VI88 #REPLACE TOTAL_OBJECTS |VI89 // Define the desktop objects #REPLACE NULL_OBJECT |CI0 #REPLACE CLIPBOARD |CI1 #REPLACE CLIPBOARD.N |CI0 //#REPLACE DESKTOP |CI2 // now defined in flex$init #REPLACE DESKTOP.N |CI0 //#REPLACE END_FUNCTION END_PROCEDURE // now defined in flex$init //#REPLACE PROCEDURE_RETURN FUNCTION_RETURN // now defined in flex$init #REPLACE NO_IMAGE |CI-9999 #REPLACE CURRENT |CI-99 //use current item# #REPLACE TOGGLE_STATE |CI3 //toggle boolean state #REPLACE UPWARD_DIRECTION |CI0 //scroll up #REPLACE DOWNWARD_DIRECTION |CI1 //scroll down // #REPLACE GET_SCROLLBAR |CI$4000 // #REPLACE GET_CLIPBOARD |CI$4001 // #FREG |CI$4000 RETURNS INTEGER // #FREG |CI$4001 RETURNS INTEGER // bumped up for 32-bit msg ids #REPLACE GET_SCROLLBAR |CI$40000000 #REPLACE GET_CLIPBOARD |CI$40000001 #FREG |CI$40000000 RETURNS INTEGER #FREG |CI$40000001 RETURNS INTEGER #REPLACE ERROR_OBJECT_ID |VI100 #REPLACE ERROR_TYPE |VI101 #REPLACE ERROR_CHILD_INHERITS_PARENT |CI0 #REPLACE ERROR_OFF_IN_CHILD |CI1 #REPLACE ERROR_DEFAULT_IN_CHILD |CI2 //deactivate search modes #REPLACE SCOPE_TYPE |CI1 #REPLACE POPUP_TYPE |CI2 #REPLACE AREA_TYPE |CI3 //add_focus/activate/deactivate/release_focus error return codes #REPLACE ERROR_ENTERING |CI1 #REPLACE ERROR_EXITING |CI2 #REPLACE ERROR_ACTIVATING |CI3 #REPLACE ERROR_DEACTIVATING |CI4 #REPLACE ERROR_CANT_ACCEPT_FOCUS |CI5 #REPLACE ERROR_CANT_CREATE_TREE |CI6 #REPLACE ERROR_ADD_TO_INACTIVE_OBJECT |CI7 #REPLACE ERROR_NO_FOCUSABLE_CHILDREN |CI8 // modes for peInNeighborHood #REPLACE nhNo |CI0 // not a neighbor, check to see if parent is neighbor #REPLACE nhPublic |CI1 // Is a neighbor hood, All descendant objects may address each other #REPLACE nhPrivate |CI2 // Is a private neighborhood. descendants can not addres each other // alias data-types. These used to be in dll.pkg but are best defined here. #REPLACE Pointer Integer // Parameter is a POINTER #REPLACE DWord Integer // Parameter is a DWORD (32 bits) #REPLACE Handle DWord // Parameter is a HANDLE (32 bits) #REPLACE Void_Type Integer // Return type is VOID // The following set of replacements define the type of load for the // DLL. Each load type has the standard set of trade offs, speed // vs memory. A lib that is loaded each time is probable the most memory // efficient, but suffers from load speed overhead. However, large DLLs // that are retained in memory are not using system resources as // efficientry as possible. Note that some DLLs are already in memory. // The Windows Kernel and USER libs are already loaded by Windows, and // do not take up more memory. // These are used by command SET_DEFAULT_CALLTYPE (which is actually rarely if ever used) #REPLACE LOAD_ON_EACH_USE |CI0 // Load and free on each call (slow) #REPLACE LOAD_LIBRARY |CI1 // Load Lib on definition #REPLACE DELETE_ENTRY |CI2 // Delete lib entry in reg DataBase #REPLACE FREE_LIBRARY |CI4 // Free lib in Reg DataBase #REPLACE LOAD_ON_USE |CI8 // Load lib on first use (call) #CHKSUB 1 1 // Verify the UI subsystem. !A [] OBJ$INIT |CI0 // INITIALIZE_INTERFACE #FREF OBJ$DESK$NUM !a // Number of desktop dependants