CLSID: {3FA3EA6B-D886-4689-87E5-2EFB3101F16B}
Interface to the Crystal Report Viewer Control
- VariantComReportSource()
Get the report source
- IntegerhDispatchDriver
- VariantretVal
- Set(Variant value)
Get the report source
- IntegerhDispatchDriver
- BooleanComDisplayGroupTree()
Determine if the group tree is visible
- IntegerhDispatchDriver
- BooleanretVal
- Set(Boolean value)
Determine if the group tree is visible
- IntegerhDispatchDriver
- BooleanComDisplayToolbar()
Determine if the toolbar is visible
- IntegerhDispatchDriver
- BooleanretVal
- Set(Boolean value)
Determine if the toolbar is visible
- IntegerhDispatchDriver
- BooleanComEnableGroupTree()
Determine if the group tree is available
- IntegerhDispatchDriver
- BooleanretVal
- Set(Boolean value)
Determine if the group tree is available
- IntegerhDispatchDriver
- BooleanComEnableNavigationControls()
Determines if the viewer has navigation controls
- IntegerhDispatchDriver
- BooleanretVal
- Set(Boolean value)
Determines if the viewer has navigation controls
- IntegerhDispatchDriver
- BooleanComEnableStopButton()
Determines if the viewer has a stop button
- IntegerhDispatchDriver
- BooleanretVal
- Set(Boolean value)
Determines if the viewer has a stop button
- IntegerhDispatchDriver
- BooleanComEnablePrintButton()
Determine if the print button is visible
- IntegerhDispatchDriver
- BooleanretVal
- Set(Boolean value)
Determine if the print button is visible
- IntegerhDispatchDriver
- BooleanComEnableZoomControl()
Determine if the zoom control is visible
- IntegerhDispatchDriver
- BooleanretVal
- Set(Boolean value)
Determine if the zoom control is visible
- IntegerhDispatchDriver
- BooleanComEnableCloseButton()
Determine if the close button is visible
- IntegerhDispatchDriver
- BooleanretVal
- Set(Boolean value)
Determine if the close button is visible
- IntegerhDispatchDriver
- BooleanComEnableProgressControl()
Determine if the progress control will be shown
- IntegerhDispatchDriver
- BooleanretVal
- Set(Boolean value)
Determine if the progress control will be shown
- IntegerhDispatchDriver
- BooleanComEnableSearchControl()
Determine if the search control is visible
- IntegerhDispatchDriver
- BooleanretVal
- Set(Boolean value)
Determine if the search control is visible
- IntegerhDispatchDriver
- BooleanComEnableRefreshButton()
Determine if the Refresh button is visible
- IntegerhDispatchDriver
- BooleanretVal
- Set(Boolean value)
Determine if the Refresh button is visible
- IntegerhDispatchDriver
- BooleanComEnableDrillDown()
Deterimine if drill down is allowed
- IntegerhDispatchDriver
- BooleanretVal
- Set(Boolean value)
Deterimine if drill down is allowed
- IntegerhDispatchDriver
- BooleanComEnableAnimationCtrl()
Determine if the animation control is visible
- IntegerhDispatchDriver
- BooleanretVal
- Set(Boolean value)
Determine if the animation control is visible
- IntegerhDispatchDriver
- BooleanComEnableSelectExpertButton()
Determine if the Select Expert button is showing
- IntegerhDispatchDriver
- BooleanretVal
- Set(Boolean value)
Determine if the Select Expert button is showing
- IntegerhDispatchDriver
- ComViewReport()
- IntegerhDispatchDriver
- BooleanComEnableToolbar()
EnableToolbar indicates if the viewer has a toolbar (shown or hidden)
- IntegerhDispatchDriver
- BooleanretVal
- Set(Boolean value)
EnableToolbar indicates if the viewer has a toolbar (shown or hidden)
- IntegerhDispatchDriver
- BooleanComDisplayBorder()
DisplayBorder indicates if the viewer has a border
- IntegerhDispatchDriver
- BooleanretVal
- Set(Boolean value)
DisplayBorder indicates if the viewer has a border
- IntegerhDispatchDriver
- BooleanComDisplayTabs()
DisplayTabs indicates if the viewer has tabs for navigation between views
- IntegerhDispatchDriver
- BooleanretVal
- Set(Boolean value)
DisplayTabs indicates if the viewer has tabs for navigation between views
- IntegerhDispatchDriver
- BooleanComDisplayBackgroundEdge()
Determines if the report is offset from the edge of its view window.
- IntegerhDispatchDriver
- BooleanretVal
- Set(Boolean value)
Determines if the report is offset from the edge of its view window.
- IntegerhDispatchDriver
- VariantComTrackCursorInfo()
Get the TrackCursorInfo object
- IntegerhDispatchDriver
- VariantretVal
- ShortComActiveViewIndex()
ActiveViewIndex returns the 1-based index of the current view (tab)
- IntegerhDispatchDriver
- ShortretVal
- ShortComViewCount()
ViewCount returns the current number of views (tabs)
- IntegerhDispatchDriver
- ShortretVal
- ComActivateView(Variant llIndex)
ActivateView activates a particular view by 1-based index
- IntegerhDispatchDriver
- ComAddView(Variant llGroupPath)
AddView adds a new view (tab). GroupPath can be a colon-delimited string (Country:State:City), a safe array of strings (Country, State, City), or a safe array of longs (1, 2, 0).
- IntegerhDispatchDriver
- ComCloseView(Variant llIndex)
CloseView closes the view, given the 1-based index number of the view. S_FALSE is returned if the user was prompted to close drill-down or subreport views and elected not to proceed.
- IntegerhDispatchDriver
- VariantComGetViewPath(Short llIndex)
GetViewPath returns the path to the current view, given the 1-based index number of the view. Path contains a safe array of strings
- IntegerhDispatchDriver
- VariantretVal
- ComPrintReport()
PrintReport initiates printing of the report in the current view
- IntegerhDispatchDriver
- ComRefresh()
Refresh causes the view information to be reloaded and displayed
- IntegerhDispatchDriver
- ComSearchForText(String llText)
SearchForText allows searching for text across pages of the current view
- IntegerhDispatchDriver
- ComShowFirstPage()
ShowFirstPage shows the first page of the current view
- IntegerhDispatchDriver
- ComShowNextPage()
ShowNextPage shows the next page of the current view
- IntegerhDispatchDriver
- ComShowPreviousPage()
ShowPreviousPage shows the previous page of the current view
- IntegerhDispatchDriver
- ComShowLastPage()
ShowLastPage shows the last page of the current view
- IntegerhDispatchDriver
- ComShowNthPage(Short llPageNumber)
ShowNthPage shows the desired page of the current view
- IntegerhDispatchDriver
- ComZoom(Short llZoomLevel)
Zoom changes the display of the report. All numbers are percentages except: 1 - fit width, 2 - fit page
- IntegerhDispatchDriver
- IntegerComGetCurrentPageNumber()
GetCurrentPageNumber returns the page number of the report being viewed
- IntegerhDispatchDriver
- IntegerretVal
- ComShowGroup(Variant llGroupPath)
ShowGroup displays the indicated group in the current view. GroupPath can be a colon-delimited string (Country:State:City), a safe array of strings (Country, State, City), or a safe array of longs (1, 2, 0).
- IntegerhDispatchDriver
- BooleanComIsBusy()
IsBusy indicates if the control is busy.
- IntegerhDispatchDriver
- BooleanretVal
- BooleanComEnablePopupMenu()
Determine if the pop menu is available
- IntegerhDispatchDriver
- BooleanretVal
- Set(Boolean value)
Determine if the pop menu is available
- IntegerhDispatchDriver
- BooleanComEnableExportButton()
Status of the Export toolbar button
- IntegerhDispatchDriver
- BooleanretVal
- Set(Boolean value)
Status of the Export toolbar button
- IntegerhDispatchDriver
- BooleanComEnableSearchExpertButton()
Status of the Search Expert toolbar button
- IntegerhDispatchDriver
- BooleanretVal
- Set(Boolean value)
Status of the Search Expert toolbar button
- IntegerhDispatchDriver
- ComSearchByFormula(String llformula)
Search using the search formula. Search UI is shown if formula is empty.
- IntegerhDispatchDriver
- StringComGetViewName(String ByRef llpTabName)
GetViewName returns the current view's tab name and the current report document's name.
- IntegerhDispatchDriver
- StringretVal
- BooleanComEnableHelpButton()
Enable the help button on the toolbar
- IntegerhDispatchDriver
- BooleanretVal
- Set(Boolean value)
Enable the help button on the toolbar
- IntegerhDispatchDriver
- VariantComGetGroup()
Get the group path of the current view. The the VT type of the VARIANT to control the type of result: VT_ARRAY | VT_I4 or VT_BSTR
- IntegerhDispatchDriver
- VariantretVal
- ComGetLastPageNumber(Integer ByRef llpageN Boolean ByRef lllastPageKnown)
Get the last page number. The last page number may not have been calculated so it may not be known. For Visual Basic, a Long and a Boolean should be passed, Procedure style.
- IntegerhDispatchDriver
- ComRefreshEx(Boolean llrefreshServerData)
Refresh the report, optionally causing the server to refresh its data
- IntegerhDispatchDriver
- BooleanComLaunchHTTPHyperlinksInNewBrowser()
Launch HTTP Hyperlinks in a new browser
- IntegerhDispatchDriver
- BooleanretVal
- Set(Boolean value)
Launch HTTP Hyperlinks in a new browser
- IntegerhDispatchDriver
- UIntegerComLocaleID()
Get the locale ID
- IntegerhDispatchDriver
- UIntegerretVal
- Set(UInteger value)
Get the locale ID
- IntegerhDispatchDriver