- import declarations
- Integer
MultiByteToWideChar(DWORD dwCodePage DWORD dwFlags Pointer pMultiByteStr Integer cbMultiByte Pointer pWideStr Integer cchWideChar)
- Integer
WideCharToMultiByte(DWORD dwCodePage DWORD dwFlags Pointer pWideStr Integer cchWideChar Pointer pMultiByteStr Integer cbMultiByte Pointer pDefaultChar Pointer pUsedDefaultChar)
- Integer
MultiToWideBuffer(DWORD dwCodePage Address pMultiBuf Integer iLen Address ppWideBuf)
dwCodePage = Multi Byte Code Page to convert from
pMultiBuf = Pointer to Multi Byte string
iLen = Length in bytes of Multi Byte string
ppWideBuf = Contents of ppWideBuf contains a pointer to the destination buffer on return
- Integer
iWideSize - Integer
iVoid - Address
- Integer
WideToMultiBuffer(DWORD dwCodePage Address pWideBuf Integer iLen Address ppMultiBuf)
dwCodePage = Multi Byte Code Page to convert to
pWideBuf = Pointer to Wide Character string
iLen = Length in characters of Wide Character string
ppMultiBuf = Contents of ppMultiBuf contains a pointer to the destination buffer on return
- Integer
iMultiSize - Address
pMultiBuf - Integer
- Address
Utf8ToOemBuffer(Address pUtf8Buf Integer iLen)
Converts a UTF-8 string to OEM
pUtf8Buf = Pointer to UTF-8 string
iLen = Length of UTF-8 string in bytes
Returns pointer to OEM string, use free() to deallocate buffer when it's no longer needed
- Address
pWideBuf - Address
pOemBuf - Integer
iWideBufLen - Integer
iMultiBufLen - Integer
- Address
OemToUtf8Buffer(Address pOemBuf Integer iLen)
Converts a OEM string to UTF-8
pOemBuf = Pointer to OEM string
iLen = Length of OEM string in bytes
Returns pointer to UTF-8 string, use free() to deallocate buffer when it's no longer needed
- Address
pWideBuf - Address
pUtf8Buf - Integer
iWideBufLen - Integer
iMultiBufLen - Integer
- Address
OemToUtf16Buffer(Address pOemBuf Integer iLen)
Converts a OEM string to UTF-16
pOemBuf = Pointer to OEM string
iLen = Length of OEM string in bytes
Returns pointer to UTF-16 string, use free() to deallocate buffer when it's no longer needed
- Address
pWideBuf - Integer
- Address
Utf16ToOemBuffer(Address pWideBuf Integer iWideBufLen)
Converts a UTF-16 string to OEM
pWideBuf = Pointer to UTF-16 string
iWideBufLen = Length of UTF-16 in characters
Returns pointer to OEM string, use free() to deallocate buffer when it's no longer needed
- Address
pOemBuf - Integer