Module Ddvaltbl.pkg
$File name : ddvaltbl.pkg //
$File title : //
Notice : //
$System : Extended Data Sets 3.1 //
Created : 03/28/96 04:48 pm //
$Last Rev : 03/28/96 04:48 pm41 //
$Description //
$Rev History //
JT 02/04/97 Changed Validate_value in FileValidationTable to no use the code//
DSO if operation mode is busy. In DDOs validtion sets operation_//
mode to busy. //
JT 12/23/96 Made sure field values are always trimmed! //
JT 07/23/96 New Class names //
JT 06/12/96 Modified "indirect-file" finding methods and replaced them with //
3.1 API commands //
JT 05/28/96 Add Public Message Find_Code_Description. Passes Code and //
returns the description. Created properties current_description //
current_code and current_Record to speed up this process //
JT 02-04-96 Changed Validation_xxx_table to xxx_Validation_Table //
JT 28-03-96 File header created //
Validation Table Support for Extended Data-Sets. Fields may //
attached to validation tables which can then be used for //
validation (if Validate_state is true) or list loading. //
Developers can create their own validation tables as long as they //
conform to the following external interface: //
Properties //
Static_State - if list must be rebuilt each validation, load //
Allow_Blank_state - If Blank or 0 is a valid response //
Validate_State - should table be used for validation //
Table_Loaded_State - is the validation table initialized? //
Methods //
Get Validate_Value sValue to iVal - if iVal=0, it is legal //
Send Fill_list - fills a static list //
Send Request_Fill_From_List iObject iMessage //
This is a callback that will fill an external list by sending //
the passed message (iMessage) back to the requesting object //
(iObject). It will send this message for each item in the //
validation table. It always passes back four params. Those are: //
iItem - Item count being passed back //
sData - The Database value of the item //
sDesc - The Value's description, "" if none //
iFile - File number associated with the item (if any) //
iRec - Record associated with the item (if any) //
Developers can create classes of any complexity to support validation //
tables. We have provided the following four classes. //
ValidationTable is an Array //
Provides simple one dimensional table support. The table must be //
loaded manually by creating fill_list and sending the message //
Add_Table_Value (send Add_Table_Value Value). If list is static //
it is filled once. If non-static it is filled each time it is //
requested to validate or fill a foreign lis. //
DescriptionValidationTable is a ValidationTable //
Provides a more complex three dimension array allowing the //
object to store a data value, description value and a record //
number. The developer must fill this list using the Add_table_ //
value message passing up to three values (data, desc, record). //
FileValidationTable is a DescriptionValidationTable //
Provides a data aware table. This can be used to load data from //
data-files, from data-sets. If you use data-sets you can place //
constraints within the data-set. You must define the file-number,//
data-set (if any), the file index, the file's data field, and //
the file's description field. You can also define an optional //
"Type". All records are constrained to this type (with or with- //
data-sets). If is assumed that this file has an optimized finding//
index. //
CodeValidationTable is a FileValidationTable //
Used for Code lists. Simply set Type_Value to the "type" //
References (8):
Field References (0):
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