Module Dfdafmac.pkg
Confidential Trade Secret.
Copyright (c) 1993 2E Software, La Mesa California,
as an unpublished work. All rights reserved.
Portions copyright (c) 1997 Data Access Corporation, Miami Florida
DataFlex is a registered trademark of Data Access Corporation.
Version: 1.0
Copyright (c) 1993 2E Software
08/24/94 : Created
Author: John J. Tuohy
08/24/94 - Special commands for windows stuff
3.1 Chagnes
03/28/95 JJT - Removed USE of 0 package.
02/12/96 JJT - 1) Changes to support new modal_state.
2) Objects are deferred (not destroyed unless the
destroy_object_state is set.)
04/28/96 JJT Modifed to send Activate_view (new mdi dialog message)
04/29/96 JJT Removed DFScreen_Size. Now use GUIScreen_Size
10/15/97 JJT removed "use pkg2e0" and added pieces from that package. Added
cd_end_object so cd_Suff is no longer needed
This activate view command will get found before the command of the
same name from DAF character base. It works the way the windows daf
must work.
Dfdafmac.pkg (view source)- import declarations
These commands get found first and will override the commands
of the same name in cd-stuff. With WINDAF we expect views to be
placed inside of a main_panel object.
- Deferred_View
Register_Object !3
Procedure !1
Send Activate_View to (!3(Self))
This expects to create a view INSIDE of another object
(Like a panel)
- CD_Client : Container
- Cd_Popup_Object
Object !1 is a CD_Client
Procedure Popup_Modal Returns integer
integer rval Id
Get Created_Object_Id to Id
If Id eq 0 Begin
Register_Object !1_Cd
Gosub !1_Sub
Set Created_Object_id to (!1_Cd(Self))
Forward Get msg_Popup_Modal rVal to rVal
Procedure_Return Rval
[Found ~Found] Begin
Object !1_cd !2 !3 !4 !5 !6 !7 !8 !9
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