set(integer row integer col)
augmented to check if number of rows changed so we can support dynamic
resizing of non-batch lists.
- integer
Returns TRUE to indicate that this is a DEO control. This is used by
if you are within a DEO control message and should therefore
send a DEO message.
Set(integer hmMsg integer iCol integer iParam)
Create interface to more easily get at column options:
This allows the developer to easiy get at all of the {...}
items in a dbGrid or dbList.
Get/Set Column_Options
Get/Set Column_Option
Get/Set Column_Shadow_State
Get/Set Column_Capslock_State
Get/Set Column_Prompt_Object
Get/Set Column_Zoom_Object
Get/Set Column_Entry_msg
Get/Set Column_Exit_msg
Get/Set Column_Validate_msg
Get/Set Column_Message (generic: Pass Msg number, column, integer param)
Advanced Message:
This is used to get/set the column message for the passed message
number. Other public column messages use this.
When SET : Pass message number, column, Integer param to Set.
When GET : Pass message number, column and return Integer param
sets items in protoype object and items in grid
- Integer
hObj - Integer
iRows - Integer
iCols - Integer
- integer
Column_Message(integer hmMsg integer iCol)
- Integer
hObj - Integer
Set(integer iCol integer iOptions)
Get/Set Column_Options
- integer
Column_Options(integer iCol)
Set(integer iCol integer iOption integer bState)
Get/Set Column_Option.
sets items in protoype object and items in grid
- Integer
hObj - Integer
iRows - Integer
iCols - Integer
- integer
Column_Option(integer iCol integer iOption)
- Integer
hObj - Integer
Set(integer iCol Boolean bState)
Get/Set Column_Shadow_State
- Integer
iOptions - Boolean
- Boolean
Column_Shadow_State(integer iCol)
Set(integer iCol Boolean bState)
Get/Set Column_Capslock_State
- Integer
- Boolean
Column_CapsLock_State(integer iCol)
- Integer
Set(integer iCol Handle hObj)
Get/Set Column_Prompt_Object
- Handle
Column_Prompt_Object(integer iCol)
Set(integer iCol Handle hObj)
Get/Set Column_Zoom_Object
- Handle
Column_Zoom_Object(integer iCol)
Set(Integer iCol Handle hmMsg)
Get/Set Column_Entry_msg
- Handle
Column_Entry_msg(integer iCol)
Set(Integer iCol Handle hmMsg)
Get/Set Column_Exit_msg
- Handle
Column_Exit_msg(integer iCol)
Set(Integer iCol Handle hmMsg)
Get/Set Column_Validate_msg
- Handle
Column_Validate_msg(integer iCol)
set(integer iCol Boolean bSelect)
Get/Set Column_checkbox_state
- Integer
- Boolean
Column_Checkbox_State(integer iCol)
DoDisplayCheckBox(integer iItm integer bSt)
This can be called from with entry_display to display a
checkbox. This is used for non-data entry checkboxes (most
often in sel-lists).
Displays a checkbox for the item passed based on passed state.
Display different ckboxes for displayonly and not. This can be
sent to display a checkbox. If a developer wishes to use different
bitmaps, they can augment this message.
- Integer
SetVScrollInfo(Integer iMin Integer iMax Integer iPage)
SetVScrollPos(Integer iPos)
- Integer
iRow - Integer
iMax - Integer
SetVScrollbox(Integer iType Integer iData)
- Integer
iPos - Integer
iTop - Integer
augment to set findatend. We use this to position the scrollbar
Establish_Find_Mode(Integer mode)
augment to keep track of find direction, used by scrollbar
Beg_End_Data(Integer Direction Integer NoSave)
augment to set last direction, find at end and trigger a scroll bar change
- Integer
Load_Page(Integer Row#)
augment to set scroll info (it is needed to set the thumb)
- Integer
Insert_Row(integer row#)
- integer
Column_Button(integer iCol)
prompt and spin button messages for columns
get/set Column_Minumum_position
get/set Column_Maximum_position
- Integer
Set(integer iCol integer eMode)
- integer
Column_Minimum_Position(integer iCol)
- String
set(integer iCol integer iPos)
- integer
Column_Maximum_Position(integer iCol)
- String
set(integer iCol integer iPos)
- Integer
augment to always force the first column to be visible. This will occur during a
panels clear or save. It makes sense to restore the column. If you do no want this
behavior just cancel it.
Header_Mouse_Click(Integer iItem)
augmented to change ordering direction of pbHeaderTogglesDirection is set.
Only do this if the selected column is already the selected column, if not
forward, which will do the normal column change and new index thing, if needed.
set(integer iNewTop integer iNewCurrent)
the DFBaseEntryList class has it's own special Set_Top_item message (as of 9.0) which does not
set current_item. When used for non-batch lists, we don't want the set_current_item and
that is why it was removed. This fixes a problem when scrolling down/up when the entire
grid is shifted horizontally to the right. When you scroll, the grid would shift to col 0.
However, with batch lists we want the normal set_top_item or we get other problems. So we
we modify the method here to make it do a normal top_item (ie. set current_item).