Module Modal_mx.pkg
Modal_mx.pkg - Modal mixin pacakge support
John Tuohy
Data Access Corporation
02/01/96 - Created
11/14/97 JJT - Fixed problem where modal objects improperly inherit acc.
keys from parents. This no longer happens. Popup_state blocks
all parent inheritance. To override and get the old behavior
do following: Set Key_Path to (parent(self))
Primary Interface:
Get msg_Popup_Modal to Rval - starts a modal popup, Returns UI stop
Send popup_Modal value. Can be used on any object (modal
or modeless)
Set Modal_State to T|F - When true, an object becomes a modal
popup object. This sets TRUE False
Block_mouse_State = t f
Attach_Parent_state = f t
Ring_State = t nochange
Scope_State = t nochange
Popup_State = t nochange
Key_Pathe = desktop 0 * (see msg)
Send Stop_modal_UI - Stops Current Level of Modal UI.
Note: You should NOT use Stop_UI or
set stop_ui_state any more
Private Augmentations and Changes
Global integer Current_modal_object - tracks current modal UI object
Procedure remove_object - Augmented to stop UI if current modal object
Procedure Create_Dialog - Augmented to track current_modal object and
restore previous modal_object when done.
Property Private_Stop_UI_State - internal, tracks if the current
modal ui has been stopped
Global integer. Keeps track of current modal object if one
exists. We made this global so that all objects may check this.
It is possible to next modal objects but only one has the active
focus at any one time.
Modal_mx.pkg (view source)- import declarations
- Integer
Current_modal_Object - Modal_Mixin : Mixin
- Integer
Public Message: Get Msg_Popup_Modal to rval
Send Popup_Modal
Allows any object to be used as a modal popup object.
This messages creates a modal object (Setting all properties as
required), activates via ui_accept, restores all properties, and
then returns the exit value.
force object to be modal and then pop it up!
- Integer
OldBMS - Integer
OldAPS - Integer
OldPS - Integer
OldRS - Integer
OldSS - Integer
OldEALS - Integer
Set(Integer Fg)
Public Message: Set Modal_State - T = Makes object Modal
F = Make object nonModal
- Integer
Public Message: Get Modal_State
Public Message: This will stop the current modal UI if a modal UI level
exists and it has not already been stopped.
This is smarter than Stop_ui (which should dnot be used) because it can
be sent multiple times and only the current UI is stopped.
Create_Dialog(integer i1 integer i2)
- Integer
OldModalObj - Integer
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