Module selst_ds.pkg

************************************************************************ Confidential Trade Secret. Copyright (c) 1997 Data Access Corporation, Miami Florida as an unpublished work. All rights reserved. DataFlex is a registered trademark of Data Access Corporation. ************************************************************************ $File name : Selst_ds.Pkg $File title : selection list support for DF. Notice : $Author(s) : John Tuohy $Rev History 05/25/00 JJT Cancel check server of InvObj...only if relational_state 11/26/98 JJT Fixed cancel bug where Obj# was used instead of InvObj# 6/24/97 JJT Changed Auto_Server_State to also set deferred_state. When auto-server=t deferred s/b true, when auto-server=f defrerred should be false 06/23/97 JJT Modified request_find to properly superfind when the field is a parent file. This way lists with parent.field items will work right. This is more consistent with the rest of DF which requires you to use parent.field, not child.field. This should work with and without servers. If the field is a mainfield, there is no difference. 6/23/97 JJT Createted: Converted from SelList.pkg and changed to Selection_list_ds 2/26/2002 JJT - 8.2 clean up (indirect_file, local, self, etc.) ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ Version: 1.0 12-01-1992 : Created Author: John J. Tuohy 1. Adds Stop_UI_State Support 2. Creates Move_Value_Out_State property (set when a popup) - Allows lists in clients. 3. Modifies Move_Value_Out to directly update the invoking object's data_set (server). Allows stand alone lists 4. Augments Initialize list to make sure that during initialization non-data_set list displays the first record... 5. This is no 02:19 pm)Adds Find_Search_State property and all logic to support alternate Search capability. (07/25/94-The following sentence no longer applies to DAF1.1) [This directly alters the Selection_List Class with a FOR SELECTION_LIST modifier. If this package is used the selection_list class is no longer public.-no longer JJT] 6. Adds Auto_Locate_State Support 7. Adds Seeding the list support (Seed_list_State, Load_Buffer_MSG) 8. Adds automatically finding column to start in (Auto_Column_State) 9. Adds Initial_Column property 10. Adds Col_Index Property. Reorder_list now uses this. Good for overriding and augmenting. 11. Sends message in property Display_Buffer_MSG to the invoking object during move_value_out. Handy for complex updates. 12. Adds movable support (ver 1.1) 05-09-1993 Add Auto_Locate_State support 08-06-1993 added items 7-11 03/17/94 Item 9 v.1.1 03/31/94 protect auto_column_state and seed_list_state from doing anything with a non-popup. Else invoking information is retrieved causing problems. 04/05/94 Modify seed_list to support export_item seeding 06/02/94 Changed auto_server latch. It was not working with sel-lists inside of clients (add_focus is needed). However, activate is still needed for regular activation. 08/24/94 Load_Buffer_msg and Display_Buffer_msg were sending self which is sensitive to delegation. No Longer! 11/30/94 (LS) Removed refs to list_mx0; (merged into list.pkg) 12/5/94 (LS) moved Move_Vlaue_Out and Export_Item procedures and Export_Column and Display_Buffer_Msg properties into _Selection_List. ************************************************************************/ ************************************************************************/ 12/22/94 JJT Merge Changes Merged the 0 class into entry_form. Merged slstF_mx direct in the class A bunch of list stuff is in here directly 03/08/95 JJT Changed Move_Value_out to fix two bugs. 1) Invoking_object_id was being moved to a local too deep. Export and batch could send the display_MSG to obj#. 03/10/95 JJT Cancel sends refind_records to invoking server. DAF1.1 already did that. This can create a problem if the invoking object does not understand the server message. 03/10/95 JJT Removed the set auto_fill_state in bind_sellist_popup command. List.pkg now handles this in set move_value_ out_state. 03/22/95 JJT Modified Cancel to only send request_cancel if Move_value_out_state is false. 03/22/95 JJT Entry_display does not set checkbox values if item does not exist 03/22/95 JJT Added auto_save_state function to return 0. Other objects inquire about this value during wrapping 03/22/95 JJT Sometimes Entry_Find finds by the wrong field. This occurs during server-less searches. The problem seems to be inside of entry_find in entry class. We will create a manual entry _find to get around this. I have not seen this problem in a reliable example. This appears to happen with auto- prompting (suggesting that ENTRY must set something for entry_find). 09/07/95 JJT - Code Clean up (removed dead commented code) ************************************************************************/ 02/08/96 JJT - 1. Added Auto_export_State and set it to true. If true the list will figure out if it should be a lookup or relational selection-list. 2. Created relational_state which is set if this is a relational update. Seed_list now seeds based on this 3. Altered Move_Value_out to respect auto_export. Also batch_state can now have a relational update. 01/29/97 JJT Deactivating removes auto-server DEO first (for ddo/win) 04/30/97 JJT Seed_List first makes sure server (if any) is in_use. If it is not the establish_find_direction will clear the buffer. 8/5/97 JJT 1. Added prompt_callback message. This is sent to by popup dblists to allow calling objects to customize the list. 2. Auto-server is not set if there is no auto-server 3. Check invokng object to see if it understands data_file 4. Store_defaults and Restore_defaults created to store the most commonly used properties. This is called when the list is activated and deactivated. This allows users to change the common properties with prompt_callback. This allows a single dblist to be used for many purposes. 9/18/97 JJT Changed entering and cancel to handle the refinding of existing record differently. Only use original_selection if there is no server. 12/10/97 JJT If move_value_out temporarily set auto_server_state to false ************************************************************************/

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