Module Trckbr.pkg
Confidential Trade Secret.
Copyright (c) 1997 Data Access Corporation, Miami Florida
as an unpublished work. All rights reserved.
DataFlex is a registered trademark of Data Access Corporation.
$File name : Trckbr.pkg
$File title : Trackbar class
Notice :
$Author(s) : John Tuohy
$Rev History
9/8/97 JJT - File created
Minimum_Position integer 0 minimum sliding-mark
Maximum_Position integer 100 maximum sliding-mark
Current_Position integer 0 current slider position
Visible_Tick_State bool TRUE ticks should be visible
Tick_Orientation INTEGER tkTOP ticks should be aligned on top
Orientation_Mode INTEGER slHORZ slider should be horizontal
Tick_Frequency integer 5 frequency of ticks
Line_Size integer 1 amount to move per 'line'
Page_Size integer 20% of range amount to move per 'page' (-1 means use Windows' default)
For Augmentation:
Get/Set ControlValue: Normally slider's expect their value to be an
integer - which is what the slider must use to display a value. You
can augment these message to convert DF values to slider integer
values (Set) and to convert integer slider values to a DF Value (GET).
This would be an advanced technique.
Procedure Set ControlValue string sVal
integer iVal
if sVal eq "A" Move 0 to iVal
else if sVal eq "B" Move 1 to iVal
else Move 2 to iVal
Set Current_Position to iVal
Function ControlValue returns string
integer iVal
string sVal
Get Current_Position to iVal
If iVal eq 0 Move "A" to sVal
else if iVal eq 1 Move "B" to sVal
else Move "C" to sVal
Function_Return sVal
Trckbr.pkg (view source)- import declarations
- TrackBar : FormExternalControl
we must identify all events that result in a changed
value in the control and notify the DF side about this
change. OnSetPosition is always called when the slider
Set(string sVal)
This is passed the DF value and should set the slider's
value to an appropriate integer value. Default behavior is
a 1 to 1 mapping.
- String
This must be return a DF value. Default behavior is to use
the return the slider's integer value
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