Module AllWebAppClasses.pkg

     2//                                                                            //
     3// $File name  : AllWebClasses.pkg                                            //
     4// $Author     : John Tuohy                                                   //
     5//                                                                            //
     6// Confidential Trade Secret.                                                 //
     7// Copyright 1999 Data Access Corporation, Miami FL, USA                      //
     8// All Rights reserved                                                        //
     9// DataFlex is a registered trademark of Data Access Corporation.             //
    10//                                                                            //
    11// $Rev History                                                               //
    12//   8/12/99 jjt - created                                                    //
    13//                                                                            //
    14// Note: This package can be precompiled by starting the compiler and         //
    15//       selecting the pre-compile option. This will speed up all other       //
    16//       compiles. However, if any changes are made in any of the files used  //
    17//       in the precompile, you must remember to pre-compile again.           //
    20Use WebAppBase.pkg          // standard windows classes
    21Use DataDict.pkg            // DataDictionary class
    22Use WebAppError.pkg         // WebApp error handler. Will create object and set error_object_id
    23Use set.pkg                 // set class
    24Use gFormatNumbers.pkg      // some global functions for formatting numerics and currency
    25Use HelpSystemConstants.pkg // constants used by help system (not used byt needed by cApplication)
    26Use cApplication.pkg        // cApplication class
    27Use cWebBusinessProcess.pkg
    28Use cWebApp.pkg
    29Use cWebReport.pkg
    30Use Flexml.pkg // this adds XML class support to server classes