Module CustomerListCR.rv
1Use Crystal\CheckForCrystal.dg
2Use dfrptvw.pkg
3Use DataDict.pkg
4Use dfRadio.pkg
5Use Windows.pkg
6Use dfCmbFrm.pkg
7Use File_dlg.Pkg
8Use cCrystal.pkg
9Use Customer.DD
11DEFERRED_VIEW Activate_oCustomerListCR FOR ;
13Object oCustomerListCR is a ReportView
15 // This ReportView is a sample of the use of cCrystal.pkg. This package
16 // allows a connection to Crystal Reports using COM Automation objects.
17 // It is based on Crystal Reports XI or higher. The sample shows a simple
18 // report in which the user can aplly the following actions:
19 // - Adjust the sort order
20 // - Adjust the selection.
21 // - Adjust a formula in the report
22 // - Select the output destination. (Window, Printer, or Disk)
24 Set Label to "Customer List"
25 Set Location to 2 3
26 Set Size to 216 380
27 Set piMinSize to 216 380
29 Object Customer_DD is a Customer_DataDictionary
30 Send DefineAllExtendedFields
31 End_Object // Customer_DD
33 Set Main_DD to Customer_DD
34 Set Server to Customer_DD
36 Object oSortOrderRadioGroup is a RadioGroup
37 Set Size to 102 86
38 Set Location to 10 10
39 Set Label to "Sort Order"
40 Object oNumberSortRadio is a Radio
41 Set Label to "Sort by Number"
42 Set Size to 10 65
43 Set Location to 13 10
44 End_Object // oNumberSortRadio
46 Object oNameSortRadio is a Radio
47 Set Label to "Sort by Name"
48 Set Size to 10 59
49 Set Location to 27 10
50 End_Object // oNameSortRadio
52 Object oDescAscCheckBox is a CheckBox
53 Set Label to "Descending"
54 Set Size to 10 55
55 Set Location to 82 10
56 End_Object // oDescAscCheckBox
58 // Adjust the shadow of the boundary groups
59 Procedure AdjustBoundaryShadow Integer iGroupNum
60 Set Enabled_State of oNumberSelGroup to (iGroupNum = 0)
61 Set Enabled_State of oNameSelGroup to (iGroupNum <> 0)
62 End_Procedure // AdjustBoundaryShadow
64 // Augemented to setup the output destination of the Crystal
65 // Report. The procedure is sent when the user changes the
66 // selection.
67 Procedure Notify_Select_State Integer iNewItem Integer iOldItem
68 Forward Send Notify_Select_State iNewItem iOldItem
70 // Dynamically shadow the boundary groups
71 Send AdjustBoundaryShadow iNewItem
72 End_Procedure // Notify_Select_State
74 // Returns the sort order selected by the user
75 Function IsNameOrder Returns Boolean
76 Integer iCurrent
77 Get Current_radio to iCurrent
78 Function_Return (iCurrent=1)
79 End_Function // IsNameOrder
81 // Returns if the sort order is descending or ascending
82 Function IsDesc Returns Boolean
83 Boolean bChecked
84 Get Checked_state of oDescAscCheckBox to bChecked
85 Function_Return bChecked
86 End_Function // IsDesc
88 End_Object // oSortOrderRadioGroup
90 Object oNumberSelGroup is a Group
91 Set Size to 49 275
92 Set Location to 10 101
93 Set Label to "Number Criteria"
94 Object oStartCustNumber is a Form
95 Set Label to "Start reporting at number:"
96 Set Size to 13 85
97 Set Location to 10 92
98 Set Label_Col_Offset to 2
99 Set Label_Justification_Mode to jMode_Right
100 Set Form_DataType to 0
101 Set Prompt_Button_Mode to pb_PromptOn
103 // The following code connects the customer selection list to this form
104 Set Prompt_Object to Customer_sl
106 // this is called by the prompt list upon initialization. This will let us
107 // set special properties for the list's one time use. In this case we
108 // want the intial column and the export column to be name (col 0)
109 Procedure Prompt_Callback Integer hPrompt
110 Set peUpdateMode of hPrompt to umPromptValue
111 Set piUpdateColumn of hPrompt to 0
112 End_Procedure
115 End_Object // oStartCustNumber
117 Object oEndCustNumber is a Form
118 Set Label to "Stop reporting at number:"
119 Set Size to 13 85
120 Set Location to 26 92
121 Set Label_Col_Offset to 2
122 Set Label_Justification_Mode to jMode_Right
123 Set Form_DataType to 0
124 Set Prompt_Button_Mode to pb_PromptOn
126 // The following code connects the customer selection list to this form
127 Set Prompt_Object to Customer_sl
129 // this is called by the prompt list upon initialization. This will let us
130 // set special properties for the list's one time use. In this case we
131 // want the intial column and the export column to be number (col 0)
132 Procedure Prompt_Callback Integer hPrompt
133 Set peUpdateMode of hPrompt to umPromptValue
134 Set piUpdateColumn of hPrompt to 0
135 End_Procedure
137 End_Object // oEndCustNumber
140 // The start customer number
141 Function StartNumber Returns Integer
142 Integer iValue
143 Get Value of oStartCustNumber to iValue
144 Function_Return iValue
145 End_Function // StartNumber
147 // The end customer number
148 Function EndNumber Returns Integer
149 Integer iValue
150 Get Value of oEndCustNumber to iValue
151 Function_Return iValue
152 End_Function // StartNumber
154 End_Object // oNumberSelGroup
156 Object oNameSelGroup is a Group
157 Set Size to 49 275
158 Set Location to 63 101
159 Set Label to "Name Criteria"
160 Object oStartCustName is a Form
161 Set Label to "Start reporting at customer:"
162 Set Size to 13 178
163 Set Location to 10 92
164 Set Label_Col_Offset to 2
165 Set Label_Justification_Mode to jMode_Right
166 Set Prompt_Button_Mode to pb_PromptOn
168 // The following code connects the customer selection list to this form
169 Set Prompt_Object to Customer_sl
171 // this is called by the prompt list upon initialization. This will let us
172 // set special properties for the list's one time use. In this case we
173 // want the intial column and the export column to be name (col 1)
174 Procedure Prompt_Callback Integer hPrompt
175 Set peUpdateMode of hPrompt to umPromptValue
176 Set piUpdateColumn of hPrompt to 1
177 End_Procedure
179 End_Object // oStartCustName
181 Object oEndCustName is a Form
182 Set Label to "End reporting at customer:"
183 Set Size to 13 178
184 Set Location to 26 92
185 Set Label_Col_Offset to 2
186 Set Label_Justification_Mode to jMode_Right
187 Set Prompt_Button_Mode to pb_PromptOn
189 // The following code connects the customer selection list to this form
190 Set Prompt_Object to Customer_sl
192 // this is called by the prompt list upon initialization. This will let us
193 // set special properties for the list's one time use. In this case we
194 // want the intial column and the export column to be name (col 1)
195 Procedure Prompt_Callback Integer hPrompt
196 Set peUpdateMode of hPrompt to umPromptValue
197 Set piUpdateColumn of hPrompt to 1
198 End_Procedure
200 End_Object // oEndCustName
203 // The start customer name
204 Function StartCustomer Returns String
205 String sName
206 Get Value of oStartCustName to sName
207 Function_Return sName
208 End_Function // StartCustomer
210 // The end customer name
211 Function EndCustomer Returns String
212 String sName
213 Get Value of oEndCustName to sName
214 Function_Return sName
215 End_Function // StartCustomer
217 End_Object // oNameSelGroup
219 Object oDestRadioGroup is a RadioGroup
220 Set Size to 76 122
221 Set Location to 116 10
222 Set Label to "Output destination"
223 Object oWindowRadio is a Radio
224 Set Label to "Print to Window"
225 Set Size to 10 67
226 Set Location to 17 10
227 End_Object // oWindowRadio
229 Object oPrinterRadio is a Radio
230 Set Label to "Print to Printer"
231 Set Size to 10 61
232 Set Location to 31 10
233 End_Object // oPrinterRadio
235 Object oExportFileRadio is a Radio
236 Set Label to "Export to File"
237 Set Size to 10 57
238 Set Location to 46 10
239 End_Object // oExportFileRadio
241 Object oExportOptionsRadio is a Radio
242 Set Label to "Prompt for Export Options"
243 Set Size to 10 97
244 Set Location to 60 10
245 End_Object // oExportOptionsRadio
248 // Augemented to setup the output destination of the Crystal
249 // Report. The procedure is sent when the user changes the
250 // selection.
251 Procedure Notify_Select_State Integer iNewItem Integer iOldItem
252 Forward Send Notify_Select_State iNewItem iOldItem
253 Set Enabled_State of oFileTypeGroup to (iNewItem = 2)
254 End_Procedure
256 Enum_List
257 Define rdWindow
258 Define rdPrinter
259 Define rdExport
260 Define rdExportPrompt
261 End_Enum_List
263 Function ReportDestination Returns Integer
264 Integer iVal
265 Get Current_Radio to iVal
266 If (iVal = 0) Function_Return rdWindow
267 Else If (iVal = 1) Function_Return rdPrinter
268 Else If (iVal = 2) Function_Return rdExport
269 Else Function_Return rdExportPrompt
270 End_Function // ReportDestination
272 End_Object // oDestRadioGroup
274 Object oFileTypeGroup is a Group
275 Set Size to 76 238
276 Set Location to 116 137
277 Set Label to "Export File Settings"
278 Object oFileNameForm is a Form
279 Set Label to "File Name:"
280 Set Size to 13 131
281 Set Location to 13 48
282 Set Label_Col_Offset to 2
283 Set Label_Justification_Mode to jMode_Right
284 Set Prompt_Button_Mode to pb_PromptOn
286 // Default item value
287 Set Value to "Custlst.doc"
289 // Send when the prompt key is pressed, start selection list
290 Procedure Prompt
291 String sSelectedFile
292 String sExtension
293 String sFilter
294 Integer iType
295 Integer iSelected
297 // Setup initial file name
298 Get Value to sSelectedFile
299 If (sSelectedFile="") Begin
300 Get FileExt of oTypeCombo to sExtension
301 Move ("CustLst" + sExtension) to sSelectedFile
302 End
304 // Create a filter for the save as dialog
305 Get FileType of oTypeCombo to iType
306 If (iType=crEFTWordForWindows) Move "Word (*.doc)|*.doc" to sFilter
307 Else If (iType=crEFTPortableDocFormat) Move "Adobe PDF (*.doc)|*.doc" to sFilter
308 Else If (iType=crEFTExactRichText) Move "Rich Text (*.rtf)|*.rtf" to sFilter
309 Else If (iType=crEFTHTML40) Move "HTML (*.html)|*.html" to sFilter
310 Else If (iType=crEFTXML) Move "XML (*.xml)|*.xml" to sFilter
312 Move (sFilter + "|All Files|*.*") to sFilter
314 Set Filter_String of oNewDialog to sFilter
315 Set File_Title of oNewDialog to sSelectedFile
317 // Start the save as dialog
318 Get Show_Dialog of oNewDialog to iSelected
319 If iSelected Begin
320 Get File_Name of oNewDialog to sSelectedFile
321 Set Value to sSelectedFile
322 End
323 End_Procedure // Start_Prompt
325 // Returns the name of the file to export to
326 Function FileName Returns String
327 String sSelectedFile sExt
329 // Get file name
330 Get Value to sSelectedFile
331 If (sSelectedFile="") Begin
332 Get FileExt of oTypeCombo to sExt
333 Move ("Custlst"-sExt) to sSelectedFile
334 End
335 Function_Return sSelectedFile
336 End_Function // FileName
338 End_Object // oFileNameForm
340 Object oTypeCombo is a ComboForm
341 Set Label to "File Type:"
342 Set Size to 13 131
343 Set Location to 29 48
344 Set Form_Border to 0
345 Set Label_Col_Offset to 2
346 Set Label_Justification_Mode to jMode_Right
347 Set Combo_Sort_State to False
348 Set Entry_State to False
350 // Augmented to fill the list with export file types.
351 Procedure Combo_Fill_List
352 Send Combo_Add_Item "Word" // 0
353 Send Combo_Add_Item "Adobe PDF" // 1
354 Send Combo_Add_Item "Rich Text Format" // 2
355 Send Combo_Add_Item "HTML" // 3
356 Send Combo_Add_Item "XML" // 4
357 End_Procedure // Combo_Fill_List
359 // Type to export to
360 Function FileType Returns Integer
361 String sFileTypeName
362 Integer iFileTypeValue
363 Integer iSelectedItem
365 Get Value 0 to sFileTypeName
366 Get Combo_Item_Matching sFileTypeName to iSelectedItem
367 If (iSelectedItem=0) Move crEFTWordForWindows to iFileTypeValue
368 Else If (iSelectedItem=1) Move crEFTPortableDocFormat to iFileTypeValue
369 Else If (iSelectedItem=2) Move crEFTExactRichText to iFileTypeValue
370 Else If (iSelectedItem=3) Move crEFTHTML40 to iFileTypeValue
371 Else Move crEFTXML to iFileTypeValue
373 Function_Return iFileTypeValue
374 End_Function // FileType
376 // Function: FileExt
377 // Purpose : Extension for the type to export to
378 Function FileExt Returns String
379 String sFileTypeExt
380 Integer iFileTypeValue
382 Get FileType to iFileTypeValue
383 If (iFileTypeValue=crEFTWordForWindows) Move ".doc" to sFileTypeExt
384 Else If (iFileTypeValue=crEFTPortableDocFormat) Move ".pdf" to sFileTypeExt
385 Else If (iFileTypeValue=crEFTExactRichText) Move ".rtf" to sFileTypeExt
386 Else If (iFileTypeValue=crEFTHTML40) Move ".html" to sFileTypeExt
387 Else Move ".xml" to sFileTypeExt
389 Function_Return sFileTypeExt
390 End_Function // FileExt
392 // Function: ChangeExtension
393 // Purpose : Must extension be dynamically updated?
394 Function ChangeExtension Returns Integer
395 Function_Return (Checked_State(oApplyExtCheckBox))
396 End_Function // ChangeExtension
398 // Procedure: OnCloseUp
399 // Purpose : Augemented to auto,matically change the extension of the
400 // filename
401 Procedure OnChange
402 String sOldName
403 String sExtension
404 Integer sChangeExt
406 Get ChangeExtension to sChangeExt
407 If sChangeExt Begin
408 Get FileName of oFileNameForm to sOldName
409 Get FileExt to sExtension
410 Set Value of oFileNameForm to (Left(sOldName, (Pos(".", sOldName) - 1)) + sExtension)
411 End
412 End_Procedure // OnChange
414 End_Object // oTypeCombo
416 Object oApplyExtCheckBox is a CheckBox
417 Set Label to "Apply combo extension"
418 Set Size to 10 89
419 Set Location to 46 48
421 // Apply extensions by default
422 Set Checked_State to True
424 End_Object // oApplyExtCheckBox
426 Object oNewDialog is a SaveAsDialog
427 Set Dialog_Caption to "Customer report export to disk, give file name"
428 Set HideReadOnly_State to True
430 End_Object // oNewDialog
432 End_Object // oFileTypeGroup
434 Object oRunButton is a Button
435 Set Label to "Run Report"
436 Set Size to 14 51
437 Set Location to 198 271
438 Set Default_State to True
440 Procedure OnClick
441 Boolean bCrystalOK
443 Get CheckCrystalEnvironment of oCheckForCrystal to bCrystalOK
444 If (bCrystalOK) Begin
445 Send RunReport of oCustCrystalReport
446 End
447 Else Begin
448 Send DisplayDialog of oCheckForCrystal
449 End
451 End_Procedure // OnClick
453 End_Object // oRunButton
455 Object oCancelButton is a Button
456 Set Label to "Cancel"
457 Set Location to 198 325
459 Procedure OnClick
460 Send Request_Cancel
461 End_Procedure // OnClick
463 End_Object // oCancelButton
465 Object oCustCrystalReport is a cCrystal
466 Set psReportName to "CustomerList.rpt"
468 // Procedure: OnInitializeReport
469 // Purpose : This is a hook message sent by the Open_report procedure. You may use this
470 // procedure to set selection values, print options, etc. This procedure is
471 // intended for augmentation; it has no action by default.
472 Procedure OnInitializeReport Handle hoReport
473 String sStartCust sEndCust sSelection
474 Integer iStartCustomerNumber iEndCustomerNumber iSortDirection
475 Integer eDest eOutputDestination
476 Boolean bDesc bSortByName
478 Get ReportDestination of oDestRadioGroup to eDest
479 If (eDest=rdWindow) Move Print_to_Window to eOutputDestination
480 Else If (eDest=rdPrinter) Move Print_to_Printer to eOutputDestination
481 Else Move Print_to_File to eOutputDestination
483 Set peOutputDestination to eOutputDestination
485 Get IsNameOrder of oSortOrderRadioGroup to bSortByName
486 Get IsDesc of oSortOrderRadioGroup to bDesc
488 // Setup the selection formula
489 Move "" to sSelection
490 If (bSortByName) Begin
491 // Set a selection formula for the report.
492 Get StartCustomer of oNameSelGroup to sStartCust
493 Get EndCustomer of oNameSelGroup to sEndCust
495 If (Trim(sStartCust)<>"") ;
496 Append sSelection "{Customer.Name} >= " '"' (Trim(sStartCust)) '"'
497 If (Trim(sEndCust)<>"") ;
498 Append sSelection (If(sSelection<>"", " and ", "")) "{Customer.Name} <= " '"' (Trim(sEndCust)) '"'
499 End
500 Else Begin
501 Get StartNumber of oNumberSelGroup to iStartCustomerNumber
502 Get EndNumber of oNumberSelGroup to iEndCustomerNumber
504 If (iStartCustomerNumber>0) ;
505 Append sSelection "{Customer.Customer_Number} >= " iStartCustomerNumber
506 If (iEndCustomerNumber>0) ;
507 Append sSelection (If(sSelection<>"", " and ", "")) "{Customer.Customer_Number} <= " iEndCustomerNumber
508 End
509 Set ComRecordSelectionFormula of hoReport to sSelection
511 // Change the formula so the report reflects the selection. Remove
512 // quotes from the formula.
513 If (sSelection="") ;
514 Send AssignFormula of hoReport "SelTxt" ('"' + "NONE" + '"')
515 Else ;
516 Send AssignFormula of hoReport "SelTxt" ('"' + (Replaces('"', sSelection, "")) + '"')
518 // Delete old sort order
519 Send DeleteSortOrder of hoReport
521 // Setup new sort order
522 Move (If(bDesc, crDescendingOrder, crAscendingOrder)) to iSortDirection
524 If (bSortByName) Begin
525 Send AppendSortField of hoReport "Customer" "Name" iSortDirection
526 End
527 Else Begin
528 Send AppendSortField of hoReport "Customer" "Customer_Number" iSortDirection
529 End
531 End_Procedure // OnInitializeReport
533 Procedure OnPrintReport Handle hoReport
534 // prompt to set-up printer
535 Forward Send OnPrintReport hoReport
537 Set pbPrinterPrompt of hoReport to True
538 End_Procedure // OnPrintReport
540 Procedure OnExportReport Handle hoReport
541 String sFileName
542 Integer iFileType eDest
543 Handle hoExport
544 Boolean bExists
546 Forward Send OnExportReport hoReport
548 // Export object receives export information
549 Get ExportObject of hoReport to hoExport
551 Get ReportDestination of oDestRadioGroup to eDest
553 // Use Export Options on Screen
554 // if rdExportPrompt, it will already just do a prompt.
555 // if rdExport we must set all the values
556 If (eDest=rdExport) Begin
558 // don't prompt for export information, we will set it below.
559 Set pbExportPrompt of hoReport to False
561 Get FileName of oFileNameForm to sFileName
562 Get FileType of oTypeCombo to iFileType
564 // Where the report is being exported to, and what type of
565 // file is being created.
566 Set ComDestinationType of hoExport to crEDTDiskFile
567 Set ComFormatType of hoExport to iFileType
569 //Sample for export to disk file (word)
570 If (iFileType=crEFTWordForWindows) Begin
571 Set ComDiskFileName of hoExport to sFileName
572 End
573 //Sample for export to disk file (pdf)
574 If (iFileType=crEFTPortableDocFormat) Begin
575 Set ComDiskFileName of hoExport to sFileName
576 End
577 //Sample for export to disk file (rtf)
578 If (iFileType=crEFTExactRichText) Begin
579 Set ComDiskFileName of hoExport to sFileName
580 End
581 //Sample for export to disk file (XML)
582 If (iFileType=crEFTXML) Begin
583 Set ComXMLFileName of hoExport to sFileName
584 End
585 //Sample for export to disk file (HTML)
586 If (iFileType=crEFTHTML40) Begin
587 Set ComHTMLFileName of hoExport to sFileName
588 End
589 End
590 End_Procedure // OnExportReport
592 End_Object // oCustCrystalReport
594CD_End_Object // oCustomerListCR