
     2//                                                                            //
     3// $File name  : DFRPTEUS.INC                                                 //
     4// $File title : US error messages for WinPrint                               //
     5// Notice      : Copyright (c) ADB-UTVECKLING AB 1996-1997, Sweden            //
     6// $Author     : Janne Wassberg                                               //
     7// $System     : WinPrint                                                     //
     8// Created     : 97-01-11 @ 12.00.00                                          //
     9// $Last Rev   : 97-01-11 @ 12.00.00                                          //
    10//                                                                            //
    11// $Description  All error messages for WinPrint in English                   //
    12//                                                                            //
    13//               The DataFlex class and DLL is written by:                    //
    14//                                                                            //
    15//               ADB-UTVECKLING AB                                            //
    16//               Gustvalundsv. 153                                            //
    17//               167 51 Bromma                                                //
    18//               Sweden                                                       //
    19//               Phone +46 (0)8 704 04 00                                     //
    20//               Fax   +46 (0)8 704 04 02                                     //
    21//               Compuserve  100336,2407                                      //
    22//               Internet                        //
    23//                                                                            //
    24//                                                                            //
    25// $Rev History                                                               //
    26//                                                                            //
    27//   97-01-11 Janne Wassberg                                                  //
    28//                                                                            //
    29//            Moved all error messages to a include file                      //
    30//                                                                            //
    31//                                                                            //
    35#Replace DFPrintError900  |CS"Could not create a new page !"
    36#Replace DFPrintError901  |CS"Could not show preview !"
    37#Replace DFPrintError902  |CS"Could not print document !"
    38#Replace DFPrintError903  |CS"Could not clear the document !"
    39#Replace DFPrintError904  |CS"Could not set font new font !"
    40#Replace DFPrintError905  |CS"Could not set new fontsize !"
    41#Replace DFPrintError906  |CS"Could not set new fontstyle !"
    42#Replace DFPrintError907  |CS"Could not set underline !"
    43#Replace DFPrintError908  |CS"Could not set bold !"
    44#Replace DFPrintError909  |CS"Could not set Italic !"
    45#Replace DFPrintError910  |CS"Could not set strikeout !"
    46#Replace DFPrintError911  |CS"Could not set new margins !"
    47#Replace DFPrintError912  |CS"Could not set new left margin !"
    48#Replace DFPrintError913  |CS"Could not set new right margin !"
    49#Replace DFPrintError914  |CS"Could not set new top margin !"
    50#Replace DFPrintError915  |CS"Could not set new bottom margin !"
    51#Replace DFPrintError916  |CS"Could not write to page !"
    52#Replace DFPrintError917  |CS"Could not write line to page !"
    53#Replace DFPrintError918  |CS"Could not write !"
    54#Replace DFPrintError919  |CS"Could not write line !"
    55#Replace DFPrintError920  |CS"Could not write to position at page !"
    56#Replace DFPrintError921  |CS"Could not write line to position at page !"
    57#Replace DFPrintError922  |CS"Could not write to position !"
    58#Replace DFPrintError923  |CS"Could not write line to position !"
    59#Replace DFPrintError924  |CS"Metrics must be in CM or inch !"
    60#Replace DFPrintError925  |CS"Could not create header !"
    61#Replace DFPrintError926  |CS"Could not perform an endheader !"
    62#Replace DFPrintError927  |CS"Could not write header !"
    63#Replace DFPrintError928  |CS"Could not write header to page !"
    64#Replace DFPrintError929  |CS"Could not position header !"
    65#Replace DFPrintError930  |CS"Could not set frame on header !"
    66#Replace DFPrintError931  |CS"Could not write headers on page breake !"
    67#Replace DFPrintError932  |CS"Could not write BMP !"
    68#Replace DFPrintError933  |CS"Could not write BMP to page !"
    69#Replace DFPrintError934  |CS"Could not do line check !"
    70#Replace DFPrintError935  |CS"Could not set print flags !"
    71#Replace DFPrintError936  |CS"Could not select a valid printer !"
    72#Replace DFPrintError937  |CS"Could not select paper bin, first page !"
    73#Replace DFPrintError938  |CS"Could not get RGB to DF-RGB color !"
    74#Replace DFPrintError939  |CS"Could not set DF-RGB color !"
    75#Replace DFPrintError940  |CS"Could not set page top/bottom !"
    76#Replace DFPrintError941  |CS"Could not justify text !"
    77#Replace DFPrintError942  |CS"Could not write ellipse !"
    78#Replace DFPrintError943  |CS"Could not write ellipse to page !"
    79#Replace DFPrintError944  |CS"Could not write rectangle !"
    80#Replace DFPrintError945  |CS"Could not write rectangle to page !"
    81#Replace DFPrintError946  |CS"Could not do a line check !"
    82#Replace DFPrintError947  |CS"Could not create diagram !"
    83#Replace DFPrintError948  |CS"Could not add item to diagram !"
    84#Replace DFPrintError949  |CS"Could not lock diagram !"
    85#Replace DFPrintError950  |CS"Could not write diagram !"
    86#Replace DFPrintError951  |CS"Could not write diagram to page !"
    87#Replace DFPrintError952  |CS"Could not set diagram label !"
    88#Replace DFPrintError953  |CS"Could not set diagram X label !"
    89#Replace DFPrintError954  |CS"Could not set diagram Y Label !"
    90#Replace DFPrintError955  |CS"Could not write line (XY) !"
    91#Replace DFPrintError956  |CS"Could not write line !"
    92#Replace DFPrintError957  |CS"Could not clear printer !"
    93#Replace DFPrintError958  |CS"Could not retrieve Driver !"
    94#Replace DFPrintError959  |CS"Could not retrieve Device !"
    95#Replace DFPrintError960  |CS"Could not retrieve Port !"
    96#Replace DFPrintError961  |CS"Could not set printer flag !"
    97#Replace DFPrintError962  |CS"Could not get user defined length !"
    98#Replace DFPrintError963  |CS"Could not get user defined width !"
    99#Replace DFPrintError964  |CS"Could not set user defined papersize !"
   100#Replace DFPrintError965  |CS"Could not set number of copies !"
   101#Replace DFPrintError966  |CS"You cannot change the printer setup while a report is active"
   102#Replace DFPrintError967  |CS"You must close the current report before running a new report"