Class: cDbCJGrid

Module location: cDbCJGrid.pkg line 31 (view source)

Class Hierarchy:



server_mixin, verify_mixin,

Direct Known Subclasses:


Class Definition


from nesting.pkg
required by dds
initial ordering
if false it will never try to reorder your additions
determines behavior of various grid vs prompt list
if true, load all data at once and it is static
tracks if new records might have made the list out of order
determines how request_find behaves

Functions and Procedures

IntegerAdd_Focus(Handle hoParent)
Inherited from server_mixin
Inherited from cCJGrid
use this to set any special properties in the datasource that might be needed for this particular grid and data source. With db grids we need to update the Server, Main_file and Ordering
ChangeOrdering(Integer iOrdering Boolean bDescending)
IntegerCheckbox_item_State(Integer iItem)
required DD/DEO interface
Inherited from cCJGrid
Copy_Item_Options(Integer iDSO Integer iFile Integer iField Integer iDEO Integer iItem)
Inherited from server_mixin
required DD/DEO interface
Inherited from cCJGrid
default context menu for db grids
Inherited from cCJGrid
called by constructor
IntegerData_Field(Integer iItem)
required DD/DEO interface
IntegerData_File(Integer iItem)
required DD/DEO interface
StringData_Value(Integer iItem)
required DD/DEO interface
IntegerDDRefreshTableStatus(Integer iTable)
returns the table's status for the refresh event. A table can either be cleared, found or not touched by the operation. This can only be called while within Refresh. This was created to hide the private is_file_included command
required DD/DEO interface
required DD/DEO interface
required DD/DEO interface
HandleDEOColumnObject(Integer iColumn)
returns object for column. If the column object is not a DEO it returns 0
Entry_update(Integer iFile Integer iDoAll)
required DD/DEO interface sent by DD before a find and save. We only care about DD finds which means DoAll is 1
IntegerExiting(Handle hoDestination)
Inherited from cCJGrid
augment to refresh the grid if it is unordered after a save. Generally upon exit we want to grid refreshed else OnIdle may do this when the grid does not have the focus which can change other DEOs that rely on this grid.
required DD/DEO interface
File_Field_Label_Changed(Integer iFile Integer iField Boolean bLong String sLabel)
required DD/DEO interface
File_Field_mask_Changed(Integer iFile Integer iField String sMask)
required DD/DEO interface
File_Field_Option_Changed(integer iFile integer iField integer iOptions integer bClear)
required DD/DEO interface sent by DD whenever DD option has changed.
File_Field_Value_Changed(Integer iFile Integer iField String sValue Integer iChangeDisabled)
required DD/DEO interface sent by DD whenever DD value has changed.
required DD/DEO Find interface
required DD/DEO Find interface
required DD/DEO Find interface
required DD/DEO Find interface
required DD/DEO Find interface
HeaderReorder(Integer iCol)
Inherited from cCJGrid
StringItem_Field_Property(Integer iMsg Integer iItem)
required DD/DEO interface
IntegerItem_Noput(Integer iItem)
required DD/DEO interface
HandleItemToDEOColumnObject(Integer iItem)
IntegerLoadByMatchingRow(RowID riID Boolean bResetCache)
Load grid based on rowId. If bResetCache the cache is cleared so the search always refreshed. If false, it tries to find the ID in the existing datasource first.
Inherited from cCJGrid
required DD/DEO interface
Refresh(Integer eMode)
required DD/DEO interface sent by DD when there is a clear/find/save/delete
RefreshDataFromDD(Integer iOffset)
Refreshes grid around the DD record. You'd use this if you've got a newly empty activated grid or a deferred grid This always refreshes the cache
RefreshDataFromExternal(Integer iOffset)
Refreshes grid around the current file buffer This always refreshes the cache
RefreshDataFromMatchingRow(RowID riID Integer iOffset)
Refreshes grid around this row id. Allows you to refresh a grid around record. This always refreshes the cache
Refreshes grid around selected row id
IntegerRelatingField(Integer iRelatedFile)
Attempt to find the field from the server's MainFile that relates to iRelatedFile
ReorderGridByColumn(Handle hoCol Boolean bDescending)
Inherited from cCJGrid
Request_Find(Integer eFindMode Integer bEntUpdt)
required DD/DEO Find interface
A grid save *is* a no-clear save so you don't really need to use this. However this message is supported in DEO controls and we want it to work if this is sent from a hot-key, menu or toolbar item.
RequestColumnFind(Integer iCol Integer eFindMode Integer bEntUpdt)
RequestColumnLookup(Integer iCol)
does a find for the passed column by first looking down and, if no find, then looking up This is used when you are doing lookup/searches
RequestColumnSearch(Handle hoCol Integer iKeyCode Integer iKeyShift)
Inherited from cCJGrid
do a popup search request for the passed column. The keys can provide a seed value - they come from OnComKeyDown. Augmented to do a file find with DB grids
Set(Integer newVal)
Inherited from verify_mixin
this procedure **replaces** set Changed_state from the server mixin. We are not going to set the watched server's (parent DDs) to changed_state. This is not needed and is heavy handed because this sets all watched servers and not the single column that triggered the change. We probably don't need to set watched servers in the grids. We are setting the main server's DD to changed and that is enough
required DD/DEO interface
required DD/DEO interface sent by DD to commit the focused value
IntegerValidate_Items(Boolean bNotFindReq)
required DD/DEO interface



References (2):

ModuleContaining SymbolLine