Class: cUIObject
Class Hierarchy:
cUIObjectClass Definition
Functions and Procedures
Take the last key processed by the Key message and return
its ANSI value. Returns 0, if a non-printable character (e.g. F1).
This should normally only get called within a Key message handler
IntegerConfirm(String item_name)
General purpose confirm function. Added to all classes
default_date(integer item#)
Set date to current window if the window is blank
this is very, very obsolete. Avoid!
integerDFKey(integer iKey)
Take the last key processed by the Key message and return
its DF value. If a printable character it returns OEM value. If
a special key (f1, Key_save, etc.) returns the DF name of this key.
This message will be send as a notification message from an //
Extended_Data_Set whenever a fieldvalue has been changed. //
It has been defined FOR cUIObject or Desktop here so that attached //
DEO which do not know anything about Extended_Data_Sets don't get //
frustrated. //
All focusable objects and DEOs must understand this. This should be //
changed at some point in the future. //
Take the last key processed by the Key message and return
its OEM value. Returns 0, if a non-printable character (e.g. F1).
This should normally only get called within a Key message handler. This is what
you want if you are comparing this with other data in your proggrams
integerPrivate.Key(integer iKy)
replace key procedure to properly check numeric keyboard values
Set(integer fg)
Added: 05/22/95 JJT
During a clear (or a save/delete which sends clear) object-validation is
properly shut off. However, the false assumption had been made that the
DEO request_clear/clear_all messages originated with the object that had
the focus. This was never true and is now even less likely to be true
with the request_??? delegation method. The proper solution is to shut
off object-validation in the focus object. The problem here is that
the focus object may not understand this message (text_windows, buttons,
etc). The work-around for now is to make sure that all objects understand
these message. We can not directly add an Object_Validation message to the
desktop (Object class). Because this message is internal this didn't work.
By default this does nothing. Objects using val_mx actually pass this on