Class: cVDFInternetSession
The cVDFInternetSession class is considered private. All WBOs talk to this
by sending messages to the ghInetSession handle but this entire interface is
is private. All public access is defined in the WBOs and in the cWebApp object
Class Hierarchy:
DFCOMAUTOMATIONOBJECTcComAutomationObjectOLEVDFInetSessioncVDFInternetSessionClass Definition
If true, ALL errors are recorded in the event log. This
is good for debugging. If false only appropriate error
are event logged
If false, no errors will be sent to the HTML client.
Normally, this should be true. Might be useful when debugging
If true, errors are directed to the VDF error handler. This
means an error will pop up on your VDF program. Normally not
wanted for the web, but this can be useful when debugging at
the server
used to prevent recursion in LogEvent method
When True, VDF errors are queued. This should be set
indirectly with ErrorQueueStart and ErrorQueueEnd
when errors are reported should technical info be provided. If set
to true you get Error#, Line#, File# and Field#
Functions and Procedures
This will clear all errors
DoSetVDFISData_Error(Address pVDFISData integer iError)
place error code within VDFISData structure
EnumerateErrors(integer iMsg integer hObj)
EnumerateErrors and ErrorReportCallBack could be used for
advanced purposes allowing other objects to handle errors in
a more custom fashion.
use this to generate a report of all errors
return true if any errors exist in queue
stringErrorMessage(integer iItem)
return error for item, return in HTML format
ends queued errors. Note that the queue is not cleared
starts a queued errors,
ErrorReportCallBack(integer iItem integer iMsg integer hObj)
integerFileFieldErrorItem(integer iFile integer iField)
see if error exists for this file and field. If it does, return the
item number, else return -1.
DWORDHtmlFormValue(String sFormName)
StringHtmlQueryString(String sVariable)
LogErrorEvent(integer iErr string sText)
Generate and error and make sure that it is
logged in event log.
LogEvent(Integer iEventType String sEvent)
augment to check for recursion as well as do ansi conversion
integerMapWPONametoID(string sWPO)
This will be good for augmentation allowing us to handle
not finding the WBPO any way we want.
integerMapWSONametoID(string sWPO)
This will be good for augmentation allowing us to handle
not finding the WSO any way we want.
This object's container (cWebApp) must understand these
DoAttach and Detach messages.
OnDDValue(String sWebBpo String sFile String sField DWORD iOption String sParam Address pVDFISData)
OnDFFunc(string sWebBpo Address pVDFISData)
Note that DfFunc and Call both map to this location. From this point on, it is Call
This can be called as part of a webapp or a web-service. We must check and only
pass these messages to the correct objects
values for WebAppEndPointEnvironment in function CurrentWebAppEnvironment
OnDoProcess(String sWebBpo integer iParam string sParam1 address pVDFISData)
These events are sent by the OCX and must be directed to the WBPO
OnRequestClear(String sWebBpo string sFile integer bClearAll address pVDFISData)
OnRequestDDUpdate(String sWBO String sFile Boolean bShowErrs DWORD iExtra Address pVDFISData)
OnRequestDelete(String sWebBpo string sFile address pVDFISData)
OnRequestFind(String sWebBpo string sFile string sField integer iFindMode Address pVDFISData)
OnRequestFindByRecId(String sWBO String sFile String sRecId Address pVDFISData)
OnRequestFindByRowId(String sWBO String sFile String sRowId Address pVDFISData)
OnRequestSave(String sWebBpo string sFile address pVDFISData)
OnSetFileFieldValue(Integer hObjId String sFile String sField Address pVDFISData)
OnSetFileRecordId(Integer hObjId String sFile String sRecordId)
OnSetFileRowId(Integer hObjId String sFile String sRowId)
OutputHtml(string sHtml)
OutputHTMLtoTestFile(string sHtml)
As of 9.1, we no longer Augment messages that require OEM/ASNI translation.
Flexcom now does this for us. This only affects string parameters.
Note that all data passed through VDFISData already is properly converted
OutputPlainText(String sText)
PreSetFileRecordID(Integer lpDispParams)
needed for backwards compatibility (private)
ReportAllErrors(String sErrHdr)
use this to generate a report of all errors
ReportError(integer iErr string sErrMsg integer iLine integer iFileNr integer iFieldNr)
Error Interface:
ReportError and ReportErrorEvent is private and should never be sent. It is sent
from within the error handler object to report errors
ReportErrorEvent(integer iErr string sErrMsg integer iLine integer iFileNr integer iFieldNr)
ReportErrorItem(integer iItem)
Generate error for pass item
ReportLastError(Integer bClearError)
Use this to display the last error
IntegerSearch_Field_Name(integer iFile String sFieldName)
IntegerSearch_File_Name(String sName)
Field and field string to integer conversion functions
IntegerSearch_Wpo_ID(String sWebBPO)
// when OCX is created, set up error redirection. We do this as
// late as possible. (Occurs when activate sent to panel)
// This used to be called PostCreateOCX
Procedure OnCreate
Forward send OnCreate
Procedure Search_Wpo_ID string sWebBPO Returns Integer
returns: Object ID of BPO, zero if not found
IntegerSearch_Wso_ID(String sWebBPO)
Same as above, but used for web services!
Procedure Search_Wpo_ID string sWebBPO Returns Integer
returns: Object ID of BPO, zero if not found
Set_Wpo_Data(String sWpoName Integer iWpoID)
Add WPO to the list
Set_Wso_Data(String sWpoName Integer iWpoID)
Add WPO to the list
get number of WBP items
IntegerWpo_ID(Integer iItem)
return Id of WBP object for item
get number of WBP items
IntegerWso_ID(Integer iItem)
return Id of WBP object for item
References (1):