Class: cXMLDOMMixin
Part 1: Base Document Logic Specialized For Templates
XML Collections
Collection mixin has common functions to both node lists and named node maps
This provides functions required of all XMLDOM objects.
Class Hierarchy:
cObjectMixincXMLDOMMixinClass Definition
Functions and Procedures
HandleChangeNodeClass(Integer hoNode Integer iClassID)
Change object's class. This let's you change the class id of an object
on an object by object basis. This would let you create nodes (e.g. elements)
that have a custom interface for each node type. Normally, this would be sent
after a node has been created using one of the default classes
HandleCreateXMLNode(Handle hinfc)
create an XML Node object based on the interface type.
this will convert the interface to the proper type and will create
an appropriate DF object.
This requires that a DocumentObject exists
HandleCreateXMLObject(Integer iClassId Integer hinfXMLInterface)
Create an XML object of passed class Id and bind passed interface. returns
the object handle. All dynamic XML object can be created using this syntax