Class: Entry_View_Client_mixin

Module location: Enclient.pkg line 452 (view source)

Class Hierarchy:




Class Definition


When activate is performed (as opposed to set current_scope) the first focusable object is activated. Should the first item of the first object become the current_item? If Top_View is true and Top_Item is false you get the old dac behaviors.
**JJT**(2) New properties when false activate will attempt to activate the scope_focus when true, activate activates first object.
**JJT**(2) New properties
keeps track of main-file record when new view is entered! this was public but is no longer user. RowId replaces it. Property Integer Initial_Main_record 0 // obsolete...should it be maintained?
**JJT**(2) When changing views this will keep track of the object that had the focus when this view (scope) was exited. This manages nested scopes within a view.
**JJT**(2) New properties If Main_DD is defined View_latch_state = T : Latch if main-file exists View_latch_state = F : Clear the buffer Default_View_Latch_State
default name...could be useful
internal use

Functions and Procedures

Augmented to allow views to take the focus without changing the focus within the object. The property Auto_top_View_State controls this. If true, always return to first object, first item. If false return to current-item of scope focus (when possible).
IntegerAdd_Focus(Handle hoParent)
**JJT**(2) --- Start of changes Augmented to send Opening_view. If add_focus fails it sends closing_view to reverse effects of Opening_view
Disconnect servers from deos according to rules.
Construct_Object(integer img#)
Augmented to Send Closing view as of 15.1 we changed all deactivating/activating signatures to not return values (see windows.pkg / ComboForm / Activating for more) Returns Integer
Views don't delegate to get this property. It uses system default
augment for dependent_item view support v.1.1
added to make the file buffers more reliable
Augment exit_application_check. If a change is detected activate the changed view. This way the user sees what has been changed.
Exiting_Scope(Handle hoNewScope)
Augment to keep track of the scope that had the focus when this view was exited. Exiting_Scope seems to get called at the right times - only when focus is moved to an object outside of view's focus.
rowIdFileRowId(Integer iFile)
Needed by view. Find the record number of the requested file. If file = 0 use the main_file of Main_DD (if it exists).
Returns The last scope in the view to have the focus. Before returning the value make sure that the scope object is active, else return 0
1) Take care of any buffer initialization
only called if Main_DD exists and it is not yet in-use
use to preload anything into DSOs. By default, if a Main_DD is defined, we will attempt to latch on the record that was in the buffer when the view was entered!
Set(Integer Foc)
Function File_Recnum Integer File# Returns Integer integer Obj rec# // if file not passed use main-file of main data set If File# eq 0 Begin Get Main_DD to Obj If Obj get main_file of Obj to file# end If File# begin // Move file# to filenumber // move 0 to fieldindex // Move Indirect_file.recnum to Rec# Get_Field_Value file# 0 to Rec# end Function_Return rec# End_Function We maintain Last_View_Focus to control for nested scopes. A normal will have its scope_state true and no scoped children. However, a zoom might be scoped. We control this by keeping track of the scope when a scope is exited.