Class: Record_Buffer
Every data_set will have a object based on this class. It will hold //
the values for the fields, the entry_options and the messages IDs of the //
iEntry, iExit and iValidate messages for each field. //
It is assumed that an object of this class will always be used as a //
child object of a Data_Set object. //
Currently the fieldtypes Overlap, Text and Binary are *not* supported. //
Value The value of the field. Will be updated whenever the //
value of a field changes due to data-entry or a found //
record. //
Data_File Contains the filenumber. Is the same for every item. //
Data_Field Contains the fieldnumber for the item. Is equal to the //
items' itemnumber. //
Item_Options Used to store the standard item-options of a field. //
Aux_Value Used to store the foreign-item-options of a field. //
Class Hierarchy:
cm_ENTRYLISTRecord_BufferClass Definition
Functions and Procedures
Create_Items(Integer iFile)
Create_Items. //
This procedure will be called from the Data_Set when the Main_File is //
being set. It will create an item for each field of the file in this //
object. Fields of the types DF_OVERLAP, DF_TEXT and DF_BINARY are //
currently not added. //
End_Construct_Object. //
Make sure this object cannot be activated implicitely or explicitely. //
OnNewCurrentRecord(RowId riOld RowId riNew)
New_Current_Record. //
This procedure will be called from the parent Data_Set whenever the //
Data_Set changes its Current_Record property, or after a Save, Delete //
or Clear operation. //
We use this event to store the values of the fields in our local //
record buffer. //
Set(Integer iState)
Procedure Set Changed_State. //
Make sure to set the Changed_State of the Data_Set to TRUE when a //
field value changes and it's not during the Setting of the Defaults. //
References (1):