*** With the WWRITEPOS/LN commands you can use 2-4 arguments *** 1. Required = Text *** 2. Required = Position to start at from left margin. Depending *** on if DFCurrent_Metrics is set to CM or INCH *** 3. Not Req. = FonstStyle *** 4. Not Req. = Number of decimals *** !!! If you want to set decimals you MUST use all 4 arguments *** 5. Max length (0 means no max) ***
#IF (!0=5) #IFCLASS !1 "F" // if file field we want to rtrim the value - only works with WP2 Send DFWritelnPos of WinPrintID !1 !3 !2 !4 !5 1 // last param is 0 or 1 - 1=right trim #ELSE Send DFWritelnPos of WinPrintID !1 !3 !2 !4 !5 0 #ENDIF #ENDIF #IF (!0=4) DFWritelnPos !1 !2 !3 !4 0 #ENDIF #IF (!0=3) DFWritelnPos !1 !2 !3 -1 0 #ENDIF #IF (!0=2) DFWritelnPos !1 !2 FONT_DEFAULT -1 0 #ENDIF