- Integer
*** With the DFWRITE/LN commands you can use 1-3 arguments
*** 1. Not Required = Text
*** 2. Not Req. = FonstStyle
*** 3. Not Req. = Number of decimals
*** !!! If you want to set decimals you MUST use all 3 arguments
*** With the WRITECOL/LN commands you can use 2-4 arguments
*** 1. Required = Text
*** 2. Required = Column to write to
*** 3. Not Req. = FonstStyle
*** 4. Not Req. = Number of decimals
*** !!! If you want to set decimals you MUST use all 4 arguments
*** With the WWRITEPOS/LN commands you can use 2-4 arguments
*** 1. Required = Text
*** 2. Required = Position to start at from left margin. Depending
*** on if DFCurrent_Metrics is set to CM or INCH
*** 3. Not Req. = FonstStyle
*** 4. Not Req. = Number of decimals
*** !!! If you want to set decimals you MUST use all 4 arguments
*** 5. Max length (0 means no max)
*** Following command sets the font and remains active until
*** you change to another font
*** 1. Required = A valid Windows font
*** With the WFontsize command you can use 1-2 arguments
*** 1. Required = Hi
*** 2. Not Req. = Wi
*** Following commands sets the margins of your document
*** 1. Required = Margin in CM or INCH depending in metrics
*** You can also use the procedure DFSetMargins to set all
*** margins at the same time.
*** DFBeginHeader creates a headertype of your choise
*** 1. Required = HeaderType
*** 2. Not Req. = Headernumber
*** DFEndHeader endns a header section. And prints the header.
*** Headers can NOT be nested
*** DFHeaderPos
*** 1. Required = Header position
*** DFHeaderFrame
*** 1. Required = Header frame type
*** 2. Not Req. = Weight of line
*** 3. Not Req. = line color //RGB_??
*** 4. Not Reg. = Fill color //RGB_??
*** DFHeaderMargin (JvH)
*** 1. Required = Margin type
*** HM_TOPOUTER = 0 // margin above the top of the header's frame
*** HM_TOPINNER = 1 // margin below the top of the header's frame
*** HM_BOTTOMINNER = 2 // margin above the bottom of the header's frame
*** HM_BOTTOMOUTER = 3 // margin below the bottom of the header's frame
*** 2. Required = Size of margin
*** DFHeaderWrap
*** 1. Required = On/Off
*** HDR_NOWRAP = 0
*** HDR_WRAP = 1
*** DFHeaderLineCheck
*** 1. Required = Number of lines to check. Using last settings of font
*** DFWriteBMP
*** 1. Required = Filename and path
*** 2. Required = Vertical start
*** 3. Required = Horizontal start
*** 4. Required = Height
*** 5. Required = Width
*** 6. Not Req. = Set current position or not //DFGR_NOPOS, DFGR_SETPOS
*** DFWriteEllip
*** 1. Required = Vertical start
*** 2. Required = Horizontal start
*** 3. Required = Height
*** 4. Required = Width
*** 5. Not Req. = Boarder/line color //RGB_??
*** 6. Not Req. = Weight of line
*** 7. Not Req. = Wrap to next page //DFGR_NOWRAP,DFGR_WRAP
*** 8. Not Req. = Fill color //RGB_??
*** 9. Not Req. = Set current position or not //DFGR_NOPOS, DFGR_SETPOS
*** DFWriteRect
*** 1. Required = Vertical start
*** 2. Required = Horizontal start
*** 3. Required = Height
*** 4. Required = Width
*** 5. Not Req. = Boarder/line color //RGB_??
*** 6. Not Req. = Weight of line
*** 7. Not Req. = Wrap to next page //DFGR_NOWRAP,DFGR_WRAP
*** 8. Not Req. = Fill color //RGB_??
*** 9. Not Req. = Set current position or not //DFGR_NOPOS, DFGR_SETPOS
*** DFLineCheck
*** 1. Required = Number of lines to check. Using last settings of font
*** DFCreateDiagram
*** 1. Required = Type of diagram //DFGR_??
*** 2. Required = Type of effect //DFGR_??
*** 3. Required = Height
*** 4. Required = Width
*** 5. Optional = Display XY Axis (true/false), valid ONLY for bar charts
*** DFWriteDiagram
*** 1. Required = Y-Position using current metrics //Constant can be used !!
*** 2. Required = X-Position using current metrics
*** 3. Optional = Set current position or not //DFGR_NOPOS, DFGR_SETPOS
*** DFBeginDiagram
*** 1. Required = Type of diagram //DFGR_??
*** 2. Required = Type of effect //DFGR_??
*** 3. Required = Y-Position using current metrics //Constant can be used !!
*** 4. Required = X-Position using current metrics
*** 5. Required = Height
*** 6. Required = Width
*** 7. Optional = Display XY Axis (true/false), valid ONLY for bar charts
*** 8. Optional = Set current position or not //DFGR_NOPOS, DFGR_SETPOS
*** DFDiagram_Item
*** 1. Required = Value
*** 2. Required = Label
*** 3. Not Req. = No value, Value or percent DFGR_NOVAL,DFGR_VAL,DFGR_PER
*** 4. Not Req. = Number of decimals
*** 5. Not Req. = Move slice in pie //DFGR_IN, DFGR_OUT
*** 6. Not Reg. = Fill color //RGB_??
*** 8. Not Req. = Boarder color //RGB_??
*** DFEndDiagram
*** DFDiagramLabel
*** 1. Required = Label text (top)
*** DFDiagramXLabel
*** 1. Required = Label text (top)
*** DFDiagramYLabel
*** 1. Required = Label text (top)
*** 2. Orientation = Vertical/Horizontal
*** DFWriteXYLine
*** 1. Required = Vertical start
*** 2. Required = Horizontal start
*** 3. Required = Vertical stopp
*** 4. Required = Horizontal stopp
*** 5. Not Req. = Boarder/line color //RGB_??
*** 6. Not Req. = Weight of line
*** 7. Not Req. = Wrap to next page //DFGR_NOWRAP,DFGR_WRAP
*** 8. Not Req. = Set current position or not //DFGR_NOPOS, DFGR_SETPOS
*** DFWriteLine
*** 1. Required = Vertical start
*** 2. Required = Horizontal start
*** 3. Required = Length
*** 4. Not Req. = Horizontal/Vertical //RGB_HORI RGB_VERT
*** 5. Not Req. = Boarder/line color //RGB_??
*** 6. Not Req. = Weight of line
*** 7. Not Req. = Set current position or not //DFGR_NOPOS, DFGR_SETPOS
*** DFSetNumberOfCopies
*** 1. Required = Number of copies