Module cInternetSessionBusinessProcess.pkg

**************************************************************************** $File name : cInternetSessionBusinessProcess.pkg $Author : Janne Wassberg $System : VDF Internet Server Created : 97-10-01 @ 17.27.59 Confidential Trade Secret. Copyright 1999 Data Access Corporation, Miami FL, USA All Rights reserved DataFlex is a registered trademark of Data Access Corporation. $Description $Rev History MG 1/23/01 Changed return value for DoCall to DF error messages. JJT 10/2/00 Added Get ddValue, Send SetddValue, changed ddValue to ddHndValue ----------------------- JW 1999-02-01 Changed DoMessage to take 6 params insted of 3 params, not in the documentation!!!! JJT 1998-11-11 Change Error_report to pass three params. Check that package revision is at least 5.0.6 JW 1998-10-31 Added a new Procedure Set CookieAttribute This function allows you to set the attributes of a cookie JW 1998-10-31 Added a new Procedure Set Cookie This function allows you to set a key of a cookie JW 1998-10-31 Added a new Function Cookie This function allows you to get a key of a cookie JW 1998-10-31 Added a new Function ServerVariable This function allows you to get all variables in the ServerVariables collection on IIS like ALL_HTTP, LOCAL_ADDR ............ JJT 1998-09-15 Added/changed support for ReportAllErrors, ReportLastError, ClearErrors ErrorCount, ReportErrorItem, ErrorQueueStart, ErrorQueueEnd, FileFieldErrorItem Changed Errors to call LogErrorEvent (gens error and event error) Added better debugging for DfFunc (reports errors back to html and logs em) JJT 1998-09-08 Add HtmlEncodeNoCRLF support for ddValue text edit controls JJT 1998-08-27 Changed interface support (GET_doProcess, DDGetValue, DoDFFunc) JJT 1998-08-06 Added support to ShowEntryError_State when sending field_entry. JJT 1998-08-05 Added test code to change "" to &quot for non-text field values (more still needed) JW 1998-07-19 Removed null termination in Copy_StringtoVDFISData JW 1998-07-19 Changed an expression in AllocVDFISData_pData JW 1998-07-12 Changed all critical memory errors to use the property for event logging JW 1998-07-08 Added a new function DoGetHtmlQueryString Retreives variables from ASP JW 1998-07-08 Added a new procedure DoLogEvent For event logging in the administrator JW 1998-07-08 VDF Internet Server Version 0.8-215 JW 1998-06-27 Source Merge for Internet by Janne Wassberg JW 1998-06-27 Version 0.8-201 JW 1998-03-10 Version 110 JW 1998-02-18 Version 105 JW 1997-10-01 File header created. ****************************************************************************

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