Class: cInternetSessionBusinessProcess

Module location: cInternetSessionBusinessProcess.pkg line 115 (view source)

This creates a remoteEntryProcess class that can talk to an InternetSession object. This provides the interface needed to connect the BPO to ISO. This class adds the layer to support communications between the ISO and BPO class

Class Hierarchy:




Direct Known Subclasses:


Class Definition


this is maintained by the system and is used by DDHndValue to determine if a ddValue should be HtmlEncoded. ddValue called by the ASP/JSP always set this true. ddValue called within your WBO do not. If you want encoded in you app, either use HtmlEncode(xx) or call ddValueEncode. If you augment ddHndValue, you can get this value to determine if you should encode or not. Never set it.
if false, use call interface that is registered. If true use eval to determine message if not found in interface (good for debuggin)
for internal use only

Functions and Procedures

Inherited from cDistributedBusinessProcess
redirect request to ISO
Inherited from cRemoteEntryProcess
StringCookie(String sCookieName String sCookieKeyName)
StringDDCurrentValue(Integer hMain Integer iFile Integer iField)
Get current field value. Prior to WebApp/3 this always returned an html encoded value. Now an extra param determines if this should be done. This was a private message so this change should not effect existing applications.
StringDDHndValue(Integer hMain Integer iFile Integer iField Integer iOption String sParam)
This can be an augmentation point to handle different iOptions and sParams as needed. Currently we only handle iOption=0 to get current field value
StringDDRowIdValue(Integer hoDD)
Get current RowId value in serialized format. Called from WebApp using ddValue Note that we pass the actual owner DDO
StringDDValue(String sFileField Integer iOpt String sPrm)
This is used to get normal data from a DD. It does not HtmlEncode any of the returned data unless the option is of a type that only makes sense if it is encoded (e.g. ddForm).
StringDDValueEncode(String sFileField Integer iOpt String sPrm)
This is a short cut message. It returns your ddValue data html encoded saving you the trouble of having to an HtmlEncode(xx). Useful with Web reports.
StringDDValueExec(String sFileField Integer iOpt String sPrm)
This is the same interface used by the external ASP/JSP call and can be used inside of a WBO to return all the same ddValue messages private, Use DDValue or DDValueEncode
IntegerDoGetDDValue(String sFile String sField Integer iOption String sParam Address pVDFISData)
Get FileField Value from DD and place it in pValue pointer to VDFISData structure
StringDoGetHtmlFormValue(String sFormName)
StringDoGetHtmlQueryString(String lpszVariable)
IntegerDoProcess(Integer iParam String sParam1)
<---(from ISO)---- OnSetFileFieldValue sFile sField sValue OnSetFileRecord sFile sRecordId The logic for these procedures already exist in a super-class. All the ISO has to do is to remeber to call them. returns error code: 0=ok This is a very old Interface which is called when you do a DoProcess call from ASP. The preferred method has *always* been to use Call. So don't use this.
DoSetFileFieldValue(String sFile String sField Address pVDFISData)
Get FileField Value from to VDFISData structure and move it into the DD
DoSetFileRecordId(string sFileName string sRecordId)
Move Passed record num for fieldname to the appropriate DD. The remote object should send this message in response to RequestSetFileRecords We expect that this message is sent by the Client (OCX) passing a filename and file number (we call it ID so we can move away from recnums). Sets Err if error occurs
DoSetFileRowId(string sFileName string sRowId)
Inherited from cDistributedBusinessProcess
Redirect to ISO
StringErrorMessage(Integer iItem)
Inherited from cDistributedBusinessProcess
Inherited from cDistributedBusinessProcess
IntegerFileFieldErrorItem(Integer iFile Integer iField)
see if error exists for this file and field. If it does, return the item number, else return -1. This can be used to see if a field had an error in DF or within ASP
IntegerIsFieldChanged(String sFile String sField)
Check if passed field is changed. This assumes that the internal properly psChangedField has been properly loaded with the changed-state form value from the asp file. Return values: -2 = changed field string does not exist (error) -1 = changed field string does not contain file/field value (error) 0 = field is not changed 1 = field is changed
LogErrorEvent(Integer iErr String sText)
LogEvent(Integer iEventType String lpszEvent)
Inherited from cDistributedBusinessProcess
Pass these properties to ISO. This makes it easier to debug
ReportAllErrors(String sHeader)
Inherited from cDistributedBusinessProcess
redirect request to ISO redirect to ISO object. This is a good augmentation point which would allow the BPO to determine how the errors should be displayed.
ReportErrorItem(Integer iItem)
Inherited from cDistributedBusinessProcess
redirect to ISO
ReportLastError(Integer bClearError)
Inherited from cDistributedBusinessProcess
redirect to ISO
Inherited from cDistributedBusinessProcess
redirect request to ISO This assumes that there are no errors when this is started!!!!
Inherited from cDistributedBusinessProcess
Create augmentation messages that will properly redirect requests tween the ISO and this object. ---(redirect to ISO)----> Send RequestSetFileRowIds Send RequestSetFileRecords Send RequestSetFileFieldValues Send ClearErrors Send ReportAllErrors Get hasErrors Get Search_File_Name Get Search_Field_Name redirect request to ISO. As of 11.0, this finds all Recnums and RowIds
IntegerSearch_Field_Name(Integer iFile String sFieldName)
Inherited from cDistributedBusinessProcess
IntegerSearch_File_Name(String sFileName)
Inherited from cDistributedBusinessProcess
In this class we pass filenames and field names and must make the needed conversion. These two procedures will provide this functionality by sending a message to the ISO asking it to handle this for us. These are good augmentation points
StringServerVariable(String sVariableName)
These messages are used to register and report the Call interface
Set(Integer bState)
Inherited from cDistributedBusinessProcess
Note that the default property values listed here. They are actually passed to the ISO object so they don't have defaults in each WO. If we defined defaults the studio would assume that removing a set statement would properly set a value to its default and this may not be the case. It is best to leave the defaults as undefined.
Set(Integer bState)
Inherited from cDistributedBusinessProcess
Set(Integer bState)
Inherited from cDistributedBusinessProcess
Set(Integer bState)
Inherited from cDistributedBusinessProcess
Set(Integer bState)
Inherited from cDistributedBusinessProcess
Set(String sCookieName Date dExpires String sDomain String sPath Boolean bSecure)
Inherited from cDistributedBusinessProcess
Set(String sCookieName String sCookieKeyName String sValue)
Inherited from cDistributedBusinessProcess
SetDDCurrentValue(Integer hMain Integer iFile Integer iField String sValue)
Set current field value as if entered via kbd (set changed_state, capslock, autofind, etc.)
SetDDHndValue(Integer hMain Integer iFile Integer iField Integer iOption String sValue)
This can be an augmentation point to handle different iOptions and as needed. Currently we only handle iOption=0 to get current field value
SetDDValue(String sFileField String sValue)

References (1):

ModuleContaining SymbolLine