- Vendor_DD : Vendor_DataDictionary
- Invt_DD : Invt_DataDictionary
- Customer_DD : Customer_DataDictionary
- Salesp_DD : Salesp_DataDictionary
- OrderHea_DD : OrderHea_DataDictionary
- OrderDtl_DD : OrderDtl_DataDictionary
- Integer[]
GetOrdersForCustomer(integer iCustNum)
Function GetOrdersForCustomer:
Searches for order number in the OrderHea file for specified customer number and returns order numbers
This demonstrates how to build and return data in an Array based on a fundamental datatype (array of integers)
iCustNum - Customer number
iArrayOfOrderNumbers - Array containing Order numbers for iCustNum
- Integer[]
iArrayOfOrderNumbers - Integer
hoCustomerDD - Integer
hoOrderHeaDD - Integer
iCount - Integer
iOldConstraint - Integer
- Boolean
ChangeCustomerAddress(integer iCustNum tCustAddress NewCustomerAddress)
Function ChangeCustomerAddress:
Change address for customer
This demonstrates how to pass in and use simple struct data
NewCustomerAddress - New Customer Address
bSuccess - Boolean indicating if the new address was changed successfully or not
- Boolean
bSuccess - Integer
- Integer
CreateNewCustomer(tNewCustomer NewCustomer)
Function CreateNewCustomer:
Add new customer to Customer file
This demonstrates how to pass in and use more complex struct data where
the struct contains an element that is itself another struct
NewCustomer - New Customer
iSuccess - Integer containing the customer number, if the new customer was added successfully
or -1 if customer not added
- Integer
iSuccess - Integer
hDD - String
- tCustomerInfo
GetCustomerInfo(integer iCustNum)
Function GetCustomerInfo:
Searches for customer number in the Customer file and returns customer details
This demonstrate how to build and return data in a simple struct
iCustNum - Customer number
OneCustomer - Structure containing Customer Information in Customer File
- tCustomerInfo
OneCustomer - Integer
- tCustomerInfo[]
Function GetCustomerInfoList:
Reads customer file and returns an array with a list of customers
This demonstrates how to build and return data in an Array of structs
ArrayOfCustomers - Array containing Customer from Customer File
- tCustomerInfo[]
ArrayOfCustomers - Integer
hoCustomerDD - Integer
- tOrderSummary[]
GetOrderSummaryForCustomer(integer iCustNum)
Function GetOrderSummaryForCustomer:
Searches for order number in the OrderHea file for specified customer number and returns order numbers,
date and total.
This demonstrates how to build and return data in an Array of structs
iCustNum - Customer number
ArrayOfOrdersSum - Array containing OrderSummary for iCustNum
- tOrderSummary[]
ArrayOfOrdersSum - Integer
hDD - Integer
iCount - Integer
- tOrder
GetOrderInfo(integer iOrdNum)
Function GetOrderInfo:
Searches for order number in the OrderHea file and returns order header and details
This demonstrates how to build and return data in complex structs.
This struct contains a member that is an array of structs
iOrdNum - Order number
OneOrder - Structure containing Order header and details
- tOrder
OneOrder - Integer
hDD - Integer
iCount - Integer
iOldConstraint - Boolean