- Construct_Object()
- WebServiceException(string sError)
A web-service exception (soap fault) is generated by calling this message with
error text and then exiting the function.
- HandleDeserializeXml(Address aXml string sDataType)
These three messages are directed from the callinterface object to here via the
phoWebServiceImplementor property. This means that WOs handle this making it easier
to augment
- IntegerhoXml
- AddressSerializeXml(Handle hObj string sDataType)
- AddressaXml
- DisposeObject(Handle hObj)
- LogEvent(Integer iEventType String lpszEvent)
- LogErrorEvent(Integer iErr String sText)
- IntegerpbAllErrorsToEventLog()
Pass these properties to ISO. This makes it easier to debug
{ MethodType=Property }
Function pbVerboseErrors Returns Integer
Function_Return (pbVerboseErrors(ghInetSession))
Procedure Set pbVerboseErrors Integer bState
Set pbVerboseErrors Of ghInetSession To bState
- Set(Integer bState)
- IntegerpbAllErrorsToLocal()
- Set(Integer bState)
- AddServiceTypeDefinitions(handle hoRoot string sNSPre string sNsURI)
- StringsXml
- IntegerhoXml
- IntegerhoDoc
- BooleanbOk
- AddServiceOperations(handle hoRoot string sNSPre string sNsURI)
- IntegeriCount
- IntegeriItem
- StringsMethodName
- StringsMethodType
- StringsComment
- BooleanbExtended
- IntegerhoOperation
- AddOperationParameters(Integer hoOperation String sNSPre string sNsURI Integer iMethodIndex)
- IntegeriParam
- IntegeriParamCount
- IntegeriParamType
- IntegeriDimCount
- BooleanbParamByRef
- StringsParamType
- StringsParamName
- IntegerhoParam
- StringWebServiceMetaData()
see WebServiceMetaData.xsd for a description of what needs to be generated here!
- StringsWebServiceMetaDataURI
- StringsServiceURI
- StringsServiceTitle
- StringsDocumentation
- StringsServiceName
- StringsXml
- IntegerhoXML
- IntegerhoRoot
- IntegerhoOperation
- IntegerhoParam
- StringsNsPre
- BooleanbDocumentStyle
- HandleSoapHeaderRequestNode()
- AddresspVDFISData
- AddresspData
- IntegeriTemp
- IntegerhoXml
- BooleanbOk
- BooleanbKeepAlive
- AddSoapHeaderNode(Handle hoNode)
- AddresspData
- BooleanbOK
- StringServerVariable(String sVariableName)
- StringsVal
- AddresspVar
- AddresspData
- IntegeriTemp
- IntegerbKeepAlive
- End_Construct_Object()