This error handler is marked as a private class. There is nothing you can do to this class
to either change it (WebApp requires a single based on this class) and there are no messages
you can send to it. All error handling messages are handled by public messages in other classes
that direct the messages here. The interface bwtween the public methods and the error class is
considered to be internal implementation.
- Integer
Current_Error_Number - Integer
Error_Line_Number - Boolean
pbUnhandledErrorSupportIf set false, this makes the error handler work the old way which
does not use the new unhandled dialog. Only exists for compatibility reasons
- Integer
Error_Processing_StateFlag which is sent when error is being processed. This
stops error recursion.
- Handle
phoInetSessionthis should not get set to a value until the COM object is created
and is working. When set, the error handler knows it that it can
send error messages to the COM handler.
- oErrorNumber : Array
We will store Err# in the main error object
- oErrorText : Array
- oFileNr : Array
- oFieldNr : Array
- oLineNr : Array
- oTrappedErrors : cTrappedErrors
- integer
Set_Error(Integer iErrNr String sErrMsg integer iLineNr Integer iFileNr Integer iFieldNr)
Pass Err Num, Error Msg, Line#, File, Field and error-type
- Integer
- Integer
Error_ErrNr(Integer iItem)
- Integer
Error_LineNr(Integer iItem)
- Integer
Error_FileNr(Integer iItem)
- Integer
Error_FieldNr(Integer iItem)
- String
Error_ErrMsg(Integer iItem)
- string
Error_Description(integer Error# string ErrMsg)
- String
- integer
Is_Critical(integer Error#)
** return true if an error number is critical
TrapError(integer iError)
IgnoreError(integer iError)
- Boolean
IsTrapped(integer iError)
Error_Report(integer iError integer iLine string ErrMsg)
- String
sSystemErr - String
sMess - String
sLabel - String
sFile - String
sDtl - String
sFullError - String
sStack - String
sSystemAndStack - Integer
iErrFile - Integer
iErrField - Boolean
bCritical - Boolean
bQueueErrors - Boolean
bLogAllErrors - Boolean
bLocal - Boolean
bHtmlErrors - Integer
hoInetSession - Boolean
bUnhandledSupport - Boolean
UnhandledErrorDisplay(Integer iErrorLine String sMessage)
- String
MessageBoxError(String sErrorText Boolean bCritical)
- Integer
iIcon - Integer
iRet - Integer
hoOldSelf - Integer
EnumerateErrors(Integer iMsg integer hObj)
Enumerate all errors.
For each error send iMsg to hObj passing all required error
information: iErr#, sErrorMsg, iLine, iFile, iField
- Integer
iCount - Integer
ErrorReportCallback(integer iItem Integer iMsg integer hObj)
if item is -1 it is last error
- String
sErrMsg - Integer
iFileNr - Integer
iFieldNr - Integer
iErrNr - Integer
iLineNr - Integer
ClearError(integer iItem)
this is used to remove a single error from the queue
if iItem is -1, last error
- Integer
- string
ErrorMessage(integer iItem)
- String
sErrMsg - Integer
- integer
FileFieldErrorItem(integer iFile integer iField)
see if error exists for this file and field. If it does, return the
item number, else return -1.
- Integer
iCount - Integer