- import declarations
- stringSFormat(String sText string s1 string s2 string s3 string s4 string s5 string s6 string s7 string s8 string s9)
define first, so we can use this for strings anywhere else.
- StringsParam
- IntegeriArg
- HandlegOwnerWindowHandle(Handle hoObj)
This returns the appropriate window handle to be used when you need a handle for a modal windows
dialog (e.g. Message box, Open file dialog). The handle returned insures that the proper handle
is used that will provide the required modality. The runtime uses the same logic when creating
DataFlex Modal objects
- IntegerhWnd
- IntegerhwPrnt
- IntegerhwTest
- IntegerhwOwner
- BooleanbEnabled
- StringCString(String Buffer)
Send gDoWinHelp
Function: CString
Take a DF string and return a zero terminated string.
- IntegerTermPos
- IntegerIsFlagIn(Integer fFlag Integer fFlags)
Function: IsFlagIn
Is bit in Flag (or any bit in Flag) in Flags
- integerAddBitValue(integer iBitValue integer iSource)
Function: AddBitValue
Add bit (set to 1) iBitValue to iSource
- integerRemoveBitValue(integer iBitValue integer iSource)
Function: RemoveBitValue
Remove bit (set to 0) in iBitValye to iSource
- IntegerShowLastError()
Function: ShowLastError
This function shows the error message for the system error codes
returned by GetLastError and returns the error code or NO_ERROR.
- IntegeriError
- IntegeriFlags
- IntegeriBytes
- IntegeriResult
- IntegerpAddress
- StringsBuffer
- IntegerGUIScreen_Size(integer eMode)
Function GUIScreen_Size
global returns the size of the screen
If eMode is 0 or no argument is passed, return actual screen size
if eMode is 1, return workspace size. (adjusted for Taskbar)
- IntegeriTop
- IntegeriLeft
- IntegeriRight
- IntegeriBottom
- IntegerbSuccess
- IntegeriHeight
- IntegeriWidth
- IntegeriSize
- StringsRect
- IntegerlpsRect
- StringgConvertChar(integer bToAnsi String sString)
Private Function: gConvert$Char
Convert String to Oem->Ansi or Ansi->Oem: Pass bToAnsi to determine convserion
This will convert both DF Strings and C Strings (zero terminated). If passed a
Cstring it will return a string with a terminating zero. If passed a DFstring
the terminating zero is not returned.
This function is used by ToAnsi and ToOEM. Developers are encouraged to use
these two functions
- IntegerpsString
- IntegeriVoid
- IntegerbIsCString
- StringToANSI(String sString)
Function ToAnsi
Convert OEM string to ANSI
Can be either DF string or zero terminated C style string
- StringToOEM(String sString)
Function ToOEM
Convert ANSI string to OEM
Can be either DF string or zero terminated C style string
- IntegerTo_Ascii(Integer vKey Integer bShift integer bCaps)
Private Function: To_Ascii
Convert Passed info into an Ascii (ansi) character using the
current regional style defined within windows.
Pass: Virtual Key, Shift key state, Capslock key state
Return: Ascii Char
- IntegeriScan
- IntegeriChar
- stringDefault_Currency_Symbol()
Function: Default_Currency_Symbol
Get currency symbol from Windows, stop any "." from symbol
- StringsCurrency
- IntegerlpCurrency
- IntegeriVal
- stringNumber_Default_Mask(integer ldigits integer rpoints String DfltMask)
Function: Number_Default_Mask
Create a VDF numeric mask passing digits, points and mask
- StringMaskStr
- StringNumStr
- stringField_Number_Default_Mask(integer file# integer field# string DfltMask)
Function: Field_Number_Default_Mask
Create a currency mask based on File, field and dflt mask.
- IntegerlDigit
- IntegerrDigit
- StringsMask
- IntegerWindowsMessage(Integer iMsg Dword wParam DWord lParam)
Function: Get WindowsMessage
- IntegerhWnd
- IntegerWindows_Message(Integer iMsg Dword wParam DWord lParam)
Duplicate maintained for backwards compatibility..Obsolete
- Set(String sKey String sValueName Dword dwValue)
Procedure Set Profile_Dword
- DwordProfile_Dword(String sKey String sValueName)
Function Profile_Dword
- IntegerdwValue
- IntegerdefValue
- BooleanIsUserAnAdmin()
- BooleanIsAdministrator()
- IntegeriMajor
- IntegeriMinor
- BooleanbUnderstands
- IntegerPointSizeToPhysicalFontSize(String sTypeFace Integer iPointSize)
Returns the VDF physical_FontSize value for the primary screen device for the passed typeface & pointsize.
This can be used to set the font size of a VDF control for any Font/Point Size.
- IntegeriFontSize
- IntegeriLogPixelsY
- NumbernFontSize
- BooleanbVoid
- IntegerhDC
- IntegerhFont
- IntegerhOldFont
- IntegerlpLogFont
- Integerlptm
- AddresspTypeFace
- tWinTextMetrictm
- tWinLogFontALogFont