- Construct_Object()
- DateToday
- DateRptToday
should use built in DF function CurrentDateTime()
- RptTotal : Array
- BooleanAutoOutput_State
If true, report is output upon completion. Either preview
or printer depending on output_device_mode
- IntegerPrint_Columns
When a new page is created (DFNew_Page) and the number
of columns is not passed, this is used.
- BooleanAutoNew_Page_State
This determines if a DFNew_Page should be executed when the
report starts. In some rare cases, you would not want this to
occur until a subheader
- IntegerPrivate.Output_Device_Mode
Output device (print or preview). Normally this is delegated to
the report view.
- HandlephoWinPrint
the report engine to use.
- booleanpbModalViewer
JJT: For now this is for testing.
- booleanpbMultiReports
- booleanpbFirstPagePrinted
- BooleanDocumentStatus()
returns the current status of Winprint Document object. dsNotStarted, dsStarted, dsFinished
note that the status can reflect a status from a different report. The winprint object is global.
- IntegeriStatus
- BooleanIsViewerActive()
- BooleanbIsActive
- BooleanIsPrinterValid()
- BooleanArePrintersInstalled()
- Add_SubTotal(Integer iCounter Number nData)
All subtotal commands use the outer main report. This makes it easier to keep
track of these numbers
- NumbernValue
- IntegeriObj
- Clr_SubTotal(Integer iCounter)
- Clr_AllSubTotals()
- NumberSum_SubTotal(Integer iTotal)
- NumbernRetVal
- NumberSubTotal(Integer iTotal)
Return sub-total and clear accumulator
- NumbernRetVal
- DFNew_Page(Integer Cols)
Note: Cols is optional. If no argument is passed it will use
the object's property Print_Columns (0 by default)
- IntegerPageNumber
- IntegerColumns
- BooleanbFirstPagePrinted
- Ending_Main_Report()
- BooleanbCancel
- BooleanbMultiReports
- EndMultiReport()
This must get called when you are running multiple reports (pbMultiReport).
Send this when the last report is complete.
- EndWinPrintReport()
- BooleanbAutoOutput
- IntegeriStatus
- IntegereMode
- IntegerSetup_Report()
- IntegeriErr
- IntegeriStatus
- IntegereMode
- BooleanbActiveViewer
- BooleanbChildReport
- BooleanbMultiReports
- BooleanbOk
- Close_Output_Device()
Cancel RO behavior - there is no device to close
- Initialize_Output_Device()
Cancel RO Behavior
- IntegerOutput_Device_Mode()
- IntegerhoId
- StringDevMode
- Set(Integer DevMode)
- ShowRuler()
displays a metric ruler in .5 increments. This can be
sent to make it easy to see how fields and labels should
be moved for alignment.
- Integeri
- Numbern
- Update_Status(string sVal)
status panel related agumentations to handle the auto-previewer
- IntegereMode
- Start_Status()
- IntegereMode
- StringsTitle
- StringsCaption
- Resume_Status()
- IntegereMode
- End_Status()
- IntegereMode
- IntegerReport_Interrupt()
- IntegereStat
- StringsMess
- BooleanbActiveViewer
- IntegerTest_KeyPressed()
- BooleanbStop
- BooleanbError
- BooleanbActiveViewer
- IntegereMode
- OnClosingView()
- BooleanDFPrintSetupDialog()
Attempt to make this as intuitive as possible. You cannot invoke this when a
report is active. If a report is not finished, you cannot do this.
If a report is finsihed it may or may not have a viewer present.
If a viewer is not present, we will clear the exising report (making the assumption
that a modeless viewer was closed and the report will not be invoked again). If a viewer
is active, we will pass this through to the winprint object which will show an error
invoke printer setup dialog
- IntegeriStatus
- BooleanbActiveViewer
- BooleanbOk
- DFPrintSetup()
It is better to use DFPrintSetupDialog which tells you if the dialog was canceled
invoke printer setup dialog
- BooleanbOk
- DFClearDoc()
clear document, remove viewer
- DFEndDocument()
tell winprint that the report is complete
- DFClosePreview()
close the previewer, does not clear the document
- DFPrintDialog()
popup print job dialog
- DFPrint()
print with printer dialog
- DFPrintDoc()
print without printer dialog
- DFPreviewWait()
invoke previewer in modal mode
- DFPreviewNoWait()
invoke previwer in modeless mode
- DFPreview()
invokde previewer based on pbModalViewer property
- BooleanbModalViewer
- PrintReport()
Print report to appropriate device (printer, preview) based
on output_device_mode
- IntegereMode
- DFSetPrinterPaper(integer ePaperType)
- integerDFGetPrinterPaper()
- IntegerePaperType
- DFSetPrinterBin(integer eBinType)
- integerDFGetPrinterBin()
- IntegereBinType
- DFSetPrinterResolution(integer eResType)
- integerDFGetPrinterResolution()
- BooleaneResType
- DFSetLandscape(boolean bIsLandscape)
- booleanDFGetLandscape()
- BooleanbIsLandscape
- DFSetMetrics(integer eType)
- integerDFGetMetrics()
- IntegereType
- DFSetPrintDlgInPreview(boolean bShowDialog)
- booleanDFGetPrintDlgInPreview()
- BooleanbShowDialog
- DFSetEnablePrintFromPreview(boolean bEnablePrint)
- booleanDFGetEnablePrintFromPreview()
- BooleanbEnablePrint
- DFSetMargins(number nLeft number nTop number nRight number nBottom)
- DFSetTopBottom(number nTop number nBottom Boolean bAllPages)
- DFSetDevice(string sPrinterName)
- stringDFGetCurrentDevice()
- StringsPrinterName
- DFSetUserDefinedPapersize(number nLength number nWidth)
- numberDFGetUserDefinedLength()
- NumbernSize
- numberDFGetUserDefinedWidth()
- NumbernSize
- DFSetNumberOfCopies(integer iCopies)
- DFPrinterBinFirstPage(integer eBinType)
- DFClearPrinter()
- integerDFGetDFColor(integer iRed integer iGreen integer iBlue)
- IntegeriWPColor
- integerRGBToWPColor(integer iRgb)
- IntegeriWPColor