- Construct_Object()
- integerValidate_Items(Integer Fg)
It is unlikely you'll need to validate "items" in this bitmap
class but you could...
- Entry_Display(integer file# integer flag)
created for EntItem simulation and Server support:
if file# = 0, display only if Target_File is in Done-array
else display only if file# = Target_File
- IntegerdFile
- IntegerdField
- StringsVal
- Entry_Clear(integer file#)
created for EntItem simulation: file# <> 0 means use Cleared-array
- Entry_Clear_All(integer file#)
created for EntItem simulation:
- Entry_Update(integer file# integer flag)
created for EntItem simulation and Server support
Normally entry_update gets called during saves and finds. When
Save: file# = 0 flag = 3
Find: file# <> 0 flag = 1
Allow Update Rules:
if Save update (file#=0, flag=3)
Allow Update if not noput and Target_File is in Done-array
and (new record or changed_state).
else if Find_Update (file#=Target_File, Flag=1) or misc (file#=0)
perform update
Modified so that an unchanged item is moved to the field if
the main file is a new record.
- IntegerdFile
- IntegerdField
- IntegerC_Item
- IntegerSrvr#
- Integerok
- IntegeriStat
- StringsValue
- Read_Data()
the read_data-message is sent when displaying
a record (Entry_Display)
- Stringfieldvalue
- IntegerdFile
- IntegerdField
- Clear_Data()
the clear_data-message is sent when attempting
to clear the screen
- Write_Data()
the write_data-message is sent when saving
a record (Entry_Update)
- Stringfname
- IntegerdFile
- IntegerdField
- Bind_Data(integer File# Integer Field#)
- IntegerData_File(Integer Itm#)
- Set(integer item# integer File#)
- IntegerData_Field(Integer Itm#)
- Set(integer item# integer Field#)
- Refresh(integer notifyMode)
- Update_Dependent_Items()
- integerItem_Count()