Module navigate.pkg

************************************************************************ Confidential Trade Secret. Copyright 1987-1992 Data Access Corporation, Miami FL, USA All Rights reserved DataFlex is a registered trademark of Data Access Corporation. $Source: k:\RCS\.\pkg\navigate.pkg,v $ $Revision: 1 $ $State: Exp $ $Author: james $ $Date: Apr 01 16:09:14 1997 $ $Locker: $ $Log: navigate.pkg,v $ Revision 2.3 1993/11/19 03:43:23 james Fixed bug in Request_Cancel message. Revision 2.2 1993/09/28 21:51:47 lee request_cancel now checks verify_data_loss. only a partial fix, though. real fix rqeuires lots of messy code that will have to wait for item/focus movement redesign. Revision 1.2 1993/04/28 00:20:34 james Initializing 3.04 source code. Revision 1.1 1992/09/08 14:43:07 james Initial revision Revision 1.4 92/05/14 15:49:42 unknown Updated Copyright slug - SWM. Revision 1.3 92/04/01 00:33:36 lee removed navstart and liststart (unused), renamed bind_main_file and bind_index in datalist to bind_list_main_file and bind_list_index to avoid conflict with commands used by data_set, moved bind_static from sellist to datalist as it only sets properties defined in datalist (not sellist). Revision 1.2 92/03/09 19:03:38 james Added #CHKSUB directive to insure source only compiled with correct revision of compiler. Revision 1.1 91/10/23 10:21:48 elsa Initial revision ************************************************************************/ ************************************************************************ File Name: Navigate.Inc Creation Date: January 1, 1991 Modified Date: June 26, 1991 Author(s): Steven A. Lowe This module defines the basic data-entry object operations and properties, collected in the abstract class Navigate_Mixin. This file should be USEd prior to and IMPORTed within the scope of the class definition by any user-interface (esp. data-entry) class which must support the data-entry object standards. This file is used by ENTRYFRM.PKG, WIDELIST.PKG, TEXT_WIN.PKG, and ENCLIENT.PKG. ************************************************************************/ Description Defines the panel navigation keys if necessary. Assumptions/Preconditions None. Exceptions If kSwitch_Panel and kSwitch_Panel_Back are already defined, no action is taken. Notes Used in on-key commands in define_navigation, below.

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