Module Dfbscent.pkg
Copyright (c) 1997 Data Access Corporation, Miami Florida,
All rights reserved.
DataFlex is a registered trademark of Data Access Corporation.
08/19/94 JJT - Blended Classes from CB and DAF
09/28/94 JJT - Added Entering to help with previous & switch_back
10/28/94 JJT - Added better switch logic.
Added automatic prompt button creation support.
4.0 Changes
01/18/97 JJT - Disabled Prompt Key (f4 invoke drop down list)
07/23/96 JJT - New Class names
06/03/96 JJT - Added DEO_Control_Object ID
03/28/95 JJT - Removed Layer for 0 class
Added DF navigate and Help DEO support.
Changed name to dfentry.pkg
Dfbscent.pkg (view source)- import declarations
- dbBasicComboForm_ : ComboEntry
- dbBasicComboForm : dbBasicComboForm_
- Integer
Error_Number - String
- integer
validate_Combo_item(integer item#)
** Temporarily disabled until interface for this is created!!!
** // augment left mouse down to pop up a floating panel. Default name is
** // deo_floater.
** Procedure mouse_down2 integer i1 integer i2
** integer obj
** Get Floating_panel_object to obj
** if obj eq 0 ;
** Forward Send mouse_down2 i1 i2
** else begin
** send mouse_down i1 i2 // activate
** if ( focus(desktop)=self AND ;
** Item_window(self)=i1 ) ;
** Send activate to obj
** end
** End_Procedure // mouse_down2
Validate against the combo list. report Error DFERR_BAD_ENTRY if bad!
Can be used by iValidate
- Integer
We should make sure the list is filled when the DSO knows about the
DEO. This way validations will be current.
- integer
Returns TRUE to indicate that this is a DEO control. This is used by
if you are within a DEO control message and should therefore
send a DEO message.
Bind_Data(integer File# Integer Field#)
References (1):
Field References (0):
Module | Containing Symbol | Line |