Set(Integer Itm String Val)
- String
Entry_Value(Integer Itm)
- String
Entry_Display(integer file# integer flag)
created for EntItem simulation and Server support:
if file# = 0, display only if Target_File is in Done-array
else display only if file# = Target_File
- Integer
dFile - Integer
dField - String
Display_Description(String DataVal)
Set the Combo item to the value passed. If not found make it 0
with nothing selected
- String
Entry_Update(integer file# integer flag)
created for EntItem simulation and Server support
Normally entry_update gets called during saves and finds. When
Save: file# = 0 flag = 3
Find: file# <> 0 flag = 1
Allow Update Rules:
if Save update (file#=0, flag=3)
Allow Update if not noput and Target_File is in Done-array
and (new record or changed_state).
else if Find_Update (file#=Target_File, Flag=1) or misc (file#=0)
Allow Update
Modified so that an unchanged item is moved to the field if
the main file is a new record.
- Integer
dFile - Integer
dField - Integer
C_Item - Integer
Srvr# - Integer
ok - Integer
NP - Integer
Mode - Integer
iStat - String
- String
Data_Value(integer item#)
- String
- String
Data_To_Description(String sValue)
- Integer
Itms - Integer
Itm - Integer
MatchItem - Integer
- String
Description_to_Data(String sValue)
- Integer
iItem - Integer
- Integer
- string
Combo_Description_Value(String DescVal String DataVal)
Public augmentation point. Pass current datavalue and all info
in record buffer. Should return what you want to see on the screen.
Augment to support various description/data Display formats.
- Integer
Combo_Add_Item(String Descr_value String Data_Value)
Message to add Items to a list. Similar to Add_Item except
it handles an optional second parameter. If no 2nd param the first
is used in its place. This will normally be used inside of Fill_List.
Send Add_Combo_Item Descr_Value {Data_Value}
- String
dVal - Integer
Default_Prompt(Integer Item#)
Can be used by iEntry or inside of Entry_Defaults
- Integer
Default_Code(string Dflt)