- import declarations
- Integer
EXTKEY - Integer
AnsiToOem(Pointer lpszAnsi Pointer lpszOem)
- Integer
AppendMenu(Handle hMenu Integer flags Integer NewItem STRING val)
- Integer
ArrangeIcons(Handle hWnd)
- Handle
BeginPaint(Handle hWnd Pointer lpPS)
- Integer
ClientToScreen(Handle hWnd Pointer lpsPoint)
- Handle
- Handle
CreateWindowEx(DWord dwExStyle Pointer lpClassName Pointer lpWindowName DWord dwStyle Integer iX Integer iY Integer nWidth Integer nHeight Handle hWndParent Handle hMenu Handle hInstance Pointer lpParam)
Creates an overlapped, pop-up, or child window with an extended window style.
The extended window style of the window being created.
The window class name. The class name can be any name registered with RegisterClass or RegisterClassEx
The window name.
The style of the window being created.
The initial horizontal and vertival position of the window
The width and height, in device units, of the window.
Handle to the parent or owner window of the window being created.
Handle to a menu, or specifies a child-window identifier, depending on the window style.
Handle to the instance of the module to be associated with the window.
Pointer to a value to be passed to the window through the CREATESTRUCT structure.
If the function succeeds, the return value is a handle to the new window.
- Integer
DestroyWindow(Handle hWnd)
Destroys the specified window.
- Integer
DestroyIcon(Handle hIcon)
- Integer
DestroyCursor(Handle hIcon)
- Integer
DrawText(Handle hDC Pointer lpsz DWORD cb Pointer lprc DWORD fuFormat)
- Integer
EnableMenuItem(Handle hmenu Integer uitem Integer uFlags)
- Handle
EndPaint(Handle hWnd Pointer lpPS)
- Handle
FindWindow(String sClassName String sCaption)
- Integer
GetAsyncKeyState(DWORD vkey)
- Integer
GetClassLong(Integer hWnd Integer Offset)
- Integer
GetClientRect(Handle hwnd Pointer lprect)
- Integer
GetCursorPos(Pointer lppoint)
- Handle
- Integer
GetDC(Handle hWnd)
- Integer
GetKeyboardState(Pointer lpkeystate)
- Integer
GetKeyState(DWORD vkey)
GetSysColor(DWORD nSysColor)
- Integer
GetWindowLong(Integer hWnd Integer offset)
- Integer
GetWindowPlacement(Handle hWnd Pointer lpsWndPl)
- Integer
GetWindowRect(Handle hwnd Pointer lprect)
- Handle
GetWindow(Handle hWnd Integer fuRel)
- Integer
GetWindowText(Handle hWnd Pointer lpsText INTEGER cbText)
- Integer
GetWindowWord(Handle hWnd DWORD nOffset)
- Integer
- Integer
InvalidateRect(Handle hWnd Pointer lpRect DWORD fReDraw)
- Integer
IsClipboardFormatAvailable(DWord dwFormat)
- Integer
LoadCursor(Integer hCursor Pointer ResourceID)
- Handle
LoadImage(Integer hInst String sImage Integer iType Integer cx Integer cy Integer iFlags)
LoadResourceCursor(HANDLE hModule STRING resid)
- Integer
PostMessage(Handle hwnd Handle uMsg DWORD wParam DWORD lParam)
- Integer
ReleaseDC(Handle hWnd Handle hDC)
- Integer
ScreenToClient(Handle hwnd Pointer lppt)
- Integer
SendMessage(Handle hwnd Handle uMsg DWORD wParam DWORD lParam)
- Integer
SetCapture(Handle hWnd)
- Integer
SetClassLong(Integer hWnd Integer Offset Integer NewLong)
- Integer
SetCursor(Integer hCursor)
- Integer
SetFocus(Handle hwnd)
- Integer
SetForegroundWindow(Handle hWnd)
- Integer
- Integer
SetKeyboardState(Pointer lpkeystate)
- Integer
SetScrollPos(Handle hWnd DWORD fnBar DWORD iPos DWORD fnReDraw)
- Integer
SetScrollRange(Handle hWnd DWORD fnBar DWORD iMin DWORD iMax DWORD fnReDraw)
- Integer
SetWindowLong(Handle hwnd Integer idx NUMBER wlong)
- Integer
SetWindowPos(Handle hWnd Handle hWndAfter Integer x Integer y Integer cx Integer cy Integer uFlags)
- Integer
SetWindowPlacement(Handle hWnd Pointer lpwndpl)
- Integer
SetWindowText(Handle hWnd string sText)
- Integer
ShowWindow(Handle hwnd DWORD flag)
- Integer
TrackPopupMenu(Handle hmenu Integer flags Integer x Integer y Integer res Handle hWnd Pointer lprect)
- Handle
WindowFromPoint(DWORD ptx DWORD pty)
- Integer
EnableWindow(Handle hWnd Integer bEnable)
UpdateWindow(Handle hWnd)
- Integer
OemToAnsi(Pointer lpszAnsi Pointer lpszOem)
- Integer
GetSystemMetrics(Integer nIndex)
- Integer
SystemParametersInfo(Dword uiAction Dword uiParam Pointer pvParam Dword fWinini)
- Integer
IsWindow(Handle hWnd)
- Handle
GetParent(Handle hWnd)
- Boolean
IsWindowEnabled(Handle hWnd)
- Boolean
RedrawWindow(Handle hWnd Pointer lpRcUpdate Handle hrgnUpdate Integer flags)
updates the specified rectangle or region in a window's client area.
Handle to the window to be redrawn
Pointer to a RECT structure containing the coordinates of the update rectangle. Ignored if the hrgnUpdate parameter identifies a region.
Handle to the update region. If both the hrgnUpdate and lprcUpdate parameters are NULL, the entire client area is added to the update region.
Specifies one or more redraw flags.
If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero. If the Function fails, the return value is zero.
- Boolean
GetMonitorInfo(Handle hMonitor Pointer lpmi)
See also MonitorFromPoint, MonitorFromWindow
- Handle
MonitorFromPoint(DWord x DWord y DWord dwFlags)
Retrieves a handle to the display monitor that contains a specified point.
See also MonitorFromWindow, GetMonitorInfo
Specifies the point of interest in virtual-screen coordinates.
Determines the function's return value if the window does not intersect any display monitor (e.g. MONITOR_DEFAULTTONEAREST)
- Handle
MonitorFromWindow(Handle hWnd DWord dwFlags)
retrieves a handle to the display monitor that has the largest area of intersection with the bounding rectangle of a specified window.
See also MonitorFromPoint, GetMonitorInfo
Handle to the window of interest
Determines the function's return value if the window does not intersect any display monitor (e.g. MONITOR_DEFAULTTONEAREST)
- UInteger
SetScrollInfo(Handle hwnd UInteger fnBar Pointer lpsi Boolean fRedraw)
handle to window
scroll bar type
scroll parameters
redraw flag
- Boolean
ScrollWindow(Handle hWnd Integer XAmount Integer YAmount Pointer lpRect Pointer lpClipRect)
- UInteger
GetScrollInfo(Handle hwnd UInteger fnBar Pointer lpsi)
handle to window
scroll bar type
scroll parameters
- Integer
MapVirtualKey(UInteger UInt UInteger uMapType)