Module cAutoWebreport.pkg

     2//                                                                            //
     3// $File name  : cAutoWebReport.PKG                                           //
     4// $File title : cAutoWebreport class                                         //
     5// $Author     : John Tuohy                                                   //
     6//                                                                            //
     7// Confidential Trade Secret.                                                 //
     8// Copyright 1999 Data Access Corporation, Miami FL, USA                      //
     9// All Rights reserved                                                        //
    10// DataFlex is a registered trademark of Data Access Corporation.             //
    11//                                                                            //
    12//                                                                            //
    13// $Rev History                                                               //
    14//   8/12/98 jjt - created                                                    //
    15//                                                                            //
    17Use cWebReport.pkg
    19{ ClassLibrary=WebApp }
    20{ HelpTopic=cAutoWebReport }
    21Class cAutoWebReport is a cWebReport
    23    Procedure Construct_Object
    24        Forward send construct_object
    25        Delegate Set phAutoWebReport to self
    26        { Visibility=Private }
    27        Property Boolean pbUseRowIds True
    28        // If an auto-report is created, register it in its parent WBO
    29        Send RegisterInterface get_AutoReport "get_AutoReport" "string sTable integer iIndex String hRef Integer iMax Integer iStart returns integer" ;
    30                                              "Obsolete (use AutoReport1). Create an auto-report for every field in the DD"
    31    End_Procedure
    33    { NoDoc=True }
    34    Procedure OnPageTop
    35        integer iFile iFields iField iType
    36        integer hDD
    37        string sValue sAlign
    38        Get server to hDD
    39        Get Main_file of hDD to iFile
    40        Get_Attribute DF_FILE_NUMBER_FIELDS of iFile to iFields
    42        Send WriteHtmlTableBegin 'Class="ReportTable"'
    44        Send WriteHtmlRowBegin
    45        For iField from 1 to iFields
    46            Get_Attribute DF_FIELD_TYPE of iFile iField to iType
    47            If (iType<>DF_OVERLAP and iType<>DF_BINARY) Begin
    48                Case Begin
    49                    Case (iType=DF_BCD)  move '"right"' to sAlign
    50                    Case (iType=DF_TEXT) Move '"left" width="40%"' to sAlign
    51                    Case (iType=DF_Date or iType=DF_DateTime) Move '"center"' to sAlign
    52                    Case else            Move '"left"' to sAlign
    53                Case End
    54                Move ('align='-sAlign * 'vAlign="top" bgcolor="Silver" Class="Header"') to sAlign
    55                Get File_Field_Label of hDD iFile iField DD_LABEL_SHORT to sValue
    56                Send WriteHtmlCellHeader (HtmlEncode(sValue)) sAlign
    57            End
    58        Loop
    59        Send WriteHtmlRowEnd
    60    End_Procedure
    62    { NoDoc=True }
    63    Procedure OnBody
    64        integer iFile iFields iField iType iPoints
    65        integer hDD
    66        string sValue sAlign
    67        Boolean bUseRowIds
    68        Get server to hDD
    69        Get Main_file of hDD to iFile
    70        Get_Attribute DF_FILE_NUMBER_FIELDS of iFile to iFields
    71        Get pbUseRowIds to bUseRowIds
    73        Send WriteHtmlRowBegin
    74        For iField from 1 to iFields
    75            Get_Attribute DF_FIELD_TYPE of iFile iField to iType
    76            If (iType<>DF_OVERLAP and iType<>DF_BINARY) Begin
    77                Case Begin
    78                    Case (iType=DF_BCD)  move '"right"' to sAlign
    79                    Case (iType=DF_TEXT) Move '"left" width="40%"' to sAlign
    80                    Case (iType=DF_Date or iType=DF_Datetime) Move '"center"' to sAlign
    81                    Case else            Move '"left"' to sAlign
    82                Case End
    83                Move ('align='-sAlign * 'vAlign="top" Class="Data"')  to sAlign
    84                If (iType<>DF_Text) ;
    85                    Get File_Field_Current_Description of hDD iFile iField to sValue
    86                Else ;
    87                    Get File_Field_Current_Value of hDD iFile iField to sValue
    89                If (iType=DF_BCD) Begin
    90                    Get_Attribute DF_FIELD_PRECISION of iFile iField to iPoints
    91                    Move (FormatNumber(sValue,iPoints)) to sValue
    92                end
    93                else ;
    94                    get HtmlEncode sValue to sValue
    95                //
    96                If (iField=1) Begin
    97                    If bUseRowIds begin
    98                        Get AddRowIdLink sValue to sValue //
    99                    end
   100                    else begin                             // we must support old because pages may be
   101                        Get AddRecordLink sValue to sValue // created that need recnum
   102                    end
   103                end
   104                //
   105                Send WriteHtmlCell  sValue sAlign
   106            End
   107        Loop
   108        Send WriteHtmlRowEnd
   109    End_Procedure
   111    { NoDoc=True }
   112    Procedure OnPageBottom
   113        Send WriteHtmlTableEnd
   114    End_Procedure
   116    { Obsolete=True }
   117    Function DoAutoReport integer iIndex string sHref integer iMax integer iStart Returns integer
   118        boolean bUseRowIdsOld
   119        If (Server(self)=0) Begin
   120            Error DFERR_PROGRAM C_$NoDDOForReport
   121            Function_return 0
   122        end
   123        Get pbUseRowIds to bUseRowIdsOld
   124        Set pbUseRowIds to False
   125        Set piMaxCount to iMax
   126        Set priStartRowId to (NullRowId())
   127        Set piStartRecord to iStart
   128        Set piOrdering to iIndex
   129        set psHRefName to sHref
   130        Send Run_Report
   131        Set pbUseRowIds to bUseRowIdsOld
   132        Function_return (piLastRecord(self))
   133    End_Function
   135    Function DoAutoReport1 integer iIndex string sHref integer iMax String sStart Returns string
   136        boolean bUseRowIdsOld
   137        RowId riLast
   138        string sLast
   139        If (Server(self)=0) Begin
   140            Error DFERR_PROGRAM C_$NoDDOForReport
   141            Function_return ""
   142        end
   143        Get pbUseRowIds to bUseRowIdsOld
   144        Set pbUseRowIds to True
   145        Set piMaxCount to iMax
   146        Set priStartRowId to (if(sStart="", NullRowId(), DeserializeRowId(sStart)))
   147        Set piStartRecord to 0
   148        Set piOrdering to iIndex
   149        set psHRefName to sHref
   150        Send Run_Report
   151        Get priLastRowId to riLast
   152        Move (if(isNullRowId(riLast), "", SerializeRowId(riLast) )) to sLast
   153        Set pbUseRowIds to bUseRowIdsOld
   154        Function_return sLast
   155    End_Function