Class: navigate_mixin

Module location: navigate.pkg line 125 (view source)

Class Hierarchy:


Class Definition



Functions and Procedures

Description This procedure defines the accelerator keys and properties required to support the data-entry object navigation standard. Assumptions/Preconditions This procedure should only be invoked by the Construct_Object procedure of a class definition. Exceptions None. Notes Auto_Top_Panel_State determines if the Clear operation should rotate to the first object/item in the current group. Verify_Exit_Msg holds a message id (function) which is used to prompt the user during exit confirmation. If Verify_Exit_Msg is 0, the user will not be prompted to confirm exit. Verify_Exit_Msg is a private property, but access operations are defined below to allow it to be visible (public).
Description This procedure deactivates this object. Assumptions/Preconditions This object understands Request_Cancel Exceptions None. Notes None.
Description This procedure deactivates this object and ensures that the focus after deactivation is not an object which should be 'skipped' (in rotation, e.g. an action-bar), if possible. Assumptions/Preconditions This object must understand the Deactivate, Component_State, Changed_state, Focus, Verify_exit and Verify_data_loss messages. The focus must understand the Skip_state and Switch messages. Exceptions Deactivation may be cancelled by the user via the Verify_Exit function. Notes The deactivate message-send passes AREA_FLAG, which means that we want to deactivate the object in the focus tree which is either a scope (i.e. Scope_State = TRUE) or a pop-up (i.e. PopUp_State = TRUE), and which is closest to this object in an 'upward' direction (i.e. client/parent, not child or sibling).
Set(Integer msg#)
Description This procedure sets the value of the Verify_Exit_Msg property. Assumptions/Preconditions msg# should be a vlid messaage id, or 0. Exceptions None. Notes None.
Description This function sends the message which this object uses to prompt the user during exit confirmation. The result of the message-send is returned. A return value of 0 means that exit should continue, a non- zero return value means that exiting should be aborted. Assumptions/Preconditions None. Exceptions If this object has no message with which to prompt the user, this function returns 0 to permit exit without confirmation. Notes None.
Description This function returns a message id to be used to prompt the user during exit confirmation, or it returns 0. Assumptions/Preconditions This object must understand the Get_Component_State message (defined in NESTING.PKG). Exceptions None. Notes If this object's Verify_Exit_Msg is 0, this function returns the value of the parent object's Verify_Exit_Msg, if this object has a parent (indicated by Component_State = TRUE).