Module Dll.pkg
* Copyright (c) 1997 Data Access Corporation, Miami Florida,
* All rights reserved.
* DataFlex is a registered trademark of Data Access Corporation.
* Module Name:
* Creator:
* Data Access Corporation
* Purpose:
* Define the commands and replacements needed to call external
* function in Dynamic Link Libraies.
* Modifications:
* JVH - Apr 30, 1999
* Changed Pointer, DWord & Handle types from Number to Integer. They
* should always have been this way. Now we can use the Handle type
* to store Object ID's.
* Previously we defined the pointer data type as a DataFlex number.
* This was a flag that will tell the DLL calling code that the passed parameter
* is a pointer and should be placed on the stack as a 4 byte value. (no longer done)
* JJT: 3/28/2006 - moved the alias datatypes (handle, pointer, dword, void_type) and the
* external function calls to fmac.
Define the sizes of the known data types
Dll.pkg (view source)- TYPE
- Element
- StringDWORDtoBytes(Integer aDWORD)
Since DF allows the imbedding of binary zeros in strings, strings
passed back to DF (via reference pointers) often need to be sized
based on the position of the zero terminator. This function will
a valid DF string from a 'C' string.
- StringSHORTtoBytes(Integer aSHORT)
- IntegerBytesToSHORT(String Buffer Integer Offset)
- Integerin1
- Integerin2
- IntegerBytesToDWORD(String Buffer Integer Offset)
- Integerin1
- Integerin2
- Integerin3
- Integerin4
- StringCVTtoBytes(Integer iValue Integer Offset Integer DSize String Host)
- StringBuff
- IntegerBytestoCVT(String sValue Integer Offset Integer DSize)
- IntegeriValue
- StringStringtoBytes(String sValue Integer Offset Integer DSize String Host)
- StringBuff
- IntegerLen
- IntegerMemoryGetByte(Integer Buffer Integer Offset)
Memory access functions without strings.
- Integerin1
- IntegerMemoryGetWord(Integer Buffer Integer Offset)
- Integerin1
- IntegerMemoryGetDWORD(Integer Buffer Integer Offset)
- Integerin1
- MemoryGetField(Integer pSource Integer pDest Integer iOffset Integer iSize)
- BooleanbOk
- MemoryPutByte(Integer iValue Integer Offset integer Host)
- Integerin1
- MemoryPutWord(Integer iValue Integer Offset integer Host)
- Integerin1
- MemoryPutDWord(Integer iValue Integer Offset integer Host)
- Integerin1
- MemoryPutField(Integer pSource Integer pDest Integer iOffset Integer iSize)
- BooleanbOk
Requires that value is of the correct data type
value to dest at address
value to dest at address
value to dest at address
From Buff at address to value
Requires that destination is of the correct data type
value to dest at address
From Buff at address to value
References (15):
Field References (0):
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