Module Wingdi.pkg
--- WinGDI.pkg Symbolic Constants
Copyright (c) 1983-1997 Data Access Corporation, Miami Florida,
All rights reserved.
DataFlex is a registered trademark of Data Access Corporation.
Windows' GDI API related functions and symbols
Author: Stuart W. Booth
Wingdi.pkg (view source)- import declarations
- IntegerGetTextExtent(Handle hDC Pointer lpString DWord cbString Pointer lpSize)
- DwordMoveTo(Handle hDC Integer x Integer y Pointer lpPoint)
- IntegerLineTo(Handle hDC Integer X Integer Y)
- IntegerRectangle(Handle hDC Integer X1 Integer Y1 Integer X2 Integer Y2)
- IntegerEllipse(Handle hWnd DWORD x DWORD y DWORD xx DWORD yy)
- IntegerRoundRect(Handle hWnd DWORD x DWORD y DWORD xx DWORD yy DWORD xCE DWORD yCE)
- IntegerPolyline(HANDLE hDC POINTER lpPolyRect DWORD dwPoints)
Polyline draws multiple lines with the given coordinates. the first point is a starting
point and there is no line drawn to this point.
- IntegerGetStockObject(Integer nIndex)
- IntegerSelectObject(Handle hDC Handle hObject)
- IntegerDeleteObject(Handle hObject)
- IntegerCreatePen(DWORD nPenStyle DWORD nWidth Dword crColor)
- IntegerCreateSolidBrush(Dword crColor)
- IntegerSetROP2(Handle hDC Integer fuFlag)
- integerTextOut(Handle hDC DWord X Dword Y POINTER lpszText integer num_bytes)
- integerSetBkMode(Handle hDC integer fuMode)
- DWordSetTextColor(Handle hDC DWORD crColor)
- IntegerGetDeviceCaps(Handle hdc Integer nIndex)
handle to the device context
item to be returned
returns the value of the desired item
- IntegerGetMapMode(Handle hdc)
- BooleanGetTextMetrics(Handle hdc Pointer lptm)
- HandleCreateFontIndirect(Pointer lplf)
References (3):
Field References (0):
Module | Containing Symbol | Line |