Module Winhlp.pkg
Confidential Trade Secret.
Copyright (c) 1997 Data Access Corporation, Miami Florida
as an unpublished work. All rights reserved.
DataFlex is a registered trademark of Data Access Corporation.
$File name : WinHlp.pkg
$File title : Windows Help support for 95
Notice :
$Author(s) : John Tuohy, Ken Ross
$Rev History
JT 06/27/97 File created
JT 10/13/98 Fixed bug - context string help not working! Pass Help_ParitalKey
This provides a single call global procedure call to get windows help.
Send gDoWinHelp iHelpType {sHelpFile {String sContext}}
Where iHelpType can be:
WH_STRINGCONTEXT - find by passed context keyword string
WH_INTCONTEXT - find by passed context integer id
WH_FINDER - load help topics dialog
WH_HELPONHELP - windows help on help
This is used by DfHlpCl.pkg (HelpSystem class) to make a API call. You are encouraged to use the
messages provided by the HelpSystem class. You ARE STRONGLY DISCOURAGED from making direct
calls to gDoWinHelp!
Winhlp.pkg (view source)- import declarations
- Integer
WinHelpStr(HANDLE hWnd STRING HelpFile DWORD cmnd STRING str)
Call Windows Help engine with string parameter (for searching)
- Integer
WinHelpCntx(HANDLE hWnd STRING HelpFile DWORD cmnd DWORD cntx)
Call Windows Help engine with dword parameter (for context ID)
gDoWinHelp(integer iHelpType String sHelpFile String sContext)
Protected Global message: Use with care
Displays help topic from sHelpFile based on a string context.
- Integer
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